Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible Study List

Revelation Timeline Decoded by David Nikao Wilcoxson - end times prophecy

On 01/14/21, I published my Revelation Timeline Decoded book.

Messiah’s apocalyptic vision is a war manual, that uses symbols and layers to hide the fulfillment. Old Testament symbols point to a literal fulfillment. If you read Revelation only from a literal perspective, the interpretation is hidden. It has four chronological layers, each of which spans from when it was written until Messiah returns.

This book explains the prophecies of Revelation on a timeline to help you see how the four chronological layers interact with each other, so that you can comprehend the whole vision.


This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study lists the Revelation Verse Studies.

These overview studies help you understand the apocalyptic vision.

The first key to understanding the fulfillment of Revelation is to see that it’s written from John’s perspective, so that we have a reference when it comes to the ‘great city,’ the eight kings of Revelation 17, etc. Read Revelation Is From John’s Perspective

Messiah used symbols that are defined in the Old Testament, to point to a literal historical fulfillment.
If you haven’t read the whole Word, then you can’t see the vision. Read Revelation Is Symbolic And Literal

Then read Revelation Symbols Defined

There are several times of great tribulation which have occurred in history, but people mistakenly lump them all together. Read Times Of Great Tribulation In Daniel And Revelation

We can look back to see how prophecies have been fulfilled in exacting detail. Read History Unveils Prophecy

Daniel’s End Times Beast

Daniel 2 and 7 describes four beast kingdoms; Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. The fourth beast kingdom of Rome stays in power until Messiah returns to destroy it. John picks up the narrative of the Roman beast in Revelation.

Read The Beasts Of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7

The apocalyptic vision is written in a way that hides the message from those who shouldn’t understand it.

Revelation 1-22 is not one chronological narrative. It has four chronological narratives, all of which span from the first century until Messiah returns. When you overlay the narratives on top of each other, then you see the complete vision.

Save and print out this Revelation Timeline Decoded summary image in landscape mode.

Then read Revelation Is A Layered War Manual

Revelation Layer One

In the first chronological layer of Revelation, John gives overviews of the three different phases of the Roman beast kingdom, which Satan uses to fight against Messiah and His saints.

Read The Phases Of The Roman Beast

The pagan Roman Emperors ruled the Roman beast kingdom until 476 AD. This was the ‘deadly head wound’ as the office ceased to exist.

Read Revelation 12 – The Roman Empire Beast Phase

The antichrist beast Popes rose to power over the ten civil kingdoms of the fallen Roman Empire, and ruled for 1,260 years from 538-1798 AD. They took to the Emperors title of Pontifex Maximus, leader of church and state, healing the deadly head wound.

Read Revelation 13 – The Roman Sea Beast Phase

Read The Antichrist Beast Of Johns Epistles And Revelation

Read 1,260 Years Of Great Tribulation

Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

The false prophet Jesuit Superior General rose to power out of the land (earth) of the Vatican, and has controlled the Roman beast kingdom since 1798 AD. When the White Pope was removed from power, he was wounded by the sword, but his office continued to exist (live).

The Black Pope controls the world through many front organizations, while hiding his power under the guise of a priest of Messiah.

Read Revelation 13 – The Roman Earth Beast Phase

Read The Image Of The Antichrist Beast Popes In Revelation – NEW!

Revelation Layer Two

In the second chronological layer of Revelation, John describes seven church eras which span from the first century until Messiah returns. You can see how the church eras match up with the phase of the Roman beast kingdom. We are in the last church age of Laodicea.

Read Revelation 2-3 Seven Church Eras

Read The Hour Of Temptation In Revelation 3:10 – NEW!

Revelation Layer Three

In the third chronological layer of Revelation, John gives the narrative of the seals, trumpets, bowls, the little book and the two witnesses; so that you can see how they match up with the phase of the Roman beast kingdom, and how they line up with seven church eras.

I also added the little horn of Daniel 7, the son of perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the iron-clay feet of Daniel 2; so that you can see how they were fulfilled chronologically.

The bowl judgments were against the pagan Roman Empire, as Satan used the Emperors to persecute the saints, killing millions.

Revelation 6 – 7 Seals Overview

Revelation 7 – Sealing of the 144,000
Revelation 8 – 7th Seal Silence

Satan found out that Messiah’s church grows the most under persecution, so he caused Emperor Constantine to end the persecutions, to seek to destroy Messiah’s church from within, by creating the Roman Catholic Church. This led to a falling away from the true Scriptural faith.

Read The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2

The Trumpet Judgments are against the pagan Roman Empire, which Satan used to persecute the saints. The trumpets represent army after army being sent against the Roman kingdom.

Daniel and Paul pointed to the Popes rising to power over the fallen Roman Empire.

The Roman beast kingdom (iron) has used the Muslim kingdom (clay) to carry out its agenda.

Read The Iron/Clay Feet Of Daniel 2

Trumpet judgments continued against the pagan Roman Empire, as the Muslim and Turkish armies were sent to desolate apostate Christians.

The era of the Protestant Reformation was an epic time in the history of Messiah’s church.

The printed Bible was needed after the antichrist beast Popes banned and burned the Scriptures during the Dark Ages.

Read Revelation 10 – The Little Book

Martin Luther compared what the Pope teaches against Scripture, and determined that the Roman Catholic Church is an apostate church, and not part of Messiah’s temple of believers.

Read Revelation 11 – Measuring The Temple

The Scriptures and the Saints both testified against the antichrist beast Popes during their reign of power. By 1514 AD, the Popes considered the two witnesses as good as dead. And then exactly 3 1/2 years later, Martin Luther posted his 95 Thesis that sparked the Protestant Reformation, which brought the two witnesses back to life.

Read Revelation 11 – The Two Witnesses

Killing The Two Witnesses Of Revelation 11 – NEW!

Revelation 11 – 7th Trumpet

Revelation 14 points to the harvest of souls during the Protestant Reformation, and the judgment which came upon Catholics.

Revelation 14 – Protestant Reformation
Revelation 14 – Mark Of The Beast

The bowl judgments are against the antichrist beast Pope and the harlot Roman Catholic Church.

Revelation 15 – 7 Bowls Prelude

The Fulfillments Of The Mark Of The Beast – New

Revelation Layer Four

In the fourth chronological layer of Revelation, John helps us see how the antichrist beast Popes, who lead the harlot church of Rome, rose to power our of the fallen Roman Empire; and how the harlot church will be desolated.

Babylon Is The Code Name Of Rome
Revelation 17 – Mystery Babylon
Revelation 18 – Babylon Destroyed

The Roman Catholic Church is arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with precious stones, fulfilling Revelation 17:4.

The End Of The Timeline

After the One World Government of the 7th bowl, and after the judgment of the harlot church of Rome, Messiah will return for His bride. HalleluYah!

Revelation 19 – Messiah Returns
Revelation 20 – Millennium, Gog Magog – Not published yet
Revelation 21 – The New Jerusalem

What’s Not On The Revelation Timeline

These false prophecy concepts are not part of the fulfillment of Revelation.

The 70th Week of Daniel
A Third Rebuilt Temple In Jerusalem

How The Roman Beast Kingdom Took Control

The Jesuits Helped Found America, To Use It As Their War Machine

How The Deceptions Spread

The Papacy And The Jesuits PDFs

Studies About Israel And The Jews

The Jews Right To The Land Of Israel – New!

Palestine Never Existed Reasoning From Zionist Christians Refuted – New!

What Do Jews Say About Zionist Israel? – New!

Are The Jews God’s Chosen People?

Other Studies

Is The Orthodox Church Scripturally Legitimate? – New!

Scriptural Witness Of Messiah for Jews – New!

Jesus Was Not Just A Good Prophet PDF For Muslims – New!

We Are In The Hour Of Testing In Revelation 3:10 – New!

Preterism Is Based On False Premises – New!

In Revelation Messiah Said I Come Quickly – New!

Revelation Fulfillment Memes

The Two Paths Of New Testament Manuscripts

Modern Bible Deception Verse Comparison Study

We Know The Antichrist Beast, False Prophet And Harlot Of Revelation By Their Fruit

Proof That Jerusalem Is Not Babylon In Revelation – New!

End Times False Prophets – New!

The Fulfillment Of Revelation Revealed In Roman Coins

43 thoughts on “Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible Study List”

  1. Shalom,

    My name is Bill Carmichael and i was made aware of your site by Bill Bledford who sent me i link. Do you have a newsletter which i could subscribe to. if so, can you please register me?.

    Shalom from Scotland, United Kingdom

  2. Hi David, can you enlightened me on the following verse Matthew 27:46? why Yahusha had the feeling of being abandon and cries out to Yah despite being aware to what waits him? Regards.

    • That’s a great question, as it’s hard to comprehend that the Father would abandon His Son.

      A great research tool is the Aramaic-English New Testament.

      The New Testament was written in Greek and Aramaic. Aramaic is a similar language to Hebrew, so it provides some more information.

      Here’s Matthew 27:46 from the AENT, “And about the ninth hour, Y’Shua cried out with a loud voice and said, “My El ! My El! Why have you spared me?”

      Death by crucifixion can take days. It’s slow and painful.

      Messiah had only been on the cross for six hours and He was surprised that He was passing away so quickly; so He asked His Father why He had spared him from the full pain of death by crucifixion.

      The Father clearly saw the obedience of His Son, so He cut short the pain of His death.

      Our Father did not abandon His Son, rather He had mercy on Him.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way!

  3. Hello David,

    It appears the Antichrist spoken of in bible was actually
    a zealot Jew named John Levi of Gischala who was yo blame for destruction of temple in 70AD.

    He also sat in and desecrated the temple and killed the Jewish priest.

    His zealot led militia persecuted people from 66AD to
    70AD roughly 3.5 years

    Have you done research on him?

    It also appears the 4th beast could represent zealot Israel.

    After Grecian empire the Maccbean war happened
    this transitioned into the Hasmoneoan empire which
    can be viewed as the fourth kingdom or fourth beast

    • Kwame, the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome fulfill Bible prophecy as the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast in Revelation; who leads the harlot church of Rome.

      The fourth beast is the Roman beast, which has changed forms over the years, as it was controlled by the Roman Emperors who Satan used to try to wipe out the early church; to the antichrist beast Popes of Rome who reigned for 1,260 years and caused over 50 million saints to be killed; to the false prophet Superior General of Rome, who is pushed the world into the One World Government.

      • David,

        John Levi of Gischala was a Jewish zealot
        that was behind the second Jewish revolt.

        John Levi took over the Temple, set himself up in the Temple as the
        Jewish savior (as God), looted the vessels of the
        Temple for their gold, and caused the daily animal
        sacrifices to cease as described in book of Daniel.

        Also in book of Revelation Jesus said he is coming
        quickly 3 times. Meaning his judgement was coming during John’s time.
        and his judgement came in 70ad. Also context of Matthew 23 and second
        coming was the destruction of Jerusalem in 70ad.

        Jesus told them this generation will not pass before
        Matthew 23 events happen meaning those events described in Mathew 23 would happen during their time.

        Also the beast is ruling of Grecian Romano part of
        Roman empire. Hasmonean kingdom of Israel did
        rule that area after they defeated Antiochus Epiphanes.

        Hasmonean kingdom of Israel was established after the
        Grecian kingdom so Hasmonean empire must be the
        fourth beast.

        Leviticus 26 described 7 fold judgements for Israel

        So all 7 fold judgements in Revelation must have been
        for apostate zealot led Israel. If you say some of the 7 fold
        judgements are for Rome it contradicts Leviticus 26

        So it appears everything in book of Revelation has already
        happened and it’s about Jesus establishing the kingdom
        on earth as he did in new testament and bringing
        judgement against zealot led Israel in 70 AD

          • Jesus said behold I come quickly 3 times in book
            of Revelation. Did he come quickly?


            What did he mean come quickly?

            He is referring to judgement.

            7 churches no longer in Asia minor

            As Jesus stated he removed there candlesticks.

            Also Catholics don’t deny Jesus came in the flesh.

            Bible states Antichrist belief systems deny Jesus

            came in the flesh. So Jews belief system aligns

            with Antichrist belief system.

          • The word “quickly” can mean suddenly or readily. Is that not what Messiah said about coming as a thief in the night?

            Messiah wrote about seven church ages which span from when Revelation was written until He returns. We are in the last church age of Laodecia.

            What John wrote in his epistles about antichrist denying Messiah, was not just about the antichrist beast of Revelation. John clearly said that there were many antichrists already who were doing that.

            1 John 2:22 says “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”

            The antichrist beast Popes have denied the Father by proclaiming to be God.

            The antichrist beast Popes have denied Messiah by proclaiming to be Him in the flesh, by proclaiming to be the leader of His church.

            The antichrist beast Popes have denied Messiah by proclaiming that Mary is the intercessor to the Father, denying Messiah His rightful place.

            The antichrist beast Popes have denied Messiah by carrying out the Eucharist ceremony which sacrifices.

            The Jews do not fulfill the verse by verse description in Revelation 13 and Revelation 17.

            The Jews do not fulfill prophecy as the Little Horn of Daniel 7.

            The Jews do not fulfill prophecy as the Son of Perdition.

            Daniel foretold four beast kingdoms, the last being Rome. John picked up the narrative and he described the different phases of the Roman beast.

          • I believe Roman Catholicism is a antichrist
            belief system lower case a

            Bible said many antichrists would come
            but then mention the Antichrist belief system
            capital A. I believe Judaism aligns with
            the Antichrist belief system.

          • The Bible never uses a capital A for antichrist. John described people who denied the deity of the Father and Son, as antichrist. That happened a lot in the first few centuries, as Satan was trying to discredit Messiah. Revelation does not use the word antichrist, rather it points to the beast.

            Please provide a verse by verse explanation of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17, to show me how Judaism aligns with the Antichrist belief system.

          • Jews denied Jesus was the Christ right?

            Isn’t any belief system that denies who Jesus was an Antichrist
            belief system? Such as Judaism.

            Judaism came out of Babylonian belief systems like Roman Catholicism

            You said

            “The antichrist beast Popes have denied Messiah by proclaiming to be Him in the flesh, by proclaiming to be the leader of His church.”

            But again Roman Catholics don’t deny Jesus came in the flesh.

            You said

            “Messiah wrote about seven church ages which span from when Revelation was written until He returns. We are in the last church age of Laodecia.”

            Jesus in Revelation spoke directly to those churches not us.

            When Paul wrote letters it was to churches in Asia minor not us.

            The harlot, was the city of Jerusalem. As we see in Revelation 17:18 and elsewhere, the harlot was also called “the great city.” And when “the great city” was first mentioned in Revelation 11:8 it was said to be the place “where our Lord was crucified,” i.e. Jerusalem. So let’s consider how the writings of Josephus answer three details in this verse:

            1. Who made Jerusalem desolate?
            2. Who ate her flesh?
            3. Who burned her with fire?

            Was it Rome, or was it Israel under the Jewish Zealots?

            Jewish Zeolots are largely responsible for destruction of Jerusalem

            Josephus said that when the Zealots attacked the people of Jerusalem in February/March AD 68, this was the beginning of the city’s destruction. He also said that the Zealots were “like a wild beast grown mad” that was “eating its own flesh” and tearing the city into pieces:

            Harlotry in old testament was always associated with Israel

            Jewsh False Prophets also worked with the Zealots
            so Jewish false prophets could be beast from earth

            The beast: Judea/Israel and later Zealot-led Israel; referenced in Daniel 2, 7; Revelation 11, 13-17, and 19-20

            A beast from the land: the false prophets (collectively) who worked with, and on behalf of, the Zealots/Sicarii; this beast was later called “the false prophet”; referenced in Revelation 13:11-17, 16:13, 19:20, and 20:10

            10 horns: initially 10 Jewish generals chosen to lead Israel’s war effort (Wars 2.20.3-4) soon after the Jews’ surprising victory over Cestius Gallus in November AD 66 (Wars 2.19); later some of them were replaced as the Zealots pleased (Wars 4.4.1); referenced in Daniel 7:7, 20, 24; Revelation 13:1; 17:3, 7, 12-14, and 16-17

            The saints persecuted for 42 months: approximately late fall AD 66 – spring AD 70; this persecution was carried out and/or supervised by the little horn up until the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom; referenced in Daniel 7:21-27; Revelation 13:5-7

            No one may buy or sell: The Zealots minted their own coins beginning in AD 66 to represent their independence from Rome and discontinued the use of other coins in Jerusalem, at Masada (60 miles away), and perhaps elsewhere; some were labeled “For the Redemption of Zion”; referenced in Revelation 13:17

            Two witnesses: Ananus ben Ananus and Jesus ben Gamaliel, two former high priests who led a peace movement in opposition to the Zealots until they were killed during the Zealot Temple Siege of February/March AD 68; they had “the mastery” over those who opposed them (Wars 4.5.2) until the time came for them to be killed; their bodies remained unburied in the streets of Jerusalem; they were killed the day after a great earthquake; their enemies rejoiced over their deaths; referenced in Revelation 11:3-13. These two high priest
            can be viewed as the restrainers in Thesolonian 2:6 who were standing in the way of
            Zeolots taking control

          • I will wait for you to read post


            June 2, 2019 at 8:19 pm

            and please provide response versus

            same scripted response about Papacy

          • I read everything on website

            Again good analysis of an antichrist belief
            system but as I have shown there are
            flaws in your analysis. Here is one
            you say 3 frog spirits equate to 3 world
            wars that’s a pretty big speculation

            Also the 7 age church theory does not make
            sense including your claim that we are Laodicea
            church age. Again Christ spoke directly to those
            churches not us.

            The true church age came to an end when
            7 churches in Asia minor minor came to
            an end.

            Are churches these days working same miracles
            Apostles did? No

            Why? Because the true church age ended

            Back during church age when people lied to
            Holy Spirit like Ananias and Sophira they
            dropped dead. Is this happening in today’s
            Church: No

            Are you raising people from dead and healing
            people? Why not? Because church age has

            Again because the true church has come to
            an end.

            Here is another major flaw so you say
            all 7 judgements were for Rome.

            Well Roman empire still rules today and
            yet Revelation says beast and false prophet
            are thrown into lake of fire.

            So are you saying God took a break
            on judging Rome and allowed them to
            rule to present day?

            If the Roman Empire was the beast of Revelation, how was this empire captured, slain, destroyed, burned, and cast into the lake of fire? Rome actually came out of the Jewish-Roman War (AD 66 -73) stronger than ever. History tells us that Rome was stronger in the second century AD than it was in the first century AD.

            Those seven-fold judgments of Leviticus 26 were reserved for Israel alone. They weren’t for both Israel and Rome. So it follows that when the fifth bowl judgment

            Revelation 16:11 says that “pains” and “sores” would come upon the people who lived in the beast’s kingdom, and implies that further judgment would come upon this kingdom for refusing to repent. During the Jewish-Roman War did people throughout the Roman Empire experience “pains” and “sores,” or did this happen to the people of Israel? When we read Josephus’ descriptions of civil war, famine conditions, dead bodies lying unburied, etc., it’s easy enough to understand that Israel was plagued by “pains” and “sores” during that time, and this was especially true in Jerusalem. It was Israel that refused to repent, and it was upon Israel that more judgments were heaped.

          • Finally your admitting your analysis can be wrong.
            It’s important to compare scripture with scripture
            as I have clearly done but got no response from

            You provided no response for this will assume your

            “So are you saying God released 7 judgments
            and then took a break on judging Rome
            and allowed them to rule to present day?

            David provide answer for above? So God
            has paused his judgement on throwing the beast
            and false prophet into the lake of fire?
            Where is explanation for pause in judgement
            in your analysis.

            If the Roman Empire was the beast of Revelation, how was this empire captured, slain, destroyed, burned, and cast into the lake of fire? Rome actually came out of the Jewish-Roman War (AD 66 -73) stronger than ever. History tells us that Rome was stronger in the second century AD than it was in the first century AD.

            Those seven-fold judgments of Leviticus 26 were reserved for Israel alone. They weren’t for both Israel and Rome.

            Dave show where Leviticus 26 judgements are
            for Rome? Please prove this.

            So it follows that when the fifth bowl judgment was poured out “on the throne of the beast,” it was Israel, not Rome, which experienced that darkness and pain. It was Israel that represented the kingdom of the beast. If the fifth bowl was poured out on Rome, then the bowls were only a six-fold judgment on Israel and “a one-fold judgment” on Rome, but that’s not the case. Leviticus 26 was completely, not partially, fulfilled

            Revelation 16:11 says that “pains” and “sores” would come upon the people who lived in the beast’s kingdom, and implies that further judgment would come upon this kingdom for refusing to repent. During the Jewish-Roman War did people throughout the Roman Empire experience “pains” and “sores,” or did this happen to the people of Israel? When we read Josephus’ descriptions of civil war, famine conditions, dead bodies lying unburied, etc., it’s easy enough to understand that Israel was plagued by “pains” and “sores” during that time, and this was especially true in Jerusalem. It was Israel that refused to repent, and it was upon Israel that more judgments were heaped.

            If you can’t refute this will assume analysis above
            is accurate and biblical

            Why have a forum and refuse to prove your position
            and give same scripted response

            Your website is based on biblical commentaries
            so don’t give scripted response and say ”provide
            verse by verse analysis” when your analysis
            is based on commentaries people can find at

            Bible prophecy repeats itself right?

            Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah so it will be..

            Entire Old Testament is about God judging Israel

            so would make sense it would repeat in New

            Testament specifically in destruction of

            Jerusalem in 70AD and as clearly shown

            judgements in Revelation.

            Hope you understand my position

          • You really are something Kwame. I’ve never said that I’m right about everything, but I give a verse by verse account for my explanations. You on the other hand just make statements, and you still have not given me a verse by verse explanation of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17.

            We could debate all day, but you’ve made it clear that you have nothing to learn from me. And nothing you’ve said makes me think that my explanations are wrong.

            Until you provide a verse by verse explanation of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 to show me how I’m wrong, I’m done with this conversation.

            I hope that you understand my position.

          • You said

            “The Bible never uses a capital A for antichrist. ”

            Explain this verse and use of capital A in Antichrist

            *Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.”

            I John 2:18 NKJV

          • Just because the translators of certain Bible put a capital A doesn’t mean that it should have been capitalized. The New King James can’t make up their mind. It’s capitalized in twice, and not capitalized three times.

            1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the[a] Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.

            1 John 2:22-23 New King James Version (NKJV) Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. 23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

            1 John 4:3 New King James Version (NKJV) and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

            2 John 7 New King James Version (NKJV) For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

            Try just sticking with the King James. 🙂

          • Also the 7 age church theory does not make
            sense including your claim that we are Laodicea
            church age. Again Christ spoke directly to those
            churches not us.

            The true church age came to an end when
            7 churches in Asia minor minor came to
            an end.

            Are churches these days working same miracles
            Apostles did? No

            Why? Because the true church age ended

            Back during church age when people lied to
            Holy Spirit like Ananias and Sophira they
            dropped dead. Is this happening in today’s
            Church: No

            Again because the true church has come to
            an end.

          • That versus is still differentiating between many
            antichrists and the antichrist whether or not
            capital A is used.

            I think you would agree

          • In Leviticus 26:18-28 God repeatedly warned Israel that a time would come when they would be punished “seven times” for their sins, as God would execute the vengeance of His covenant (verse 25). It’s no coincidence that the covenant imagery of Mount Sinai (Exodus 19) appears in the opening of the seventh seal, the sounding of the seventh trumpet, and the pouring out of the seventh bowl (e.g. thunder, lightning, an earthquake, loud sounds, and smoke/fire)

            The idea that the 10 horns were Roman provinces (or any land territories at all) really falls apart when we take note that Daniel 7:24-25 says that a little horn would arise and persecute the saints for 3.5 years AFTER the 10 horns arise. That little horn also had “eyes like the eyes of a man” (Daniel 7:8), which sure sounds like a human. So I believe the 10 horns were people rather than provinces, in the same way that the two horns of the ram in Daniel 8:20 were identified as “kings of Media and Persia” and the four horns on the goat (Daniel 8:8, 22) turned out to be four generals of Greece after the death of Alexander the Great.

            Here’s my proposal about the 10 horns of the beast described in Daniel 7:7-8, 20-25 and Revelation 17:3, 7, 12-17. In December AD 66, Israel’s war effort was placed into the hands of exactly 10 generals (Wars 2.20.3-4).

  4. You are leading so many people away from the Truth of the Word of God which is God himself.. you should be ashamed of yourself. Everyone reading this, do yourself a favor and do your own research. Instead of believing these lies.

    • What do you mean “do your own research”? The studies on this website show that I have done my own research, and it would seem that you’re believing the deceptions that your Pastor taught you.

  5. Hi David, That Aramaic translation is the opposite of all other versions including the Bishop, Geneva and King James. Your view point from the Aramaic is unheard of, but it fits more with a loving God rather than a god who abandons. I think I need that translation cause it appears the others are not always inline with the character of God. But then again its Aramaic and that is just plain odd (for a lack of better expression). Shalom

    • Hi Bob, I’m not clear about how the Aramaic translation is the opposite of all other versions including the Bishop, Geneva and King James. Are you speaking just about the passage about the camel going through the eye of the needle? Shalom


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