Preterism Is Based On False Premises

This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study provides evidence to invalidate the preterist narrative of prophecy fulfillment. 

Partial preterists believe that most of the prophecies in Revelation were fulfilled in the first century and that much of it was about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Full preterists believe that Messiah returned shortly after these events.

For the preterist narrative to seem to be plausible, the book of Revelation must have been written before 70 AD, as a late date invalidates their premise. This is why they defend it so vigorously.

On the other hand, even if Revelation was written prior to 70 AD, historicism is still a viable interpretive option, as the prophecies began to be fulfilled shortly after the apocalyptic vision was given.

Here’s a link to a four-page PDF that summarizes the points which invalidate the preterist position.

Here’s the Preterism Decoded Introduction video.

Here’s the Preterism Decoded Witnesses Part One video.

Here’s the Preterism Decoded Witnesses Part Two video.

Here’s the Preterism Decoded Witnesses Part Three video.

Here’s the Preterism Decoded Witnesses View Fulfilled video.

Here’s the Preterism Decoded Key Points Part One video.

Here’s the Preterism Decoded Key Points Part Two video.

Here’s the Preterism Decoded Key Points Part Three video.

Here’s the Preterism Decoded And Debunked video.

People debate about quotes from early church teachers such as Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Victorinus, Origen and others.

Here’s a quote from Irenaeus saying that Revelation was written towards the end of Emperor Domitian’s reign, which was from 81-96 AD.

“We will not, however, incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of the Antichrist; for if it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision. For that was seen no very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian’s reign.” Irenaeus Against Heresies 5.30.3


“It is said that in this persecution [under Domitian] the apostle and evangelist John, who was still alive, was condemned to dwell on the island of Patmos in consequence of his testimony to the divine word.” Eusebius, Ecclesiatical History, 3:18.1-5.

“But after Domitian had reigned fifteen years, and Nerva had succeeded to the empire, the Roman Senate, according to the writers that record the history of those days, voted that Domitian’s honors should be cancelled, and that those who had been unjustly banished should return to their homes and have their property restored to them. It was at this time that the apostle John returned from his banishment in the island and took up his abode at Ephesus, according to an ancient Christian tradition.” Eusebius, Ecclesiatical History, 3:20.7-11.

Victorinus (ca. 304)

“He says this, because when John said these things he was in the island of Patmos, condemned to the labour of the mines by Caesar Domitian. There, therefore, he saw the Apocalypse; and when grown old, he thought that he should at length receive his quittance by suffering, Domitian being killed, all his judgments were discharged. And John being dismissed from the mines, thus subsequently delivered the same Apocalypse which he had received from God.” Victorinus, Commentary on the Apocalypse, 10.11.

“The time must be understood in which the written Apocalypse was published, since then reigned Caesar Domitian; but before him had been Titus his brother, and Vespasian, Otho, Vitellius, and Galba. These are the five who have fallen. One remains, under whom the Apocalypse was written — Domitian, to wit. The other has not yet come, speaks of Nerva; and when he has come, he will be for a short time, for he did not complete the period of two years.” Victorinus, Commentary on the Apocalypse, 17.10.

Jerome (ca. 331-420)

“In the fourteenth year then after Nero Domitian having raised a second persecution he was banished to the island of Patmos, and wrote the Apocalypse, on which Justin Martyr and Irenaeus afterwards wrote commentaries. But Domitian having been put to death and his acts, on account of his excessive cruelty, having been annulled by the senate, he returned to Ephesus under Pertinax and continuing there until the time of the Emperor Trajan, founded and built churches throughout all Asia, and, worn out by old age, died in the sixty-eighth year after our Lord’s passion and was buried near the same city.” Jerome, Lives of Illustrious Men, 9.

Sulpicius Severus (ca. 400)

“Then, after an interval, Domitian, the son of Vespasian, persecuted the Christians. At this time, he banished John the Apostle and Evangelist to the island of Patmos. There he, secret mysteries having been revealed to him, wrote and published his book of the holy Revelation, which indeed is either foolishly or impiously not accepted by many.” Sulpicius Severus, Sacred History, 2.31.

Venerable Bede (ca. 672-735)

“And it is told in church history how he was put by the emperor Domitian into a tub of boiling oil, from which, since divine grace shielded him, he came out untouched, just as he had been a stranger to the corruption of fleshly concupiscence. And not much after, on account of his unconquerable constancy in bringing the good news, he was banished in exile by the same prince to the island of Patmos, where although he was deprived of human comfort, he nevertheless merited to be relieved by the frequent consolation of the divine vision and spoken message. Accordingly, in that very place he composed with his own hand the Apocalypse, which the Lord revealed to him concerning the present and future state of the Church.” Bede the Venerable, Homilies on the Gospels, trans. Lawrence T. Martin and David Hurst, Cistercian Studies Series: no. 110 (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1991), 89-90.

But even when there seems to be a clear declaration of the later date, preterists make up reasons to dismiss it.

Preterists point to the word ‘quickly‘ in Revelation 2:16, Revelation 3:11. Revelation 22:7, Revelation 22:12 and Revelation 22:20; to say that means that Messiah returned shortly after the book of Revelation was written.

But the Greek word for quickly is tachu which can mean suddenly or by surprise, which can apply to any point on the timeline.

The message in Revelation 2:16 and Revelation 3:11 point the church era of Pergamos which took place from 303-538 AD, and the church era of Philadelphia which took place from 1798 AD to around 1900. This invalidates that Messiah came quickly after the book of Revelation was written.

Revelation 22:7, Revelation 22:12 and Revelation 22:20 point to a future time after all prophecy has been fulfilled. But the seventh vial and the judgment of the harlot Roman Catholic Church in Revelation 17-18 has not taken place yet.

Scriptural evidence for the late dating during Domitian’s reign from 95-95 AD.

When writing to the Ephesians in 61 AD, the Apostle Paul emphasized their love for Messiah and each other.

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Ephesian 3:17-19

And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. Ephesian 5:2

Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen. Ephesian 6:24

So it doesn’t make sense that if John wrote Revelation a few years later that the church of Ephesus would have lost their love for Messiah.

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Revelation 2:4

The early church may have expected Messiah to return by the end of the first century, so by 95-96 AD, after Domitian was persecuting the saints, they had time to lose their love.

John was a leader in Jerusalem until shortly before the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD, so he was not in Asia to be exiled. 

John then became the leader of the church of Ephesus, and was involved with the other churches in the area. By this wee see that he was exiled after the desolation of Jerusalem, which validates the later writing of Revelation.

The Church at Smyrna didn’t exist until later in the first century.

By the end of the first century the city already hosted a small Christian community, while its first head was one named Aristion. [Source: Rezakis, 2006]

The late dating of the start of the church in Smyrna validates the later writing of Revelation.

It was Domitian who was known to exile people to the Isle of Patmos, not Nero. 

Nero had Christians killed and it’s not recorded that he exiled people, whereas their is historical proof that Domitian did exile people, which validates the later writing of Revelation.

John mentions Antipas being put to death in the letter to the church of Pergamos. 

Antipas was reportedly put to death in 92 AD, which validates the later writing of Revelation.

Why would the seven churches of Asia minor need to be warned of a looming judgment on Jerusalem?

It doesn’t make sense that the seven churches which were close in proximity, would face such different circumstances.

Instead, the message is to Messiah’s saints who have existed through seven church ages which span from the first century until Messiah’s return.

Here are some studies that provide much more information to prove the latter date of Revelation.


Preterism & the Date of the Apocalypse

In John’s Gospel, epistles and Revelation, there are no parables, as most of them were about the judgment of the Jews.

We tend to think of John as the loving Gospel as it gives a different narrative than the other three Gospels. But it may seem that way because the judgment of the Jewish nation and the desolation of Jerusalem and temple were already fulfilled, so there was no need to include passages that pointed to that event.

Messiah’s Parable of the Minas pointed to the Jews who would not have Him reign over them.

“But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.” Luke 19:27

Hundreds of thousands of Jews were slain by the Roman soldiers in 70 AD.

Messiah’s Parable of the Wedding Feast pointed to the Jews who rejected Him as their Messiah and to their punishment.

But when the king heard about it, he was furious. And he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.”

After the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD, 1.1 million Jews lay dead in and around Jerusalem, from famine, pestilence, infighting, suicide, crucifixion, and by the Roman sword; in 70 AD, in that generation. And the home of their nation, Jerusalem, and their beautiful temple was burned up.

Messiah’s Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers pointed to the Jews, the wicked tenants who killed the Son of the Father.

But when the vinedressers saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours.’ So they cast him out of the vineyard and killed him. Therefore what will the owner of the vineyard do to them? He will come and destroy those vinedressers and give the vineyard to others.” Luke 20:14-15

The Jewish leadership system, which rejected their promised Messiah, was removed from power; and the kingdom was given to believing Jews and Gentiles who preached the Gospel to the nations.

There was no reason for John to mention these parables, as they pointed to the desolation of the unbelieving Jewish nation in 70 AD. This seems to point to John writing His Gospel, epistles and Revelation vision after those events.

Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 point to four beast kingdoms: Babylon > Medo-Persia > Greece > Rome, with the last one enduring in power until Messiah returns.

The head of gold in Daniel 2, the lion of Daniel 7, was the empire of Babylon. The kingdom of Babylon was strong, courageous and fierce as a lion; and they used the lion as a symbol on the Ishtar Gate.

The chest of silver in Daniel 2, the bear of Daniel 7, was the Medo-Persian Empire. Like a bear, their army was huge, up to 1.5 million people, and they overwhelmed the enemy with their size.

The waist of brass in Daniel 2, the leopard of Daniel 7, was the Grecian Empire. Alexander the Great and his Grecian army were smaller, so they were able to move swiftly like a leopard and were agile in their battles.

The legs of iron in Daniel 2, the dreadful beast of Daniel 7, was the Roman Empire. It was in power during Messiah’s ministry and when John wrote Revelation. The empire declined from the seal judgments and fell from the trumpet judgments, when the eastern Roman Emperor was removed from power in 1453 AD.

The ten toes of Daniel 2, the ten horns of Daniel 7, was the divided Roman Empire. It then split into ten civil kingdoms after the Western Roman Emperor was removed from power in 476 AD. The little horn of Daniel 7 is the popes who demanded that the ten kingdoms bow to their authority and caused three of the civil kingdoms (the Heruli, Ostrogoths and Vandals) to be plucked out.

Read The Beasts Of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7

The historical fulfillment of the little horn of Daniel 7 by the popes of Rome, invalidates the preterist explanations of prophecy fulfillment.

In 2 Thessalonians 2, the Apostle Paul points to the falling away when the false Christian religion of Romanism was codified, the restrainer Western Roman Emperor was removed from power,  which led to the son of perdition popes taking control as leader of the Roman Empire.

The falling away of 2 Thessalonians 2, that the Apostle Paul warned about, was fulfilled in the fourth century; when after hundreds of years of persecution, many of the saints fell away from the true faith, and apostatized, compromising their beliefs to join with Rome.

Roman Christianity is based on the worship of pagan gods, primarily the sun god; which is why Sunday became the first day of the week, and why the Roman Catholic Church has so many sun symbols, such as an Egyptian obelisk in the middle of St. Peter’s Square.

The restrainer that the Apostle Paul was referring to was the Western Roman Emperors, who held back the Popes from taking power.  Once the last Western Roman Emperor was removed from power in 476 AD, during the fourth trumpet judgment, the popes rose to power, and were given civil and ecclesiastic authority over Rome.

The popes proclaim to lead Messiah’s church, thus they pretend to sit in the temple But they are a son of perdition betrayer like Judas Iscariot, as they teach a false gospel and false Messiah. The popes have already proclaimed to be God, forgive sins and provide salvation.

Read We Know The Antichrist Beast, False Prophet And Harlot Of Revelation By Their Fruit

The historical fulfillment of the son of perdition prophecy by the popes of Rome, invalidates the preterist explanations of prophecy fulfillment.

In John’s Gospel, epistles and Revelation, there’s no mention of the unique declarations in Messiah’s Olivet Discourse.

John didn’t include Messiah’s rebuke of the Jewish leaders, which is seen in Matthew 23. The Jews continued in their rebellion against the Father and sought to kill Messiah, so He proclaimed that judgment would come upon them in that generation.

John doesn’t mention the destruction of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem‘ is named in Revelation three times, but those verses are not pointing to the physical city. Rather, they describe Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints, His church, which is called ‘Holy Jerusalem.’

Revelation 11:8 seems to point to Jerusalem, as it says, “where Messiah was crucified.” But the word ‘was’ isn’t in the Greek manuscripts (where οπου also και our ημον Lord κυριος was crucified σταυροω). It was inserted to make the passage read better and since Messiah was crucified in Jerusalem, the translators used the paste tense word ‘was.’

But the context of Revelation 11 is the great city of Rome, the home of the antichrist beast pope and their harlot Roman Catholic Church. When you use the active sense of “is” instead of “was,” then you see the fulfillment.

Rome “is” spiritually Sodom and Egypt as they symbolically worship the pagan gods of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, as we see with the Egyptian obelisk in the middle of a sun wheel in St. Peter’s Square, which is the phallic symbol of the pagan sun god.

Messiah “is” seen crucified on the wicked graven image crucifix, which keeps Messiah on the cross, openly mocking Him per Galatians 3:13.

Messiah “is” crucified over and over in Roman churches around the world, as their priests proclaim to pull Him down from heaven to sacrifice Him again for sins during the blasphemous Eucharist ceremony, which denies Messiah’s one-time atonement for sin.

So we see how Messiah “is” crucified in the great city of Rome.

John doesn’t include Messiah’s statement that the temple would be destroyed, as seen in Matthew 24:2, Mark 13:2 and Luke 21:6.

References to the temple in Revelation are not to a physical temple. Most are referring to the heavenly temple. Revelation 11:1-2 describes measuring what a church teaches with the rule of Scripture to see if they’re teaching a true Gospel and Messiah.

The temple that is being referring to is built without hands, as Messiah is the cornerstone, the disciples the foundation and the saints are the lively stones which build up the walls.

This was primarily was fulfilled by Martin Luther who was given the Scriptures. He compared what the popes of Rome taught against the Word and found that the Roman Catholic Church is an apostate church which teaches a false gospel of works through the sacraments and a false intercessor in Mary, which denies Messiah.

John doesn’t mention of that ‘generation’ of wicked Jews in Revelation, like Matthew did twelve times, Mark four times and Luke twelve times. That generation of wicked Jews rejected their promised Messiah and delivered Him up to be killed.

Here’s an example in Luke 3:7, “Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”

John doesn’t mention the key sign of the Olivet Discourse, the abomination of desolation, which Luke 21:20-21 defines as when an army surrounds Jerusalem.

The abomination of desolation took place in November 66 AD, when Cestius and his army surrounded the temple and were ready to capture Jerusalem. Then they suddenly left Jerusalem for no explained reason.

The Jewish rebels chased after the Romans, which gave the saints the opportunity to flee to the mountains of Pella for protection from the time of great tribulation for the unbelieving Jewish nation during the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD.

The ‘darkening of the sun, moon and stars in the Olivet Discourse‘ points to the Jewish leadership system being removed from power.

People tend to lump all New Testament references to the sun, moon and stars being darkened, to the same event in the end times.

The Old Testament has several examples of the sun, moon and stars being darkened which point to a leadership system being removed from power.

In the Olivet Discourse, it’s referring to the Jewish leadership system; the high priest (sun), Sanhedrin (moon) and priests (stars); either being killed or taken captive and sold as slaves during the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD.

In the sixth seal of Revelation, it’s referring to political upheaval in the Roman Empire as the Emperors were fighting against each other. Constantine won the battle, which caused the other Emperors (sun) and their leaders (moon) to lose power.

In the fourth trumpet of Revelation, it’s referring to the Western Roman Empire being attacked by the barbarian Heruli army, which removed the last Western Roman Emperor (sun), his Senate (moon) and leaders (stars) from power in 476 AD.

So we see that the sun, moon and stars being darkened in Revelation is not about the events in Jerusalem during the first century.

Revelation was not written as a history book, but rather as a prophetic one which describes future events that take place from the first century until Messiah’s return.

Preterists point to Revelation 1:1, in which Messiah proclaims, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass;” and Revelation 1:3, “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand;” to proclaim that the events were fulfilled shortly after it was written in 65 AD.

But that’s a false association that they make to counter the futuristic narrative that the prophecies aren’t fulfilled for 2,000 years. This hides the historicist narrative which proves how the prophecies in Revelation began to be fulfilled shortly after it was written in 95 AD.

Preterists cite Revelation 1:7 to proclaim that it points to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.”

But one verse doesn’t negate the proof of the fulfillment of the prophecies in Revelation from the first century until Messiah returns.

From the time when Messiah executed judgment on His first century enemies, the Jewish leaders, in 70 AD; until He returns to pour out judgment on His historical enemies, the leaders of the Roman beast kingdom; the prophecies in Revelation are fulfilled.

Messiah’s apocalyptic vision features four chronological layers, each which give a narrative that spans from the first century until Messiah returns. 

Revelation 12-13 describe the Satan-empowered leaders of the different phases of the fourth beast kingdom of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7, the Roman beast kingdom; the pagan emperors > the antichrist beast popes > the false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals. Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

Revelation 2-3 describes seven church eras which span from the first century until Messiah returns. Messiah wrote unique things which align with their station on the timeline. Read Revelation 2-3 Seven Church Eras

Revelation 17 describes the harlot Roman Catholic Church that is led by the antichrist beast popes, which is based in the great city of Rome. Read Revelation 17 – Mystery Babylon

The seals, trumpets and bowls describe the judgment of the different phases of the Satan-empowered Roman beast kingdom.  Read Revelation Fulfillment Timeline

The four chronological layers of Revelation invalidate that Revelation is about events in the first century, and prove that it’s the historical narrative of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (emperors > antichrist beast popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

Daniel and John point to the antichrist beast popes killing Messiah’s saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition, when they had civil authority over the Roman beast kingdom for 1,260 years from 538-1798 AD.

Daniel 7:25, and shall wear out the saints of the most High.

Revelation 13:7, And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them.

Revelation 17:6, And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.

Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

The testimony of the saints during the last 1,900 years invalidates that Revelation was about events in the first century, as they witnesses against the antichrist beast popes and their harlot church, which teaches a false gospel of works through the sacraments, and a false intercessor in Mary.

Daniel and John point to the antichrist beast popes blaspheming the Heavenly Father.

Daniel 7:25 “And he shall speak great words against the most High.”

Revelation 13:6, “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.”

Revelation 17:3, “and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”

Read We Know The Antichrist Beast, False Prophet And Harlot Of Revelation By Their Fruit

The first seal of Revelation points primarily to Emperor Trajan who ruled from 98-117 AD and oversaw a time of victories for the Roman Empire as they conquered nations.

During their victory parades, the Emperors wore a laurel wreath (stephanos) crown while riding on a white horse.

The seal judgments were against the western one-third of the Roman Empire, as punishment for them being used by Satan to persecute Messiah’s saints during ten persecution periods, which took place from Nero until 312 AD when Constantine stopped them.

Revelation 12 points to the Satan-empowered Roman emperors persecution Messiah’s saints, making the birth of Messiah’s Ekklesia very painful, especially at the end during the tenth persecution period. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Revelation 12:11

Messiah’s message to the church age of Smyrna was to be ‘faithful to the death’ as they faced ‘ten days’ (ten prophetic years) of persecution from 303-312 AD when Emperor Diocletian sought to wipe out Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints.

The Roman Empire declined from bloody civil wars (red horse), economic strife (black horse), famine, pestilence and death (pale horse). The blood of the martyrs symbolically cried out in the fifth seal for vengeance against the Roman Empire. And the sixth seal points to political upheaval in the empire as the emperors and their armies were fighting against each other.

We see through the different chronological layers of Revelation, the historical narrative of the Roman emperors persecuting Messiah’s saints during the first four centuries, which invalidates the preterist position.

The trumpet judgments point to armies being sent to attack the mighty Roman Empire.

The first four trumpet judgments point to barbarian armies attacking the western third of the Roman Empire.

First Trumpet – Hail can point to war in Bible symbolism, and Elohim caused the Goths, who were led by Alaric, to move in the direction in which literal hail came (north to south). They attacked the Roman Empire from 400-410 AD, in Greece, Gaul and Spain. Then 300,000 Goths invaded Italy. The fire represents the ‘scorched earth’ policy in their invasions of enemy territory.

Second Trumpet – A mountain in Biblical symbolism represents a great nation and a sea is a large group of people. It represents Elohim sending the Vandals, led by Genseric, to attack the coast-lands of the Roman territory of the Mediterranean and all the islands from 425-470 AD, leaving bloodshed and confusion in their wake.

Third Trumpet – A star in prophecy symbolizes a leader. Elohim sent this great burning star, Attila the king of the Huns, who was called “the scourge of God.” Attila and his 800,000 man army rose quickly and flashed across the land in 451 AD, and desolated the Italian Alps, which is the source of the Danube, Rhine and Po rivers. The dead bodies in the rivers made the water ‘bitter’ (wormwood).

Fourth Trumpet – The sun, moon and stars, can symbolize leadership structure. Here it represents Elohim using Odoacer and the Heruli, a branch of the Goths, to cause the downfall of Roman leadership when Romulus Augustalus, the last Western Roman Emperor (the sun) of the West was captured in 476 AD. The hierarchy of Roman leaders (moon and stars) would have lost power too.

The Fifth Trumpet represents the Saracen (Mohammedan) army attacking the middle third of the Roman Empire from 632-782 AD, which is 150 years (5 months x 30 days = 150 days). They wore turbans (crowns of gold); they had beards (faces of men, as the Roman shaved); they had long hair like women; they wore chain-mail (breast-plates of iron); and they were fierce (teeth of lions). The ‘falling star’ was Mohammed, the ‘smoke’ out of Satan’s bottomless pit is the false religion of Islam, which hides the Gospel from Arabs eyes.

The Sixth Trumpet represents the Turks being released to cross over the Euphrates River to attack the eastern third of the Roman Empire for 391 years (prepared for the hour and day and month and year, 1 + 30 + 360 = 391) from 1062-1453 AD. They used gunpowder muskets, so ‘fire, smoke and brimstone’ appeared at their horses mouths. They used large cannons, some with the faces of lions on them, to knock down the thick protective walls of Constantinople, filling the air with ‘fire, smoke and brimstone.’

The vial judgments are against the antichrist beast popes and their harlot Roman Catholic Church.

Catholics in France, Spain and other countries revered (mark on forehead, thoughts) and obeyed (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist beast popes command to to torture and kill tens of millions of Messiah saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition; thus they had the mark of the beast and were due for judgment.

The first vial was poured out when the Jesuits caused the foul and loathsome sore of atheism to spread across France. The French Protestants had been killed, so the Catholic religion was all that was left. Elohim allowed the abomination of atheism to turn the French people away from the Papal Church.

The second vial was poured out as the Jesuits incited the French people to revolt against the Catholic Church leaders and France’s leaders, and their heads rolled. During the French Revolution 250,000 were killed in the very places that the French Protestants had been killed. Water symbolically represents people. In this case, it represents the French people in the large cities being killed.

The third vial was poured out as the bloody French Revolution spread out from the major cities (seas) to the more rural areas (rivers and springs, smaller groups of people) where they had shed the blood of saints and prophets, and now it was time for them to drink the same fate.

The fourth vial was poured out as the Jesuits caused the bloody Napoleonic wars with countries that had previously banned them, so they were getting their revenge. The ‘sun’ represents the mighty military leader Napoleon, who within the space of eight years, scorched every kingdom in Europe, from Naples to Berlin, and from Lisbon to Moscow. Elohim used it to exact revenge against the countries that had shed the blood of His followers. But the leaders of the countries did not repent, they blasphemed Elohim for His punishment.

The fifth vial was poured out on the ‘seat of the beast,’ as the office of the Papacy lost their power in 1798 AD. Shortly after the French Revolution, the Papal States were invaded by French forces, and they removed Pope Pius VI, who died in exile in Valence (France) in 1799. Their 1,260-year reign was ended by the hand of Elohim, but they repented not. They blasphemed Elohim because of the pains and sores of losing their authority.

Read The Phases Of The Roman Beast

The first part of the sixth vial judgment was fulfilled when the great Ottoman Empire, which is symbolized by the Euphrates River, was dried up as they lost control of a vast territory and were only left with the country of Turkey, which is the source of the Euphrates River.

We’re currently in the sixth vial, close to the seventh vial being fulfilled. Read Revelation Fulfillment Timeline

We can see by the historical fulfillment of most of the prophecies in Revelation during the last 1,900 years, that the preterist narrative of prophecy fulfillment is invalid.

Preterism is a false narrative that was created by the Jesuit priests to counter the Reformers, as they proclaimed that the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and ‘the beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.  

Read How The Deceptions Spread

On the Revelation Timeline Decoded website home page, you can request a free PDF copy of a summary of the Revelation Timeline Decoded book, or order a printed copy of the book which provides evidence of the fulfillment of most of the prophecies in Revelation during the last 1,900 years.

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6 thoughts on “Preterism Is Based On False Premises”

  1. This article is excellent! The chronology of historical events that are supported Biblically is clearly shown by the way you outlined it. Thank you for showing how the Bible uses sun, moon, stars, sea, mark, sores, etc to represent leadership, people, losing authority and so forth.
    The false narratives for both preterism and futurism are so deceptive unless one takes time to study his and God’s Word. That whole Left Behind series really focused on literal translation of Revelation. (i.e. literal sores).
    And of course Chuck Baldwin with his preterist preaching of Revelation is no better. This article and the ones where you have exposed his false teachings of Revelation have been on point.
    This post not only shows the truth but also exposes the lies of the preterist and futurist doctrines at the same time.
    I came out of futurism and Chuck Baldwin camp because of the truths you have written. For the first time, Revelation, Daniel, and Oliver Discourse makes sense. There are no longer holes and gaps in time. I not only see but understand how history comes into play. It IS connected to the Bible which public and “Christian” schools keep out of education. If they taught what you outlined hear MANY young people would see the power of the living God.
    Thank you for writing and putting out the truth and history in a simple way to follow! I thank God through Jesus that He has opened my heart and mind to His truths through vessels like you.

    • Thank you for your comment! Praise our Heavenly Father that you have eyes to see the truth of historicism, and the deceptions of preterism and futurism! Hopefully this study helps open up people’s eyes, to see that what preterists like Pastor Chuck Baldwin are teaching is a false narrative.

  2. To me the only way to interpret the Bible is literal unless impossible to do so. By not doing so, you have gone down the rabbit hole of extra biblical quotes and endless allegory. If exegesis is used you will get a totally different picture.

    • Were Messiah’s parables literal? No. So why do you think that He gave the apocalyptic vision only using literal language?

      Are Isaiah 13:10, Isaiah 34:3-5 and Ezekiel 32:6-8 describing the literal sun going dark? No, they’re pointing to leadership systems losing power.

      Messiah used symbols which are defined in the Old Testament to point to an event on the fulfillment timeline.

  3. I don’t even know what I was taught before reading this. I had no idea of the AD history of the fulfillment of prophecy. Thanks for starting my journey!


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