Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Debunking a Jewish Antichrist Video Review

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post reviews a video by Joel Richardson of FAI STUDIOS, called ‘Debunking a Jewish Antichrist // THE BOOK OF REVELATION: Session 56.’

Before I begin my review of Joel Richardson’s explanations, let me declare that I do these type of reviews, not just to expose false teachers; but to show what they teach, which you may have also been taught, so that you can see the truth and the deception.

These reviews serve as an open rebuttal of their explanations. It’s not about me, it’s about the truth of prophecy fulfillment which reveals the glory of our beloved Messiah!

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that this is such an incredibly, critical subject for the church to understand, to have clarity on in these days.

My response is that it’s incredibly critical for the church to understand that Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas are misleading them with false, futuristic explanations of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and Revelation.

The concept of an end-times one-man antichrist is a deception from the enemy, to deflect blame away from the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, who fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the ‘beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that understanding Revelation is actually a fairly complicated and difficult subject.

Actually, Revelation prophecy fulfillment is fairly straight-forward. It’s all of the futuristic deceptions of the enemy that make it hard to see the truth of the fulfillment.

The enemy has programmed believers to look to the future for the fulfillment, as most prophecy teachers say that all of the Revelation seals, trumpets and bowls take place in the end-times. This is called futurism.

Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas are experts at teaching the futuristic narrative of prophecy, which was created by the enemy to deflect blame away from the popes.

Read How The Deceptions Spread

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios asked ‘what is the religious belief system that the antichrist is pivoting from?’ 

The term antichrist can mean ‘in place of Christ’ and also ‘against Christ.’

The religion of the antichrist is Roman Christianity. It is the tares church that the enemy planted to deceive people with a false gospel and false Messiah.

The popes of Rome proclaim the title of the ‘vicar of Christ’ which means substitute Christ, and their teachings are contrary to Christ.

In the name of Jesus Christ, the popes of Rome teach that salvation is through the works of the sacraments and that Mary is the intercessor, which has misled billions of Catholics, leaving them lost in their sins.

In the name of Jesus Christ, the popes of Rome have made war with Messiah’s saints, causing Catholics to kill tens of millions of saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition.

In the name of Jesus Christ, the popes of Rome carry out the Babylonian Mystery Religion with the symbolism of obelisks, which represent the phallic symbol of the sun god.

In the name of Jesus Christ, the popes of Rome carry out their blasphemous Eucharist ceremony which claims to sacrifice Messiah again for sins, which denies His one-time blood atonement.

How is it that Joel Richardson ask ‘what is the religious belief system of the antichrist?’ It seems so obvious to someone who claims to have studied the many different views, but he is effectively hiding the truth!

The fruit of the popes of Rome stinketh! Read We Know The Antichrist Beast, False Prophet And Harlot Of Revelation By Their Fruit

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the Apostle Paul says that corporately, all Israel will be saved after Jesus returns. especially during last 3 1/2 years.

The concept of most of the prophecies in Revelation being fulfilled during the last 3 1/2 years is a deception from the enemy!

The truth that Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas are hiding is that most of the prophecies in Revelation have already been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years.

Read Revelation Fulfillment Timeline

As for all Israel being saved, that is a grand perversion of what the Apostle Paul is declaring!

In Romans 9, Paul declares that not all Israel is Israel. He declaring that a true Israelite is one who has a covenant relationship with the Father through the Son.

In Romans 11:25-26, Paul is telling the believers to not be conceited as they see that judgment is coming upon the unbelieving Jewish nation. He is telling them that that fleshly Israel, those who reject Messiah, have been blinded about their destruction which was declared in Daniel 9:26 and Daniel 12, which was sealed up from their eyes, lest they understand and escape their judgment.

Daniel 12:1 says that all of the believing Jews, whose names are written in the book of life, will be delivered from the time of trouble for the Jewish nation by the Roman Gentiles during the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD.

Paul in Romans 11:26 is proclaiming the same thing, that the spiritual Israelites will be saved.

The believing Jews, the true Israelites, were saved because they heeded Messiah’s warning in Matthew 24:15 and Luke 21:20, that when the abomination of desolation appears, an army surrounds Jerusalem, to flee Judea. Read Abomination Of Desolation

The saints witnesses Cestius and his army surround Jerusalem in November 66 AD. Cestius could have taken possession of the city, but instead he left for no explained reason. This gave the saints the opportunity to flee to the mountains for protection.

Then three divisions of the Roman army were sent against Judea, which resulted in 1.1 million Jews dying in and around Jerusalem from famine, pestilence, infighting, suicide, evisceration, crucifixion and by the Roman sword, during the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD.

But Jewish historian Josephus does not record that one of Messiah’s saints were killed, so indeed, all Israel was saved!

Read The Olivet Discourse Deception

It’s amazing how blind support of Zionist Israel has blinded the eyes of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas, and many Christians.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios talks about some saying that the people in Israel are fake Jews.

It’s amazing to me that he ignores Messiah’s declaration in Revelation 3:9 about people who are “of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie.”

It’s amazing that he ignores the witness of many Jews who have done DNA studies to prove out that most people called Jews are Jews by religion, not blood.

It’s amazing to me that he ignores the witness of Jewish groups such as True Torah Jews and Jews United Against Zionism, which oppose the Zionist state of Israel, which say that it’s not from the Heavenly Father, and that they have no right to to the land or to speak for Jews.

Read Revelation 16 – 6th Bowl Judgment

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the basis of Jesus judging the nations is based on how they treated Israel.

That’s ironic because it is the Heavenly Father who caused the Assyrians to attack the House of Israel, killing some and scattering the rest, due to their worship of pagan gods.

That’s ironic because it is the Heavenly Father who caused the Babylonians to attack the House of Judah because they were a harlot like the House of Israel.

That’s ironic because it is Messiah who caused the mighty Roman army to destroy Jerusalem, the temple and the Jewish nation in 70 AD, because they continued in rebellion against the Heavenly Father, and because they delivered Him up to be killed and they persecuted His disciples.

Messiah will judge the nations based on the way that they treat His followers, both Jews and Gentiles, who are the true Israelites!

Messiah will judge people like Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas for blindly supporting Zionist Israel, and for being a bad witness to Jews as their explanations effectively hide the historical fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and most of the prophecies in Revelation, which validated the deity of Messiah.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios points to the seed of Abraham, making it seem like it’s narrowed down to the Jews, but that is a gross misunderstanding of the prophecy.

Romans 2:28-29 tells us that a Jew is one inwardly, whose heart is circumcised.

For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.”

Romans 9:6-8 declares that Abraham’s fleshly descendants ARE NOT the children of Elohim.

For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.” That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are NOT the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.”

Galatians 3:7 tells us that ONLY those who are of faith are the children of Elohim.

Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.”

Galatians 3:16 tells us that the seed of Abraham is Messiah.

Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “and to your Seed,” who is Christ.”

Galatians 3:28-29 tells us that followers of Messiah (Jew and Gentile) are Abraham’s seed who receive the promises made to Abraham.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Paul is clearly telling us that true Israel, true Jews, believe by faith, and so inherit the promises made to father Abraham.

Read Messiah’s Kingdom

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says the historical battle is between Satan and the seed line, once again applying it to the Jews.

As you see in the above verses, the seed of Abraham is spiritual not physical.

The prophecies in Revelation give the historical battle of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom; pagan emperors > antichrist beast popes > false prophet Jesuit superior generals; fighting against Messiah and His saints (both Jews and gentiles).

Satan used the Roman Emperors to persecute Messiah’s saints (both Jews and gentiles) during ten persecution periods, which took place from the first century until 312 AD.

Satan used the antichrist beast popes to kill tens of millions of saints (both Jews and gentiles) during the Dark Ages and Inquisition.

By pointing only to the persecution of Jews, Joel Richardson is effectively hiding the persecution of the saints by the Roman leaders.

Read Times Of Great Tribulation In Daniel And Revelation

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that ‘everyone who blesses Israel will be blessed and everyone who curses Israel will be cursed.’

That is true, but Joel misapplies the principle to make it about the Jews in Zionist Israel.

The world has been blessed by believing Jews and Gentiles shining the light of the Gospel around the world.

Those who bless the believing Jews and Gentiles are blessed and those who curse the believing Jews and Gentiles are cursed!

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios points to Revelation 11:2, saying that the Gentiles will tread the holy city under foot.

Revelation 11 has nothing to do with the first century or the city of Jerusalem. 

Revelation 11:1-2 was primarily fulfilled by then Catholic monk Martin Luther who was given the Scriptures (the reed like a rod) and told to measure the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church against the rule of Scripture.

The temple that he’s measuring is not a physical temple, but rather the temple in which the Heavenly Father dwells, as Messiah is the cornerstone, the disciples the foundation and the saints the stones that make up the walls.

Martin Luther found that the Roman Catholic Church is an apostate church. It is not part of Messiah’s temple, but is delegated to the outer court of Gentiles.

The Holy City that’s referred to in Revelation 11:2 is not the physical city of Jerusalem, but Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints, which is called Holy Jerusalem in Revelation. The Gentiles are spiritual gentiles, the Roman Catholic Church, which is based in the great city of Rome.

The great city, which is the name of the Roman beast kingdom, tread upon Messiah’s saints for 1260-years, from 538-1798 AD, killing tens of millions of saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition.

Joel Richardson’s explanations serve to hide the historical fulfillment of Revelation.

Read Revelation 11 – Measuring The Temple

Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas make everything about the Jews in Israel.

The Jews in Israel fulfill Bible prophecy, but not in a good way. They are descendants of the Khazar Jews who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. 

The Khazar Jews fulfill the role of the ‘kings of the east’ in the sixth vial judgment. They are descendants of the Khazars who converted to Judaism in the 8th century.

Most of the Israeli Prime Ministers came from Russia and Poland, the countries which the Khazar Jews fled to when they were pushed out of the kingdom of Khazaria. They changed their last names to sound Jewish.

They fulfill Messiah’s prophecy in Revelation 3:9 about people who are “of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie.”

And the teachings of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to hide the truth about the Jews in Zionist Israel.

Read Revelation 16 – 6th Bowl Judgment

The prophecy fulfillment explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to hide the truth from Jews, because if Jews understood how the 70th week of Daniel 9 and the Olivet Discourse were fulfilled in the first century, and most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years; it would be a bold witness to Jews which validate the authority of the New Testament and the deity of Messiah who came to die for their sins.

Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Fatal Head Wound VideoJoel Richardson and Dalton Thomas teach a futuristic fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and the prophecies in Revelation.

The 70th week of Daniel 9 is about Messiah’s ministry and His blood sacrifice as the Spotless Lamb to atone for our sins. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

The Olivet Discourse foretold the events that would lead to the desolation of Jerusalem, the second temple and the Jewish nation; as punishment for the Jewish leaders continuing in rebellion against the Heavenly Father and for delivering His Son up to be killed. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

Most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years. It describes the historical narrative of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (pagan Emperors > antichrist beast Popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

The explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to deflect blame away from the enemy in Rome, and to mislead the end-times saints so that they’re not prepared for how the end-times will play out, and don’t know the context of Messiah’s return.

On the Bible Prophecy Decoded website you will find summary PDF’s, links to request free PDF’s on my books and links to order printed books.

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