Reply To Jesuit Teachings From Giovanni Cirucci

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a comment from Giovanni Cirucci, to help you see how he is serving to deflect blame away from the false prophet Jesuit Superior General.

If you aren’t familiar with Giovanni Cirucci, he teaches about the deceptions in this world, many times pointing to the Jesuits of Rome as the cause. So it’s interesting, and telling, that his prophecy fulfillment teachings serve to deflect blame away from the General of the Jesuits in Rome.

This is an important topic as the Seventh Day Adventist Church, which is the only denomination that teaches the historicist narrative of prophecy fulfillment, wrongly teaches that the earth beast of Revelation is the USA.

Giovanni Cirucci made this comment on my The Enemy Is Playing Out Their False Script YouTube video:

David, you are a dear, rare blessing amongst awake Christians not overtly chained to the precepts of men (or women). I passionately agree with you on all of this save the Beast of the Land in Revelation 13.

I do honestly believe our Adventist brethren have this as the United States is OWNED by the Jesuits of Satan and without the power of U.S. government NONE of their empire stands.

It is with great sadness I admit that the United States is clearly the Beast upon which the Great Whore rides but it will be the horns upon the Beast (Jesuit Provincials) which will turn the Beast upon her and that is nigh at hand!

Please let me know what you think about the comment from Giovanni Cirucci.

I’ve included my replies below, so that you can see the truth and the deceptions of Giovanni Cirucci.

Giovanni, for someone who proclaims so much truth about the evil ways of the Jesuits, it’s odd that you don’t understand how they fulfill Bible prophecy.

It’s with great sadness that people misled others about the earth beast of Revelation 13, in order to deflect blame away from the General in Rome!

Daniel did not describe the USA, but only four beast kingdoms, the last of which is the Roman beast kingdom which stays in power until Messiah returns.

Watch The Beasts Of Daniel video.

Giovanni Cirucci replied to this comment with “I know EXACTLY how they fulfill prophecy, David. That’s the kind of snarky comment from someone unsure of themselves and myopic with misplaced emotions. I love you for the Historicist truth you bring but you’ve got an unnecessarily difficult personality.”

It’s interesting that he accuses me of making a snarky comment, but then proclaims snarky things against me. I’m certainly not unsure about my explanation nor am I myopic. As for having misplaced emotions, we can see who is the emotional manipulator here.

I replied with “If teaching the truth of prophecy fulfillment and exposing deceptions makes me seem like I have “an unnecessarily difficult personality” then so be it! It’s not a snarky comment at all because you do not understand that the general in Rome is the false prophet who leads the end-times earth beast phase of the Roman beast kingdom.”

In Revelation 12-13, John picks up the narrative to describe the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom; the pagan emperors > the antichrist beast white popes > the false prophet black popes.

The beasts of Revelation 13 are not describing new kingdoms or nations, but rather they are describing ‘false prophets’ who lead the Roman beast kingdom, who are the enemies of Messiah and His saints.

In Revelation 12-13, John picks up the narrative to describe the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom; the pagan emperors > the antichrist beast white popes > the false prophet black popes.

Paul, Peter and Jude described false prophets in the church, whom they called ‘beasts,’ as they were vain-talking deceivers.

Watch The Antichrist And False Prophet Beasts Of Revelation 13 video.

The antichrist beast white popes rose to power out of the ‘sea’ of people of the ten kingdoms of the fallen Roman Empire. The harlot church of Revelation 17 is led by the white pope, who is called ‘the beast.’

They proclaim to lead Messiah’s church but teach a false Gospel; and they have proclaimed to be God, forgive sins and provide salvation, which is blasphemy.

So we see how the white popes fulfilled the definition of a ‘beast’ that was given by Paul, Peter and Jude.

So when we come to the narrative of the earth beast, we’re looking for another false prophet in the church, who is a vain-talking deceiver.

Enter the black pope, who is responsible for removing the white pope from power, and took his place as the leader of the Roman beast kingdom.

It’s the black pope who caused the first five bowl judgments to be carried out against countries that had kicked the Jesuits out, so we see the natural transition of power from the white pope to the black pope.

The General rose to power out of the ‘earth’ of the previous beast, out of the Vatican. He can’t rule openly, as people know the evil ways of the Society of Satan, so he uses the white pope as the spokesman to draw the world under their authority.

Watch The Earth Beast Of Revelation 13 And The False Prophet video.

John calls the white pope ‘the beast’ and the black pope the ‘false prophet.’

The General uses his priests to proclaim the false gospel of Romanism, which now causes 1.3 billion Catholics to revere (mark on forehead, beliefs) and obey (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist white pope, thus they have the ‘mark of the beast’ on them.

As you said Giovanni, the USA is owned by the Je$uits. We can see how the General in Rome used the Je$uit Carroll family to help found America, and that the many fasces symbols in DC proclaim Rome’s authority there.

Reply To Jesuit Teachings From Giovanni Cirucci

In this photo, we see Pope Francis, who is the first Jesuit pope, speaking in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is flanked by Catholic leaders Joe Biden and John Boehner, and Roman fasces symbols and a mace.

Watch The Secret Destiny Of The USA video.

It’s not the USA that controls the world as a beast kingdom, but the General who does it through his three city-state corporations of Vatican City, the City of London and the District of Columbia.

It's not the USA that controls the world as a beast kingdom, but the General who does it through his three city-state corporations of Vatican City, the City of London and the District of Columbia.

Revelation 13:11 describes two leaders (horns) and we see that fulfilled in the antichrist beast white pope and the false prophet black pope, who pretend to be priests of Messiah (like a lamb) but really serve Satan (the dragon) in order to make war with Messiah and His saints.

We see these two leaders being used by Satan the dragon in the sixth vial. 

The three unclean spirits of the 6th bowl represents Satan (dragon) empowering the Jesuit Superior General (false prophet) who control the Pope (antichrist beast). Together they contrived the three ideologies of Communism, Nazism, and Political Zionism; using world wars one and two to take more control of the world, and to push it towards their desired one-world government.

We see these two leaders again in the Revelation 19. 

Revelation 19:19-20 point to the antichrist beast white pope and false prophet black pope being captured. This confirms the two leaders of the earth beast in Revelation 13.

You know full well Giovanni Cirucci that these two leaders are the enemy of Messiah and His saints, and the whole world! Yet your explanations serve to mislead people about prophecy fulfillment!

As for the SDA Church, it appears to have been infiltrated by the Jesuits as they teach false prophecy explanations in order to deflect blame away from Rome.

Going to church on Sunday is not the ‘mark of the beast’ as Saturday on the pagan Roman calendar is not the Scriptural Sabbath. It’s a false dichotomy from the Jesuits in Rome, which serves to hide the Scriptural calendar.

And the USA is not the ‘earth beast’ of Revelation, it is the false prophet black pope who rose to power out of the earth of the Vatican, who controls the Roman beast kingdom and the whole world in the end times!

It’s very telling that you Giovanni Cirucci help promote the deceptions of the SDA Church, which serves to mislead historists about the ‘mark of the beast’ and the ‘earth beast.’

Giovanni Cirucci is promoting false prophecy fulfillment teachings that come from the Jesuits, which serve to mislead people and deflect blame away from the General in Rome, which John calls the false prophet.

And that’s what false prophet Jesuits do, mislead people! They give some truth so that you will trust them and then they mislead you about key concepts.

The Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast study proves out that in Revelation, John is pointing to the leaders of the Roman beast kingdom: pagan emperors > antichrist beast white popes > false prophet black popes. 

The USA plays a huge role for the General in Rome, as they’ve stolen the wealth of Americans via the Federal Reserve bank, to use it to fund endless wars against countries who have not bowed to the authority of the General in Rome.

But the USA is a city-state corporation which is subservient to the Roman beast kingdom, and those who teach otherwise are playing a role to deceive people.

5 thoughts on “Reply To Jesuit Teachings From Giovanni Cirucci”

  1. Thank you so much for posting this and for providing link to “deceptions of the SDA church.” Reading that link first and then this posting cleared up the confusion that I often have when groups or people speak a lot of truth but then sneak in the Jesuit lies or deflection. It’s easy to see the wolf (ie athiests) but it’s the wolves in sheep’s clothing that is more dangerous because they omit certain truths or manipulate it just like Satan did with Adam and Eve, SDAs, futurists like Dallas Theologians and preterists like Chuck Baldwin. They cause confusion because the rope people in with some truth to gain trust. Then they cause confusion because what they say does not measure up Biblically.
    Pointing to a specific country (USA or Russia etc)or using a Jesuit created front group (Freemasons, knights of Malta etc)is exactly where Jesuits want people. To your point, all of this deflects blame away from the black pope. You are so spot on that Daniel described the Roman beast kingdom – the last beast kingdom of which the world is still in.
    Thank you for bringing truth to the forefront! I encourage everyone to read your linked article along with this posting (and order or read online your 3 decoded series books).
    But I have to repost the 3 key paragraphs that you wrote in the linked article that says it all in a nutshell!
    “It’s the black pope who caused the first five bowl judgments to be carried out against countries that had kicked the Jesuits out, and who caused Napoleon’s army to take the Pope captive in 1798 AD, which ended his 1,260 year reign of power. And the black pope has controlled the Roman beast kingdom ever since.
    The seventh bowl points to the great city, the Roman beast kingdom, controlling the world through three city-state corporations after a major social upheaval, an worldwide economic collapse. They control the world’s religious and political leaders through Vatican City. They control the world’s economic and trade organizations through The City Of London. And they control the world’s intelligence agencies and military powers through the District of Columbia.”

    You also summed it up perfectly when you wrote:
    “By pointing to the USA, SDA leaders are deflecting blame away from the Jesuit Superior General as the false prophet, and as the one man who controls the world. Yes, they talk about the evil ways of the Jesuits, but that’s not the same thing as showing that the whole world is controlled through many different front organizations, by one man, the false prophet Jesuit Superior General.”

    • Thank you for your comment! Your explanation makes my heart smile as you share so much truth! Praise Yah that He has given you eyes to see!

      Interestingly, SDA Church teachers, which Giovanni Cirucci seems to support, seem to teach that the bowl judgments are yet to be fulfilled, which is a deception.

      The first five bowl judgments point directly at the General in Rome who carried them out to get revenge against people who had kicked the Jesuits out and removed their power.

      By not teaching the historical fulfillment of the first five bowl judgments, they are effectively deflecting blame away from the General, who took power over the Roman beast kingdom in 1798 AD and has ruled it every since.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I do not understand why Johnny’s youTube comment triggered you. It was just a kind and gentle opinion. Enjoy the day.

    • So you think that Johnny calling me a ‘snarky’ person with ‘misplaced emotions,’ who has an ‘unnecessarily difficult personality’ is a kind and gentile opinion?

      • I was referring to this comment:

        “David, you are a dear, rare blessing amongst awake Christians not overtly chained to the precepts of men (or women). I passionately agree with you on all of this save the Beast of the Land in Revelation 13. I do honestly believe our Adventist brethren have this as the United States is OWNED by the Jesuits of Satan and without the power of U.S. government NONE of their empire stands. It is with great sadness I admit that the United States is clearly the Beast upon which the Great Whore rides but it will be the horns upon the Beast (Jesuit Provincials) which will turn the Beast upon her and that is nigh at hand.”


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