Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Does the Bible Really Teach Imminency Video Review

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post reviews a video by Joel Richardson of FAI STUDIOS, called ‘Does the Bible Really Teach Imminency? // THE RAPTURE & ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS: Episode 4

I agree that there is no Scriptural justification for a pretribulation rapture.

But the explanations from Joel Richardson are off-target, as they’re based on the false, futuristic narrative of prophecy fulfillment.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that in no way, shape or form does the New Testament anywhere teach a separation of seven years between the rapture and the return of Jesus. 

To that I proclaim that nowhere does the Old Testament or New Testament teach a futuristic 70th week of Daniel 9!

The pre-trib / mid-trib / post-trib rapture debate is based on the concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, but that is a deception to fool the end times saints. The 70th week of Daniel 9 prophecy foretold when Messiah would appear to carry out His ministry, and when (in the middle of the 70th week) He would confirm the everlasting covenant (that was mentioned in Daniel 9:4) with His blood as the Passover Lamb, to atone for our sins. It’s not about the end times or the antichrist.

It’s nonsense to proclaim that the same four verses in Daniel 9:24-27 is about Messiah’s death for our sins, and also about His enemy, the antichrist!

Read The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that large segments of the body of Christ dogmatically teach the pretribulation rapture. How do they teach something so dogmatically that is nowhere clearly taught anywhere in the Bible?  

Again, the absurdity of Joel’s argument is that nowhere is a futuristic end-times 70th week of Daniel 9 taught anywhere in the Bible.

Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas are experts at teaching the false, futuristic narrative of prophecy fulfillment; which a is deception that was created by the Jesuit priests in Rome to deflect blame away from the popes, as the Protestant Reformers all rightly proclaimed that the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the ‘beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios points to people saying that Messiah could return at any time, immanency. 

Joel is right that some prophecies still need to be fulfilled before Messiah’s return, but his false futuristic explanations of prophecy fulfillment serve to mislead the end-times saints, so that they don’t understand the context of Messiah’s return.

Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas teach that most of the prophecies in Revelation will be fulfilled during the last 3 1/2 years; which misleads people with a false script and timeline for Messiah’s return.

That is a false narrative as most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years and we’re in the sixth vial judgment, in which Messiah declares, “Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.”

Sadly, most believers don’t understand where we’re on the Revelation fulfillment timeline, so they don’t understand the context of Messiah’s return.

Read Revelation Fulfillment Timeline

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that Matthew 24:14 has to be fulfilled before Messiah’s return.  

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

On the surface, that seems to make sense, but it’s a false explanation that’s based on the errant concept that Messiah’s Olivet Discourse is about the end times.

Let’s look at Scripture references to show the spread of the Gospel spread around the Roman Empire, which is the  ‘world’ that is being referred to.

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.” Romans 1:8

But I say, Have they not heard (the Gospel)? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.” Romans 10:18

Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:” Romans 16:25-26

“If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister.” Colossians 1:23

The context of Messiah’s Olivet Discourse is the desolation of Jerusalem, the temple and the Jewish nation; because they continued in their rebellion against the Heavenly Father and they delivered Messiah up to be killed.

Daniel 9:26 foretold that Jerusalem and the temple would be desolated because of the Jew’s sins of delivering Messiah up to be killed (cut off). In Matthew 23, Messiah proclaimed that judgment was coming upon the Jewish leaders in that generation. Then He proclaimed that the temple would be destroyed.

All of those things took place in that generation, during the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD.

Read The Olivet Discourse Deception

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that Israel had to be repatriated by the Jewish people.  

This declaration is based on his dispensational futurist prophecy fulfillment explanations.

The sad irony is that most of the people in Zionist Israel today are not Jews by blood, but by religion.

They are the descendants of the Khazars who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. When they were pushed out of Khazaria, they primarily fled to Russia and Poland. Then under the guise of WWI and WWII, these Khazar Jews went to live in Palestine.

Most of Israel’s Prime Ministers came from Russia and Poland, and they changed their last names to sound more Jewish.

These are the people about whom Messiah declared in Revelation 3:9, that they are “of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie.”

The Balfour Agreement gave control of the land to Khazar Jew and Satanist, Lord Rothschild. This is why there’s a Satanic HEXagram on the Israeli flag and not a menorah.

The main street in Tel Aviv, which is the gay capital of the world, is Rothschild Blvd. Lord Rothschild’s image is on Israeli currency.

The main street in Tel Aviv, which is the gay capital of the world, is Rothschild Blvd. Lord Rothschild's image is on Israeli currency.

The blind support of Zionist Israel by Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas is woefully misplaced.

The Khazar Jews revere the Babylonian Talmud, which speaks evil things about Messiah, His mother and His saints; and the Satanic Egyptian Kabbalah, which contains sorcery.

Read Revelation 16 – 6th Bowl Judgment

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the Jews into all the nations must occur first.  

That already took place in the first century, when the prophecies in Daniel 9:26, Daniel 12, Matthew 23 and Matthew 24 were fulfilled.

Jerusalem and the temple were desolated, and the Jews were either killed or taken captive and sold a slaves.

Read The Olivet Discourse Deception

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios cites Luke 21:20-28, saying it’s yet future.

Luke 21 is the corresponding passage to Matthew 24, which declares Messiah’s Olivet Discourse.

The book of Matthew was written to Jews who understood what an abomination of desolation is, as they had the example of Daniel 8, which points to Grecian leader Antiochus Epiphanes surrounding Jerusalem with his army to take the temple captive.

The book of Luke was written to gentiles who would not understand the reference, so he declared it plainly in Luke 21:20-21

And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.

This took place in November 66 AD, when Cestius and his army surrounded Jerusalem  to take it captive. Then for no explained reason (other than the hand of the Heavenly Father) Cestius and his army left.

The disciples took this opportunity to escape to the mountains for safety as Messiah told them to do.

Then three divisions of the Roman army were sent against Jerusalem, which led to the unbelieving Jews suffering from civil wars inside Jerusalem and then being killed during the onslaught of the Romans against them.

Luke 21 is about the desolation of the Jewish nation in the first century, as it was the punishment for them delivering their promised Messiah up to be killed. It’s not about the end times like Joel proclaims.

Read Abomination Desolation

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that 2 Thessalonians 2 points to apostacy and the coming of the man of lawlessness, which must occur first.

Once again, Joel’s futuristic narrative of prophecy fulfillment deflects blame away from the pope of Rome.

The apostacy that the Apostle Paul pointed to in 2 Thessalonians 2, took place when Constantine and the Roman bishops held councils in the fourth century, to codify Romanism, which is a false Christian religion that has the veneer of the Scriptural faith, but is based on the worship of the pagan gods of Babylon.

After centuries of persecution by the Emperors, some saints fell away from their faith and joined with the apostate church of Rome. Read The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2

The popes of Rome fulfill the role of the man of sin, the son of perdition, as they proclaim to lead Messiah’s church, thus they sit in the temple, but they teach a false gospel of works through the sacraments and that Mary is the intercessor to the Father, which denies Messiah.

The popes have already proclaimed to be God, forgive sins and provide salvation, which is blasphemy.

Read The Son Of Perdition Of 2 Thessalonians 2

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the antichrist must enter into the covenant of many.

Joel is proclaiming that Daniel 9:27 points to the antichrist making a 7-year Israeli peace agreement.

But that is a deception, as the verse is pointing to Messiah the Prince who was declared in the previous two verses.

The 70th week of Daniel 9 was fulfilled after the 69th week, and it points to Messiah’s multiyear ministry and His death for our sins in the middle of the seven years.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the end times or the antichrist.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the antichrist must enter into the covenant of many.

Read The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that sacrifices must be restored in the temple in Jerusalem. 

This declaration is based on his false, futuristic explanations, which point to a supposed one-man antichrist entering a Jewish rebuilt temple and proclaiming to be God.

There is no Scriptural justification for a Jewish rebuilt temple, as the prophecies that point to a temple have already been fulfilled.

Read A Third Rebuilt Temple In Jerusalem

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the great tribulation must take place.  

There are different times of great tribulation in prophecy, but all of them have been fulfilled, so there are no prophecies about great tribulation that are yet to be fulfilled.

Daniel 12 points to the Jewish nation facing a time of trouble during the 3 1/2 years of the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD. Read Daniel 12 Fulfillment

Matthew 24 points to the same time of great tribulation for the Jewish nation who rejected their promised Messiah and delivered Him up to be killed, saying “Let His blood be on us.” Read The Great Tribulation

Revelation 2 points to ten days (ten prophetic years) of tribulation that the saints faced during the tenth persecution period of the Roman Emperors as Diocletian sought to wipe out Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints. They were the martyrs whose blood cried out for vengeance in the fifth seal. Read Revelation 6 – 5th Seal Martyrs

Revelation 13 points to the 1260-year reign of power of the antichrist beast popes of Rome, who reigned in power from 538-1798 AD, and caused tens of millions of saints to be tortured and killed during the Dark Ages and Inquisition. Read 1,260 Years Of Great Tribulation

Read Times Of Great Tribulation In Daniel And Revelation

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios points to being prepared for a time of testing unlike anything the word has ever known.

He didn’t point to a specific Bible passage, but it’s interesting that to the church era of Philadelphia, which preceded our end-times church age of Laodicea, Messiah proclaimed:

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:10

Messiah is pointing to the end-times church age which faces an immense amount of deception. We see that played out in the popularity of the false, futuristic prophecy fulfillment explanations which Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas give; as it’s only been during the last few centuries that the saints have promoted them.

Before that, the saints believed that the 70th week of Daniel 9 was about Messiah’s ministry and death for our sins; and that the prophecies in Revelation have been in the process of being fulfilled since it was written.

Read How The Deceptions Spread

There’s really no excuse for this level of ignorance from someone who proclaims to have studied prophecy fulfillment in depth and is providing a Revelation video series.

Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Fatal Head Wound VideoJoel Richardson and Dalton Thomas teach a futuristic fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and the prophecies in Revelation.

The 70th week of Daniel 9 is about Messiah’s ministry and His blood sacrifice as the Spotless Lamb to atone for our sins. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

The Olivet Discourse foretold the events that would lead to the desolation of Jerusalem, the second temple and the Jewish nation; as punishment for the Jewish leaders continuing in rebellion against the Heavenly Father and for delivering His Son up to be killed. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

Most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years. It describes the historical narrative of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (pagan Emperors > antichrist beast Popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

The explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to deflect blame away from the enemy in Rome, and to mislead the end-times saints so that they’re not prepared for how the end-times will play out, and don’t know the context of Messiah’s return.

On the Bible Prophecy Decoded website you will find summary PDF’s, links to request free PDF’s on my books and links to order printed books.

#daltonthomas #joelrichardson #faistudios

3 thoughts on “Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Does the Bible Really Teach Imminency Video Review”

  1. Hi David, quick question that is off subject. A person that I have been speaking with does listen to Chuck Baldwin. She states that Baldwin is not deflecting away from the Popes. She claims Judaism is the Synagogue of Satan, a part of the Vatican, and the root of everything. What are your thoughts? I am not sure how to reply to her on that.


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