Scott Clarke 2 Thessalonians 2 Timeline Video

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a video from Scott Clarke, called The 2 Thessalonians 2 timeline | It’s not what I once thought.

Video description: What is withholding whom? Is the gathering together the pre-tribulation rapture or second coming of Christ? What is “a falling away”? What is the order of events? I think I’ve figured it out. You be the judge. It is not what I expected.

Scott Clarke says that in 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul is pointing to a future 70th week of Daniel 9, and that Messiah returns after the future son of perdition appears.

Scott Clarke says that in 2 Thessalonians 2, that Paul is pointing to a future 70th week of Daniel 9.

The concept of a 7-year tribulation is based on a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, but that is a deception to fool the end times saints. The 70th week of Daniel 9 prophecy foretold when Messiah would appear to carry out His ministry, and when (in the middle of the 70th week) He would confirm the everlasting covenant (that was mentioned in Daniel 9:4) with His blood as the Passover Lamb, to atone for our sins. It’s not about the end times or the antichrist.

Read The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded

Scott Clarke says points to a future one-man antichrist who appears in the middle of the 7-years.

This is false and it serves to deflect blame away from the office of the papacy, the popes of Rome, who fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the ‘beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

Scott Clarke says points to an Israel 7-year covenant which hasn’t happened yet.

This is a perverted explanation, as it assigns the 70th week of Daniel 9 to the enemy of Messiah, while the prophecy is only about Messiah.

The 70th week of Daniel 9 prophecy foretold when Messiah would appear to carry out His ministry, and when (in the middle of the 70th week) He would confirm the (everlasting) covenant (that was mentioned in Daniel 9:4) with His blood as the Passover Lamb, to atone for our sins. It’s not about a 7-year tribulation period in the end times or the antichrist.

Scott Clarke says points to an Israel 7-year covenant which hasn't happened yet.

Scott Clarke points to the end-times son of perdition proclaiming to be God.

Paul calls him the ‘son of perdition’ and the Popes of Rome proclaim to lead Messiah’s one true church, thus they sit in the temple, which is the Church of Messiah, not a physical temple. They have already proclaimed to be God, to forgive sins and provide salvation, which is blasphemy.

Read The Son Of Perdition Of 2 Thessalonians 2

Scott Clarke says dismisses that someone is taken out of the way, to allow the son of perdition to ascend to power.

This is a perversion of the text, to further confuse people about who is the son of perdition.

Paul is pointing to the Western Roman Emperor, who prevented the bishop/pope of Rome from taking power. Paul couldn’t write that it’s the Emperor, as that would have invited more persecution.

The Western Roman Emperor was removed from civil authority in 476 AD, as part of the fourth trumpet judgment against the pagan Roman Empire. Then the son of perdition pope was given civil authority in 538 AD, and they were in power for 1260-years from 538-1798 AD.

Read Revelation 8 – 4th Trumpet

Scott Clarke points to the falling away taking place during the 70th week of Daniel 9.

The falling away that the Apostle Paul warned about took place in the fourth century, when Emperor Constantine and the Roman bishops codified Romanism, the false Christian religion which moved people away from the Scriptural faith and created man-made traditions.

After centuries of harsh persecution by the Roman Emperors, believers apostatized their faith and joined with the church of Rome to take positions of power.

Read The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2

Scott Clarke points to Moses and Elijah as the end-times two witnesses of Revelation 11.

The two witnesses are the Scriptures (the two olive trees) that provide oil for the Saints (the two lampstands). The Popes banned and burned the Scriptures, and caused tens of millions of saints to be killed during the Dark Ages.

The Popes were so relentless that in May 1514 they proclaimed that there were no witnesses left against them, that they were as good as dead. Then 3 1/2 years later, Martin Luther posted his 95 Thesis which sparked the Protestant Reformation and brought the saints back to life, so that they witnesses against the antichrist Popes again.

Read Revelation 11 – The Two Witnesses

Scott Clarke points to the reed like a rod to measure the temple in Revelation 11:1-2, which hasn’t happened as there is no temple.

It’s not saying to measure a physical temple, but to see who is part of Messiah’s Ekklesia, which is the spiritual temple as Messiah is the cornerstone, the disciples the foundation and the saints the little stones which make up the walls.

It’s telling us to use the Scriptures, the reed like a rod, to measure what a church teaches to see if they’re teaching a false gospel and false Messiah.

Martin Luther did this and he found that the Roman Catholic Church is an apostate church and not part of the temple of the Heavenly Father.

Read Revelation 11 – Measuring The Temple

Scott Clarke twists 2 Thessalonians 1:7, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 and 2 Thessalonians 2:8, to proclaim that 2 Thessalonians 2:6 is pointing to Jesus Christ being revealed.

SHM! It’s pointing to the son of perdition popes rising to power after the restrainer, the Western Roman Emperor was removed from power.

This explanation from Scott Clarke is a perversion which serves to deflect blame away from the popes of Rome, who fulfill Bible prophecy as the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn‘ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition‘ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the ‘beast‘ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot‘ church of Rome.

He’s either very deceived or is purposely playing a role to deceive people. He seems very sincere, but the bottom line is that his explanation is off-target.

Scott Clarke teaches a false, futuristic fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and the prophecies in Revelation.

The 70th week of Daniel 9 is about Messiah’s ministry and His blood sacrifice as the Spotless Lamb to atone for our sins. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

The Olivet Discourse foretold the events that would lead to the desolation of Jerusalem, the second temple and the Jewish nation; as punishment for the Jewish leaders continuing in rebellion against the Heavenly Father and for delivering His Son up to be killed. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

Most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years. It describes the historical narrative of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (pagan Emperors > antichrist beast Popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

The explanations of Scott Clarke serve to deflect blame away from the enemy in Rome, and to mislead the end-times saints so that they’re not prepared for how the end-times will play out, and don’t know the context of Messiah’s return.

On the Bible Prophecy Decoded website you will find summary PDF’s, links to request free PDF’s on my books and links to order printed books.

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3 thoughts on “Scott Clarke 2 Thessalonians 2 Timeline Video”

  1. Wow. That is the spirit of antichrist to say that Jesus Christ is being revealed in 2 Thessalonians 2:6. How awful.

    I was doing 3 studies at once — one on 2 Thessalonians 2 — and finally realized how the antichrist is “standing in the temple of God showing himself that he is God.” We are the 3rd temple. God dwells in our spiritual hearts, and God writes His laws on our minds and hearts. The Pope has caused men to follow him, revere him and adopt his ways — he is standing in the minds and hearts of men.

    Paul explained to the Thessalonians that the apostasy was already moving within their church, but the man of sin was to come later. When the man of sin arrived, there were only brick and mortar buildings that God says He no longer dwells in. So the temple the Pope stands in is God’s people…. their hearts and minds.


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