Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Is Rome The Great Harlot Video Review

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post reviews a video by Joel Richardson of FAI STUDIOS, called ‘Is Rome the Great Harlot? // THE BOOK OF REVELATION: Session 54′

Before I begin my review of Joel Richardson’s explanations, let me declare that I do these type of reviews, not just to expose false teachers; but to show what they teach, which you may have also been taught, so that you can see the truth and the deception.

These reviews serve as an open rebuttal of their explanations. It’s not about me, it’s about the truth of prophecy fulfillment which reveals the glory of our beloved Messiah!

What you will see in this review is that Joel Richardson isn’t just offering a different perspective, but that he’s purposely hiding the historicist narrative of prophecy fulfillment. 

If someone doesn’t understand historicism, they would listen to Joel explanations and probably think that they make sense.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the city of Rome is unquestionably the most widely held view regarding the harlot of Revelation 17. 

By his statement, we know that Joel Richardson understands that historicists have been proclaiming that the harlot is the Roman Catholic Church, so his explanations about Islam fulfilling that role are not one of ignorance.

People have been protesting against the harlot church of Rome, because of her manmade teachings which are contrary to Scripture, for over 1,000 years.

This is a sleight of hand technique, as Joel acknowledges that most people believe that Rome is the city of the harlot church of Rome, but then he misleads them to deflect blame away from Rome.

The concept of an end-times one-man antichrist, which is what Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas teach, is a deception from the enemy, to deflect blame away from the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, as Protestant Reformers all proclaimed that they fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and ‘the beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.

In the 16th century, the pope empowered the Jesuit Superior General and his army to counter the Reformation.

Part of that strategy was to create a false narrative of prophecy fulfillment which point to an end-times one-man antichrist, to deflect blame away from the pope. It’s only been during the last few centuries that people have believed the false, futuristic narrative of prophecy fulfillment, which sadly now deceives most believers.

Read How The Deceptions Spread

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that there’s really two positions, the historical/preterist view and the modern view. 

He declares that the historical/preterist view proclaims that the prophecies in Revelation were fulfilled in the first century.

Joel is purposely misleading people by associating the historicist narrative with the preterist one.

This causes people to dismiss historicists when they show how prophecy points to the harlot Roman Catholic Church which is led by the antichrist beast popes.

Joel Richardson has to know the historicist narrative as declared that he’s studied all prophecy fulfillment views.

He has to know that the great theologians of the 16th-20th centuries have proclaimed the historicist narrative, which shows how the prophecies in Revelation have been in the process of being fulfilled since it was written.

Joel Richardson cites people like Adam Clarke, Albert Barnes, John Gill and Matthew Poole; who wrote whole Bible commentaries, when their words seem to support his view. But he blatantly hides that they taught the historicist narrative of prophecy fulfillment, not the futuristic one that Joel teaches.

And he purposely created a false association between a preterist and a historicist, to get people to dismiss historicism. This is problematic.

Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that he will only focus on the end times position, because the preterist position is weak. 

Do you see what he’s doing here? By associating historicism with preterism, he’s hiding all of the evidence of the last 1,900 years, which validates that the harlot church of the antichrist beast popes of Rome, fulfills the prophecies in Revelation 17-18!

Once again, this is sleight-of-hand. He is misleading people with false associations!

Joel is hiding that Satan used Emperor Constantine to codify Romanism, a false Christian religion; to seek to destroy Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints, His Church, from within.

Joel is hiding that Revelation is about the historical narrative of two cities, the great city of Rome which is controlled by Satan, fighting against Messiah and His saints, who are called Holy Jerusalem.

Joel is hiding that the Satan-empowered emperors tried to wipe out Messiah’s Ekklesia during ten persecution periods, which took place from the first century until 312 AD.

Joel is hiding that the Satan-empowered popes banned and burned the precious handwritten Scriptures during the Dark Ages to hide the pure Gospel from people’s eyes.

Joel is hiding that the Satan-empowered popes used Catholics to torture and kill tens of millions of Messiah’s saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition.

Joel is sweeping all of that under the rug with his false association of historicism and preterism.

Read 1,260 Years Of Great Tribulation

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios uses a dismissive strategy about the saints who were being persecuted by the Roman emperors, mocking that they were trying to align their suffering with the prophecies in Revelation.

The more Joel talks in this video, the more he raises my righteous indignation! He is mocking the saints who were killed for their faith! SMH!

One of the reasons that Messiah gave the apocalyptic vision is so that the saints could look to see what had already been fulfilled, so that they could understood the historical battle and where they’re at on the fulfillment timeline.

I’ll use the persecution of the Roman emperors as an example.

Revelation 12 points to the painful birth of Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints during the ten persecution periods of the Roman Emperors. The persecutions built in intensity, leading to the tenth one which took place during ten years from 303-312 AD, when Emperor Diocletian sought to wipe out Messiah’s Church. So the last one was the most painful, like child birth. And it took place during about 280 years, which mimics the human gestation period. Revelation 12:11 speaks of them, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

This aligns with Messiah’s message to the church age of Smyrna, which faced the persecutions of the Roman emperors from the first century until 312 AD. The name Smyrna is based on the word myrrh which is a symbol of death, which is very fitting for this church age. The saints blood symbolically cried out for vengeance against the pagan Roman Empire, which came during the trumpet judgments, when army after army were sent to attack it, leading to its fall.

This also aligns with the fifth seal narrative, which points to the ten years of tribulation which took place during the tenth Roman Emperor persecution period that took place 303-312 AD, ten prophetic years.

Joel’s futuristic explanations of the prophecies in Revelation serve to hide the truth about what the saints have faced during the last 1,900 years.

And hypocritically, he looks around at what’s talking place today to try to align it the prophecies in Revelation!

Regarding the above narrative of Revelation 12, the church era of Smyrna and the fifth seal prophecy, Revelation has four chronological narrative, each which span from the first century until Messiah returns. When you overlap the narratives on a timeline, you see how the interconnect to give the full story.

Read Revelation Is A Layered War Manual

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios dismisses the historicist experience of the saints by proclaiming that Rome isn’t the great end times beast.

This declaration is built on the false belief that most of Revelation is about what happens in the last 7 or 3 1/2 years.

Joel is misleading people by proclaiming that Messiah only spoke about the end times saints, and basically didn’t talk about the saints who fought against the Roman beast kingdom during the last 1,900 years.

The saints who were persecuted by the pagan Roman Emperors and the antichrist beast popes, tell a very different story. And Joel’s explanation serves to hide their witness.

Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that pagan Rome no longer exists and that we now have a very different entity.

This is true, but Joel’s explanation is off-target.

Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 describe four beast kingdoms: Babylon > Medo-Persian > Greece > Rome, with the last one staying in power until Messiah returns.

In Revelation, John picks up the narrative of the Roman beast kingdom. In Revelation 12-13, which is one of the four chronological narratives; John points to the Satan-empowered leaders of the different phases of the Roman beast kingdom: the pagan emperors > antichrist beast popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals; who fight against Messiah and His saints.

Joel is misleading people by effectively hiding the different phases of the Satan-empowered Roman beast kingdom, which still controls the world.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that according to the Bible, Mystery Babylon is the single greatest false religion, of spiritual immorality that mankind has every produced.  

Joel repeats this declaration several times, seeking to convince people that Islam is the harlot, since there are 1.9 billion Muslims and only 1.3 billion Catholics.

Revelation 17:1 says that she is a “great whore” not the greatest. Revelation 17:4 calls her “Mystery, Babylon the Great” not the Greatest.

What Joel has done is create a false parameter, which he proclaims the Bible is declaring, to press the case for Islam being the harlot. This is more sleight-of-hand by Joel.

Who does Scripture declare is a harlot?

The Bible never calls Babylon or any false religion a harlot. It calls people who are supposed to be set-aside for the Heavenly Father, a harlot and a whore.

Jeremiah 3:6 calls the backsliding House of Israel a harlot because they worshipped the false gods which originated from Babylon.

The LORD said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? she is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there hath played the harlot.

Jeremiah 3:8 says that the House of Judah was also a harlot because they followed the same pattern.

And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.

Ezekiel 16:28-30 don’t call the pagan Assyrians the harlot, but declares that the House of Israel is a harlot and a whore for worshipping the false gods of the Assyrians.

Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians, because thou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied. Thou hast moreover multiplied thy fornication in the land of Canaan unto Chaldea; and yet thou wast not satisfied herewith. How weak is thine heart, saith the Lord GOD, seeing thou doest all these things, the work of an imperious whorish woman.

By these Biblical definitions, we see what a harlot is and we see that Joel Richardson is misleading people by proclaiming that a pagan false religion is a harlot.

The greatest false religion was created in Babylon, from which other cultures such as Egypt have proclaimed the pagan gods of Babylon. The Babylonian Mystery Religion has influenced cultures for many millennia.

Rome then adopted the pagan gods of Babylon, giving them different names. When Revelation 17:11 declares that the beast ‘was, and is not,’ it’s pointing to the Babylonian beast kingdom which ‘was not’ in existence when John wrote down the Apocalyptic vision. It points to the seven forms of government (seven kings) which took place until the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD.

It then points to the eighth king, the popes of Rome, who rose to power out of the Roman beast kingdom, and were given civil and ecclesiastic authority in 538 AD.

The popes of Rome are the priests of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, so it’s alive again.

The harlot Roman Catholic Church symbolically carries out the Babylonian Mystery Religion under the guise of the Scriptural faith.

Ask yourself, what would cause the Apostle John to marvel more:

A false religion like Islam which doesn’t claim to represent Messiah or the Bible?

Or a false religion which proclaims to represent the God of the Bible, which claims to be the one true church of Messiah, with a leader who proclaims to be Messiah’s representative; but symbolically carries out the Babylonian Mystery Religion?

Watch The Babylonian Priesthood Reborn In The Popes Of Rome video.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios gave the analogy of not buying gloves that only fit four fingers well.

This is another sleight of hand from Joel. Pardon the pun 😛

His explanation is based on how modern Rome doesn’t fit the description in Revelation 17.

But that’s a false narrative as Revelation 17-19 is one of the four chronological layers of Revelation, which describes events which take place from the first century until Messiah returns.

John is being shown that a supposed Christian Church (which was codified by Emperor Diocletian in the 4th century) would carry out the Babylonian Mystery Religion.

John is being shown that a supposed Christian Church would persecute Messiah’s saints, which took place when tens of millions of saints were killed during the Dark Ages and Inquisition.

This is why John marveled and the angel had to show how the popes rose to power out of the Roman Empire.

The irony is that modern Islam doesn’t fit the description in Revelation 17, so the glove doesn’t fit. 

Joel tries to make it seem to fit by pointing to Muslims killing Christians since the 7th century. But that lacks integrity as he’s judging the Roman Catholic Church based on what they’re doing today, not since the 7th century.

It’s become really clear that he’s not just deceived, but that he is purposefully deceiving people. 

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the harlot is described as a literal city, city-state, with influence over the people’s of the earth. 

Is Islam a literal city which has influence over the people’s of the earth? Are world religious, political and business leaders travelled to Mecca to meet with them? No!

Is Vatican City a literal city state? Yes! Are world religious, political and business leaders travelled to the Vatican to meet with Roman pope? Yes!

The ten kingdoms of the fallen Western Roman Empire bowed down to the authority of the popes and gave them their authority.

We see political, business and religious leaders travel to the city-state of Vatican City, to revere the pope. They’ve historically kissed the pope’s hand and bowed to them.

This is just more deception from Joel, whose explanations deflect blame away from Rome.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the harlot is the primary source of the shed blood of the saints during the last days.

This is another deception from Joel, as the prophecies in Revelation are not just about what takes place during the last days, but about the historical narrative of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom fighting against Messiah and His saints.

Revelation 12 points to the pagan Roman Emperors who shed the blood of Messiah’s saints during ten persecution periods.

Daniel 7 describes the little horn, the popes of Rome, who rose to power out of the ten kingdoms of the fallen Western Roman Empire, who wore out the saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition.

Revelation 13 points to the antichrist beast popes who made war with the saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition.

Read 1,260 Years Of Great Tribulation

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that knowing who is Mystery Babylon is not a issue worth dividing over. 

Actually it is, because when the saints understand that the Roman Catholic Church is the harlot church of the antichrist beast popes of Rome; then they are compelled to witness to Catholics to help them have a covenant relationship with the Heavenly Father through Messiah’s atoning work alone.

That is what took place during the Protestant Reformation, as the Gospel was hidden during the Dark Ages. Then the saints were given the Scriptures and they proclaimed that the Roman Catholic Church is the harlot church of the antichrist beast popes of Rome, and they proclaimed the Scriptural Gospel, and millions were saved.

In Revelation 18:4, Messiah told people to come out of the harlot Roman Catholic Church, lest they partake in her plagues.

That is worthy fighting for, but Joel’s explanations cover over these truths!

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that people will proclaim that he’s obviously a Jesuit and will declare conspiracy theory type of stuff.

Amazingly, that is what a Jesuit does, call people a conspiracy theorist when they proclaim truth, so that people will mock and dismiss the truthers.

This is more sleight-of-hand by Joel Richardson.

It’s interesting that Joel Richardson knows what a Jesuit does, which is to deceive people, but he fails to point to the leader of the Jesuits in prophecy, which in itself is a deception.

It's interesting that Joel Richardson knows what a Jesuit does, which is deceive people, but he fails to connect the leader of the Jesuit's to prophecy, which in itself is a deception.

Is Joel Richardson a Jesuit?  Is he a Jesuit coadjutor? Who knows? 

The end result of his explanations serve the agenda of the Jesuits, as he is misleading people with the false, futuristic explanations that Jesuit priests created to deflect blame away from Rome.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that 1 Peter 5:13-14 is the best verse, the best argument that Rome is the harlot

He admits that Peter was in Rome when he wrote his first epistle and that Peter was proclaiming that Rome is Babylon.

But then he dismisses Peter’s clear Biblical declaration, by saying that Revelation 17 points to Islam.

Joel cites theologians like Albert Barnes, John Gill and Matthew Poole, who wrote whole Bible commentaries, when what they say seems to support his explanation. Here’s what they proclaim about 1 Peter.

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible, which was written in the 19th century, says, Babylon the great. Papal Rome, the nominal head of the Christian world, as Babylon had been of the heathen world.

John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible, which was written in the 18th century, says, Babylon the great”; that is, the great city, by which name the church of Rome may well be called, because of the signification of it, confusion, its doctrine and worship being a confused mixture of Paganism, Judaism, and Christianity; and because of the pride and haughtiness of it, its tyranny and cruelty, and its sorceries and idolatry.

Matthew Poole’s Commentary on the Holy Bible, which was written in the 17th century, says, Most judicious interpreters, by the great city here, understand Rome, which is seven or eight times (under the name of Babylon) so called in this book, Revelation 14:8; 16:19; 18:10,16,18-19,21; nor is any other city but that so called.

This is more purposefully sleight-of-hand by Joel Richardson.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that by the 7th-8th century, the great capital of Christian persecution was no longer Rome, it was Mecca.

This is yet more purposefully sleight-of-hand by Joel Richardson.

He declares that the narrative of Revelation 17 is about what takes place in the end times, but to try to make his case that Islam is the harlot, he points back to what Muslims have done historically.

This is hypocritical, as he does not talk about how the popes of Rome caused Catholics to torture and kill tens of millions of Messiah’s saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition. They have historically killed a far greater number than Muslims have killed.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios dismisses that a Christian entity would kill Christians.

One of the reasons that the Apostle John marveled was that he couldn’t comprehend that a supposed church of Messiah would be drunk with the blood of Messiah’s saints.

Google “Catholic torture devices” and you see the barbaric ways that they used to torture and kill the saints, whom they called heretics.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios dismisses that a Christian entity would kill Christians.

Foxes Book Of Martyrs is filled with stories of the Roman Catholic Church torturing and killing the saints. Many saints were burned to death at the stake by orders of the Roman Catholic Church.

For Joel Richardson to dismiss that a Christian entity would not kill Christians is either massively ignorant or a deception to hide the truth.

Either way, it serves to deflect blame away from the murderous popes and their harlot church!

Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the colors purple and red in Revelation 17 are not literal. 

Once again, Joel is being hypocritical as he gives a literal interpretation of the prophecies in Revelation, but then proclaims that the description of the harlot being arrayed in purple and scarlet is not literal. 

Purple and scarlet are the official colors of the high priests of Rome! We have many pictures of them arrayed in fine linen and silk purple and scarlet garments. It’s an obvious description of the harlot church of Rome.

In Revelation 17:4, Adam of Parable of the Vineyard skipped over that she is arrayed in purple and scarlet.

To proclaim that it’s not a literal description is more sleight-of-hand by Joel Richardson whose explanations serve to deflect blame away from the antichrist beast pope who leads the harlot church of Rome.

Revelation 18:12-13 describes the materials that the harlot Roman Catholic Church purchases from the kings of the earth, to build her many ornate basilicas and to carry out her sacraments.

The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,  And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.

In their lavish Roman Catholic basilicas, which are like art museums, you see the following which fulfills the description:

You see that the basilicas are built with an enormous amount of marble and fine wood.

You see a lot of gold-plating and solid gold ornaments.

You see ivory and marble vessels.

You see priests who wear purple and scarlet attire which are made of fine linen and silk.

You see priests using cinnamon and frankincense, to burn incense in iron and brass censors.

You see priests using holy oils to anoint people during their sacraments.

You see priests drinking wine and using wafers made of fine flour and wheat during their Eucharist ceremony.

You see the popes tiaras made of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls.

Joel Richardson is misleading people about the fulfillment of Revelation 17-18.

Read Revelation 18 – Babylon Destroyed

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that Rome is not the greatest, biggest false religion that man has produced.  

He uses this definition to try to make it seem like Islam fits the description, as there are now 1.9 billion Muslims compared to 1.3 billion Catholics. But again, this narrative is based on his false declaration that Revelation 17 is only describing event which take place in the end times.

History shows that the false religion of Romanism of the Roman Catholic Church existed prior to the false religion of Islam.

The Roman Catholic Church is the mother and Islam is a daughter of the papal church. So collectively, they have misled many billions of people. I’ll cover this topic below.

The harlot Roman Catholic Church is the mother of many daughters, including the Greek Orthodox Christian Church which split from the Latin mother in 1054 AD.

Arguably, the Jesuits of Rome helped found the Mormon Church, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and other supposedly Christian denominations; which teach a false Gospel and a false Messiah. They couldn’t stop the saints from proclaiming the true Gospel, so they creating other ‘Christian’ religions to deceive people.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that as a Protestant, he says that he’s a son of the Reformation. 

Seriously?!? There is either a profound disconnect in his mind or more sleight-of-hand in that statement!

All of the Protestant Reformers declared that the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the ‘beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.

Is Joel proclaiming that? No! So he’s not a Protestant!

In fact, he’s declaring the very opposite, as his explanation about Islam being the harlot serves to deflect blame away from the antichrist beast popes and their harlot church.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that he is not incredibly adversarial to the Roman Catholic Church, which taught him a little bit about Jesus in a positive way.

Of course they teach about Jesus in a positive way, to get people to trust them. But then they mislead Catholics with a false gospel of works through the sacraments and a false intercessor in Mary.

When a church teaches a false gospel and a false Messiah, then they are not part of the true church.

We are called to be adversarial against a false religion which proclaims to represent Messiah, but teaches a false gospel and a false Messiah!

We are called to be adversarial against a church whose leader has proclaimed to be god, to forgive sins and provide salvation.

We are called to be adversarial against the man-made doctrine of the popes, such as Mary being sinless and that she is the intercessor to the Father, which is contrary to Scripture!

We are called to be adversarial against a church which now proclaims that all religions lead to the same God!

The fact that Joel Richardson just points to some small issues with the Roman Catholic Church doctrine is very troubling!

He should be condemning the wicked doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, which keeps Catholics lost in their sins, in the name of Jesus!

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios mentions the wheat and tares pointing to people in churches, some who are saved, others who are not.

The irony of that statement is that the Roman Catholic Church is the tares church which the enemy planted to deceive people.

It has the appearance of being a Christian Church, but in the name of Jesus it teaches a false gospel, false intercessor in Mary and many man-made concepts which are contrary to Scripture.

It has the appearance of being a Christian Church, but in the name of Jesus it has caused tens of millions of Messiah’s saints to be tortured and killed.

It has the appearance of being a Christian Church, but in the name of Jesus it now proclaims that all religions lead to the same God.

The fruit of the harlot Roman Catholic Church is toxic to men’s souls, like tares, like darnel. And her judgment draweth nigh!

Read We Know The Antichrist Beast, False Prophet And Harlot Of Revelation By Their Fruit

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the Roman Catholic Church is still Christian, and that it’s not a false religion.

Joel’s misapplication of the prophecies in Revelation hide the fact that most of the prophecies have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years.

The prophecy in Revelation 11:1-2 was primarily fulfilled by then-Catholic monk Martin Luther, who was given the Scriptures and told to use to ruler of the Word to measure what the popes teach against Scripture to see if they’re part of the true temple.

The temple in Revelation 11:1-2 is not a physical temple, it is Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints, His Church; as He is the cornerstone, the disciples the foundation and the saints are the stones which make up the walls.

Martin Luther found out that the Roman Catholic Church is an apostate church, which teaches a false gospel and false Messiah; so he delegated it to the outer court of the gentiles.

Martin Luther had this image created, which shows that he understood that the Roman Catholic Church is the harlot of Revelation 17.

She is depicted riding the Satan-empowered Roman beast with seven heads and ten horns. She has the popes’ mitre on her head, as he is her leader. She has the golden cup of abominations in her hand.

In citing Revelation 17:1, Adam Fink of Parable of the Vineyard didn't relate the water to the sea beast of Revelation 13.

The harlot is over many waters, symbolizing the people of the ten kingdoms of the fallen Roman Empire, which spoke different languages.

The kings of the fallen Western Roman Empire bowed to her and gave her their authority.

Like the wheat and the tares analogy, the Roman Catholic Church looks like it’s part of Messiah’s Church, His temple, but it’s not. It is the harlot church of the antichrist beast popes and it’s delegated to the outer court of the gentiles.

That doesn’t mean that there’s no true believers in the Roman Catholic Church, but this is why in Revelation 18 that Messiah told them to come out of her.

Read Revelation 11 – Measuring The Temple

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the Roman Catholic Church does not espouse the doctrine of the antichrist as defined in John’s epistles. 

That simply is not true.

The popes of Rome deny the Heavenly Father by having people call them the Heavenly Father, the Holy Father, which Messiah forbid.

The popes of Rome have denied the Heavenly Father by proclaiming to be God, to forgive sins and the provide salvation.

The popes of Rome deny that Messiah came in the flesh, as they proclaim that Mary did not have a sin nature and that she never sinned. If Mary did not have a human sin nature, then neither did Messiah, which denies that He came in the flesh and was capable of sinning, but did not.

The popes of Rome deny that Messiah is the intercessor to the Father, as they assign that role to Mary.

The popes of Rome deny that Messiah’s one-time sacrifice is enough to atone for all sins, as they repeatedly recreate Him being sacrificed during their blasphemous Eucharist ceremony, which is carried out many times a week in parishes all over the world.

Joel’s explanations effectively hide the evil doctrine of the antichrist beast popes.

Watch The Antichrist Is Hidden In Plain Sight 

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that during the Dark Ages, the Roman Catholic Church preserved Scriptural doctrine. 

History proves otherwise, as the Roman church of the popes proclaimed many man-made doctrines which are contrary to Scripture!

In 593 AD, the unscriptural doctrine of purgatory was established.

In 600 AD, they began using Latin in prayer and worship, to hide the Scriptural faith.

In 600 AD, prayers began to be directed to Mary and the dead.

In 709 AD, the kissing of the pope’s feet was established.

In 788 AD, the veneration of the crucifix, relics and images began, which breaks the second commandment.

In 850 AD, the unscriptural use of ‘holy water’ began.

In 995 AD, the unscriptural canonization of dead saints began.

In 1079 AD, the unscriptural demand of the celibacy of priests began, which has led to priests being homosexual, and raping nuns and children.

In 1090 AD, the unscriptural use of repetitious prayers to Mary using a rosary began.

In 1184 AD, the unscriptural, wicked Inquisition began, when they tortured and killed Messiah’s saints whom they proclaimed were heretics.

In 1190 AD, the unscriptural sale of indulgences began.

In 1215 AD, the unscriptural doctrine of transubstantiation and the confession of sins to a priest began.

In 1220 AD, the adoration of the Eucharist wafer (which symbolizes the sun god of the Babylonian Mystery Religion) began.

In 1229 AD, the popes issued bulls to ban and burn the precious handwritten Scriptures, and kill those who possessed them!

The fact that Joel Richardson proclaims that the Roman Catholic Church preserved Scriptural doctrine during the Dark Ages, when we can clearly see that they created manmade doctrine which is contrary to Scripture, proves that he’s either woefully ignorant or a wolf in sheep’s clothing!

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios talked about former Jesuit Alberto Rivera who proclaimed that Islam was created by the Roman Catholic Church; saying that Rivera was never a priest and that he was a deceiver.

What he’s doing is trying to discredit Alberto Rivera, so that you don’t believe what he proclaimed. 

Since Rivera left the evil Society of Satan Jesuits, he became their enemy, so they made accusations against him, saying that he was never a priest and that he misled people. So Joel is only citing their accusations.

What Joel is not teaching is that the feet of the statue in the vision of Daniel 2 represents the Roman beast kingdom, the iron, mixing with the miry clay of the Arabs.

The Bible calls the Israelites ‘clay’ but to the Abrahamic descendants of Ishmael, when Abraham mixed with the Egyptian handmaid Hagar, the great nation of Arabs was created, which is the ‘miry clay.’

The Roman bishops helped write the Qur’an and prop up Mohammed as the prophet for many reasons. 

The Gospel was being proclaimed in Arab countries, so by creating a false religion that would incite the savage Arabs, it has served to mislead billions of Arabs.

After receiving civil authority over the Western Roman Empire in the sixth century, the popes didn’t have an army, so they’ve used the Arabs as their proxy army to kill Christians and Jews, and capture territory including Palestine.

And they designed Islam to be similar to Romanism, so that they will be joined together in the end times One World Government. They both dress their women (Muslims and nuns) in black robes. They both use prayer beads to make repetitious prayers to a false intercessor. They both revere Mary. And they both appear to revere Messiah, but they teach false narratives about Him.

Look at how effective this strategy has been. Today, there are 1.9 billion Muslims and 1.3 billion Catholics, so 1/3rd of the world is deceived by these false religions. And now in Mecca, they’re building a place where the three false religions of Judaism, Islam and Roman Christianity are joined together in the name of unity; which excludes people who observe the Scriptural faith.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios points to a priest who guided Mohammed on his path.

He didn’t name the priest, who perhaps was Catholic. What he didn’t tell you is that Mohammed’s wife was a rich Catholic and that she and her cousin played a huge role in Mohammed’s development.

That seems like a really important clue to leave out, as Joel denies that the Roman bishops helped write the Qur’an and prop up Mohammed as the prophet.

Read Islam In Bible Prophecy

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that Rome doesn’t rule over the kings of the earth.

Once again, Joel is basing his explanation on what takes place in the end times, which is a false, misleading premise that hides the truth of the fulfillment.

Daniel 7 describes the little horn, the popes of Rome, who rose to power over of people of the ten kingdoms of the fallen Western Roman Empire.

The Revelation 13 sea beast narrative points to the antichrist beast popes who ruled over the sea of people of the ten kingdoms of the fallen Western Roman Empire for 1,260-years, from 538-1798 AD.

Revelation 17 points to those ten kings giving their power to the antichrist beast popes of Rome.

In modern times, the leaders of governments, businesses and religions, travel to the Vatican to visit with the pope. They look to the pope as the unifying leader of the world.

Nobody assigns that role to a Muslim!

Read Prophecy Points To The Roman Catholic Church Study

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the Revelation 17 prophecy is not talking about all of Christian history, but it’s talking about the last days, during the final seven years before the return of Messiah.

Here we see that Joel is misleading people by proclaiming that the 70th week of Daniel 9 is about a one-man antichrist and most of Revelation will be fulfilled during the 7-year tribulation period.

Any teacher who is basing their explanation of Revelation on the concept of a future 70th week of Daniel 9, the 7-year tribulation period, is misleading you. The false concept of a 7-year tribulation period is based on the 70-weeks of Daniel 9 prophecy.

The prophecy foretold when Messiah would appear to carry out His ministry, and when (in the middle of the 70th week) He would confirm the (everlasting) covenant (that was mentioned in Daniel 9:4) with His blood as the Passover Lamb, to atone for our sins. It’s not about the end times or the antichrist.

Read The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios points to the Sunday law of the SDA church, to dismiss historicism.

The Seventh Day Adventist Church may have been created to hijack the historicist narrative, to teach false explanations about the earth beast of Revelation 13, and to proclaim that a Sunday law will be the mark of the beast.

The deflects blame away from the false prophet Jesuit Superior General in Rome, and away from the true mark of the beast, which is revering (mark on forehead, thoughts) and obeying (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist beast pope. Read The Fulfillments Of The Mark Of The Beast 

That said, the SDA Church does teach some truths about the historicist narrative of the 70th week of Daniel 9 and Revelation.

What Joel is doing here is causing people to not listen to anything the SDA Church teaches, in order to cause people to reject the historicist narrative of prophecy fulfillment and to reject the teaching that the antichrist beast popes lead the harlot church of Revelation 17-18.

Read Seventh Day Adventist False Prophecy Fulfillment Teachings

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios used the famous saying of slimy O.J. Simpson lawyer, Johnny Cochran, if the glove does not fit, you must acquit,” to try to proclaim that Rome doesn’t fit the description in Revelation 17.

Islam does not fit all of the description in Revelation 17-18, so the glove doesn’t fit Islam.

In this video, Joel proclaims that modern Rome is not the harlot as it doesn’t fit the description. He pointed to what Rome did in the first century, to show that it didn’t fit then either. But he left out a huge part of Roman history between the first century and today.

Joel Richardson is intentionally hiding what has taken place during the last 1,900 years, during which the harlot Roman Catholic Church of the antichrist beast popes, have fulfilled the description in Revelation 17-18. 

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that he could be wrong.

The studies in the Revelation Timeline Decoded video series, audios and book, prove without a shadow of a doubt that the futuristic beliefs of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas are wrong.

Here’s a link to the Revelation Timeline Decoded video series.

Here’s a link to the Revelation Timeline Decoded audio podcasts.

Here’s a link to the home page of the website, where you can request a free PDF copy of the Revelation Timeline Decoded Summary study.

And here’s a link to order a printed copy of the Revelation Timeline Decoded book.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that you need to stop listening to shysters, as you’ve been lied to. 

Indeed, as Joel Richardson repeatedly gave misleading statements and created false associations, to purposely hide the historicist narrative of prophecy fulfillment, which validates that the Roman Catholic Church is the harlot of Revelation 17-18.

Joel Richardson is purposely hiding that the office of the papacy, the white popes, fulfill Bible prophecy as the antichrist beast who leads the harlot church of Rome.

Joel is purposely hiding that the office of the Jesuit Superior General, the black pope, is the false prophet, who is causing the world to be gathered under the authority of the white pope.

Joel is hiding that the 70th week of Daniel 9 was fulfilled by Messiah, when He came to carry out His multiyear ministry and die for our sins. Instead, Joel assigns it to Messiah’s enemy, to a supposed one-man antichrist.

Joel is hiding that most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years.

You should stop listening to Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas.

What you’ve seen in this study is that this isn’t just a difference of opinion. It was a purposeful hiding of information by Joel Richardson to mislead people.

Here’s an Open Letter To Dalton Thomas And Joel Richardson Of FAI Studios

Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Fatal Head Wound VideoJoel Richardson and Dalton Thomas teach a futuristic fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and the prophecies in Revelation.

The 70th week of Daniel 9 is about Messiah’s ministry and His blood sacrifice as the Spotless Lamb to atone for our sins. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

The Olivet Discourse foretold the events that would lead to the desolation of Jerusalem, the second temple and the Jewish nation; as punishment for the Jewish leaders continuing in rebellion against the Heavenly Father and for delivering His Son up to be killed. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

Most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years. It describes the historical narrative of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (pagan Emperors > antichrist beast Popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

The explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to deflect blame away from the enemy in Rome, and to mislead the end-times saints so that they’re not prepared for how the end-times will play out, and don’t know the context of Messiah’s return.

On the Bible Prophecy Decoded website you will find summary PDF’s, links to request free PDF’s on my books and links to order printed books.

#daltonthomas #joelrichardson #faistudios

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10 thoughts on “Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Is Rome The Great Harlot Video Review”

  1. Funny; Joel Richardson’s “FAI studios”… I was an airline pilot. In the maintenance logbook, “FAI” stood for “Fly As Is”. In other words: We know it’s broke. Use it anyway.

    Conflating historicism with preterism? The author of confusion is having his day!

    This is getting spooky now… Baldwin and Richardson both revealing themselves like this…

    • Thanks for sharing Guy. Yeah, I’ve reviewed other teachings by Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas, to show that their futuristic explanations are false. But this one from Joel proves that he is purposely hiding the historicist narrative from his viewers eyes.

      Indeed, Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas hide the historicist narrative of prophecy fulfillment by teaching the false, futuristic explanations. And Pastor Baldwin does it by teaching the false preterist explanations. And both of those false narratives were created by Jesuit priest to deflect blame away from Rome.

  2. I have enjoyed reading your posts on Joel Richardson and so thankful that you expose the manipulative lies and deception. Trying to interchange preterists and historians as being one in the same is the latest in the mastermind of of lies that I didn’t know was ping on until I read your posts.
    It is incredible the lengths these false teachers go to to bring about defection. Thank you for the chronology of the atrocities the papacy has gone through over the centuries by manipulating and trying to destroy Scriptures with their man-made doctrines. I had to copy and paste that on his You Tube video comment section.
    It’s interesting to note how Hollywood shaped the minds of people as the movies and tv shows (even going back to the 1930s and 40s) depicted true Christianity as the Catholic priests along with their holy water, Mary, graven images etc. was pushed into the minds of people as truth and acceptance. I used to think they were of God too.
    And sadly the PROTESTant churches are virtually nonexistent today. There is NO protest anymore. They have moved away from Protestant to become prostitute churches for the Jesuit/papacy by not preaching truth in Revelation and pushing the Jesuit futurist or Jesuit preterist created doctrine.
    But the Holy Word of God is clear throughout the Old And New Testament that God despises idolatry, graven images, or rejecting His precious Son Jesus Christ as THE only Way to God.
    God needs know help from man with man created objects or beliefs in other men. How rebellious men are to reject Him and substitute man made lies in the place of God.
    Thank you for your posts and I pray people see that this is to bring about God’s Truth and measurement of our lives with the Scriptures and NOT a man (I.e. pastor, pope, Mary, saints, rosary, etc.)
    It is the Bible that God will give us eyes to see and ears to hear when we diligently seek His ways. I allowed myself to be misled for years by relying on a pastor versus reading The Word for myself. I thank God that I have lived long enough to seek repentance and His ways through His Word.
    God has used you as a vessel to share the historical truth that I never knew until I came across your books and website. Thank you for all of your research and truth!

    • Thank you for your comment! Yeah, Joel’s hiding historicism by associating it with preterism is a blatant deception. He knows what a historicists teach, which is very different than the preterist narrative of Revelation.

      It will be interesting to see if he responds to your comment on his video.

      Yeah, the protest is basically dead. Just like in May 1514 AD, when the Roman Church declared that the witness of the saints and Scriptures was as good as dead.

      I pray that like the Reformers, we can bring Messiah’s saints out of their slumber with the truth of prophecy fulfillment, to expose the enemy’s deceptions, to cast them down from power, to set the captives free, for a glorious harvest in the end times!

  3. Thank you David for your hard work and diligence in publishing the truth. I am 74 years young and like you, I have many concordances, now found on photo libraries that confirm the conclusions you have shared with those that love truth. The gospel is simple, but man deliberately makes it hard so as to require educated fools to teach the Word of God, and a false doctrine to build up their church, donations and their monumental edifies surrounded by the graves of those they have deceived with there lying tongues. This is not a game, it is for your lives and your future. Be careful that you trust the one gospel and one Jesus recorded in the bible. May God bless all who seek after him with a heart for truth, because you will fine him.

    • Thank you for your comment and encouragement Clarence! Yeah, the enemy has made the simple Gospel and the straight-forward narrative of prophecy fulfillment, and made it hard to understand. Keep pressing on for the glory of our King!

  4. David,

    This is a wonderful defense against the falsehoods espoused by FAI Studios’ Joel Richardson.

    I admit I didn’t watch the video, I only read your response here. However, I find it incredibly interesting how about half way through your response, you cite how Joel claims that he isn’t a Jesuit and that people who call him that will just push conspiracy theories. Because right after that, the rest of everything he says is a giant defense of Roman Catholcism as being a fine Christian institution that is actually good in a lot of ways. He shows he even knows about Alberto Rivera and gives the standard Catholic defense that he was never a priest and that he was a liar.

    I know we cannot read people’s hearts and I pray for Joel that he is awakened to the truth and that he stops peddling these lies. That said, I very strongly suspect this man to have some sort of connection with Rome. If he isn’t a Jesuit, he’s extremely ecumenical and has been utterly seduced by Rome to actually make statements like “the Catholic Church preserved Christian doctrine”. If by “preserved” he means “tried to burn it at the stake and replace it with doctrines of devils” then he would be correct.

    Truly frightening to see how much Joel knows and yet is in denial about. That’s why I suspect a connection to Rome and the Jesuits, as perhaps Chuck Baldwin has as well. Once more, however, I will pray they break away from these deceptions with a repentant heart and come to the truth. Alberto Rivera and many others used to be terrible servants of Rome before they came out of her, so there is hope yet for them.

    Thanks for this response you’ve written and God bless in the name of our Lord Jesus.

    • Thank you for comment Matthew and for sharing your insight! Yeah, there’s a profound disconnect in Joel Richardson’s explanations.

      I used to think that he’s just ignorant of historicism and has been misled by the false, futuristic explanations.

      But this video showed that he’s purposefully hiding historicism, to make it seem like the harlot of Revelation 17-18 cannot be the Roman Catholic Church.

      He’s too well-studied in church history and the writings of the great theologians to not understand the historicist narrative.

      Yet he sweeps it under the rug by pointing to what the Roman Empire was like in the first century and what it’s like today, to say that Rome can’t be the harlot; which is ironic as the Jesuits pushed both the preterist and futuristic narratives, in order to hide the historicist ones that point to Rome.

      So that leads me to believe that he’s either massively deceived and pushes aside evidence to promote his futuristic explanations about Islam being the harlot. Or he’s working for the Society of Satan in Rome.

      The same is true of Pastor Baldwin, who pushes the preterist narrative of the fulfillment of Revelation.

      I really don’t like listening to their explanations, but I feel called to review their videos as I know that people are listening to them and that they’ve been misled by these deceptions. So hopefully my reviews help them see the truth and the deceptions.

      Keep pressing on for the glory of our King!

  5. History is so vitally important in order to understand prophecy . The church is destroyed for this lack of knowledge and the enemy has been busy distorting these truths .
    I praise and thank our Heavenly Father for raising up ministers of truth to expose the wiles and subtleties of Satan .
    This is how the battle is won !

    Thank you for your labors !

    • Thank you for your comment Suzette! Indeed, we see the amazing fulfillment of much of Revelation through the writings of people like Edward Gibbon, who wrote The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

      I’m trying to help people learn what the great theologians of history proclaimed, to help them see the glorious truth of prophecy fulfillment and the many deceptions.

      Keep pressing on for the glory of our King!


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