Nathal Leal Donald Trump The Rising Antichrist Video

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a video from Nathal Leal of Watchman’s Cry called Donald Trump – The Rising Antichrist.

Video description: Donald Trump – The Rising Antichrist. He is all over the news. It’s time for the church to choose!

Nathal Leal of Watchman’s Cry points out the lying and deception of Donald Trump and his soul-stealing; and that he’s the biggest fraud against the church who will send many people to hell.

Donald Trump is playing a role for the enemy to mislead people, that it true. But the man of sin, the son of perdition Popes have committed far worse crimes, and they have misled billions of Catholics with a false gospel which leaves them lost in their sins.

The Pope have banned and burned the Scriptures. They’ve caused Catholics to torture and kill tens of millions of Messiah’s saints. They cause Catholics to make and bow down to graven images, which breaks the second commandment.

They Popes have erected Egyptian obelisks, which are phallic symbols of the pagan sun god. They prohibit their priests from marrying, which has led to rampant homosexuality and pedophilia.

Read We Know The Antichrist Beast, False Prophet And Harlot Of Revelation By Their Fruit

Nathal Leal of Watchman’s Cry points out Matthew 24:5, when Messiah said that many will come in my name.

The antichrist beast Popes proclaim to lead Messiah’s church, and to be Messiah’s leaders on earth, thus they come in His name.

The antichrist beast Popes proclaim the title of the ‘Vicar of Christ’ which means ‘substitute Christ,’ thus they come in His name.

Messiah’s Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 is about the judgment of the unbelieving Jewish nation, which took place in that generation, during the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD.

Read The Olivet Discourse Deception

Nathal Leal of Watchman’s Cry says that the ones that deceive are going to be in the church, teaching a false gospel.

That’s exactly what the son of perdition, antichrist beast Popes do, is proclaim to lead Messiah’s church and teach a false gospel!!! How does Nathan not understand the impact of this on billions of Catholics?

Read Roman Catholic Beliefs

Nathal Leal of Watchman’s Cry says that Trump is the number one prospect of being the little horn of Daniel 7 and the antichrist of Revelation.

This is so off-target, as it’s based on a false concept on a one-man antichrist appearing during the supposed futuristic 70th week of Daniel, during which most of the prophecies of Revelation will be fulfilled. But the 70th week of Daniel 9 is about Messiah coming to confirm the everlasting covenant that was mentioned in Daniel 9:4, with His blood to atone for our sins. It’s not about the end times or the antichrist. Read 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded

It is the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the ‘beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

Nathal Leal of Watchman’s Cry says that people have zero discernment when it comes to Trump.

I agree with that, but Nathan misses that Trump is a servant of the General in Rome, just like all the Presidents. Catholics and Jesuit-trained people fill the city-state corporation of the District of Columbia.

Read The Jesuits Helped Found America, To Use It As Their War Machine

Nathal Leal of Watchman’s Cry teaches a false, futuristic fulfillment of the prophecies in Revelation.

Most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years. It describes the historical narrative of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (pagan Emperors > antichrist beast Popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

The explanations of Nathal Leal of Watchman’s Cry serve to deflect blame away from the enemy in Rome, and to mislead the end-times saints so that they’re not prepared for how the end-times will play out, and don’t know the context of Messiah’s return.

On the Bible Prophecy Decoded website you will find summary PDF’s, links to request free PDF’s on my books and links to order printed books.

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18 thoughts on “Nathal Leal Donald Trump The Rising Antichrist Video”

  1. Thank you David.

    What I would add is that Trump was selected as 45 to divide the church even further. However, this divide opened my eyes to see just who serves our Messiah and the true GOD Jehovah of the Bible and who doesn’t.

    I didn’t lose friends because of Trump. I gained the truth when we parted ways because of Donald Duck Trump.

    GOD JEHOVAH is so in control and Trump further confirms he [Trojan Horse Trump] was selected to deceive, divide and conquer.

    When we seek truth not to defend a belief, like you say, David, we will NEVER be deceived! Praise OUR HEAVENLY FATHER.

    Thanks again David for bringing truth to the remnant.

    • Yeah, the Donald has played his role well to divide America and the church.

      This video from Probably Alexandra shows how the enemy controls and uses both the dark side and the light side, to further their agenda. Don’t be deceived by Trump, Q-anon, Gesara/Nesara, etc., for they represent a false light side narrative.

      She’s a bit odd and may be controlled opposition, but this video is pretty interesting.

  2. Nathan Leal is a bold liar and longtime plagiarist of many. He claimed for years that Obama was the antichrist, now he claims it is Donald Trump.

    Leal plagiarized a woman for six years without her consent of knowledge, and when she found out, she was numb with shock and threatened to sue him in a court of law. Leal’s reaction is that she IMMEDIATLY took down his website for approximately a month, and when it appeared again, all his many, many, FAKE dreams from god, small g, vanished along with most of his plagiarizing and his FAKE deadly diseases and death bed events. He still plagiarizes this woman who exposed him for the fraud that he is,…In fact, He stole her prophecy of LAMENTATIONS IS COMING TO AMERICA AND HER ANOLOGY OF JEREMIAH/BABYLON AND AMERICA. He continues to use it…and claims god told him, small g.

  3. Someone that was close to Mr. Leal, stated that it is on record Leal told a website scheduler, that he was the only real prophet hiding out there waiting for his announcement to the world. (That was before woman he plagiarized for years threatened to sue him…He then stopped calling himself a ‘prophet’ and now calls himself a “researcher.”)

    Leal is a common LIAR AND A THIEF.

    He constantly plagiarizes many people and claims god ‘whispers’ in his ear.

  4. When Leal is not plagiarizing others and opens his mouth he gets in deep trouble, this is the result and it is disgraceful. The following is Nathan Leal’s knowledge of the Holy Scriptures:

    On the Hagmann and Hagmann Report Show on BlogTalk Radio, Audio at 2:32:15, dated July 10, 2015, Mr. Nathan Leal gives FALSE BIBLICAL TEACHING:
    Mr. Leal asks, “After Jesus rose from the dead, what did John find neatly folded in the corner?” (of the tomb) He goes on to say, “His (Jesus) old garments folded neatly in the corner.” Mr. Leal goes on to say, “Jesus was showing us that even He, from the way of man, the regular human body, had to take off the regular garments and put on the new garments of righteousness—Even Jesus did it. He goes on to say, “The old garments are the work of the flesh.”

  5. Leal stated Lord Jesus had to take off the flesh to become righteous! LIAR! More lies from Leal: One, the Lord Jesus garments WERE NOT in the tomb. Two, the burial linen that Jesus’ body was wrapped in was found collapsed, not folded in a corner. Three, the Lord Jesus garments were gambled for by the Roman soldiers as HE hung on the cross, the fulfillment of Psalms 22:18 prophesied. Four, Mr. Leal implies that Son of God, Lord Jesus, who came into the world as the perfect Sacrificial Lamb of God to die for sinners to save them from their rightful judgment of hellfire, was guilty of the sin of the flesh. That Jesus had to remove his earthly garments (his flesh) to be rid of the work of the flesh. That is Blasphemy! Mr. Leal is a bungling Bible illiterate.

    • Thank you for all this information on Nathan leal. Someone years ago , when Obama was president, recommended I listen to some of his teachings and to befriend him on facebook. I listened to a couple on Obama but didn’t listen to him often. Being “friends “ on facebook his stuff would pop up from time to time. His so called dreams seemed off to me but I just kept scrolling. I got when he spoke out against Trump but now he says Trump is Antichrist and I too remember when he said Obama was Antichrist. Once Biden was elected he was still obsessing over his “cash cow” Trump. Not to defend Trump , but he has not spoken a word against the government he once spoke against. Even defends Biden now who has same policies as Obama. I found it odd but when tried to call him out on this and other nonsense of his I was immediately blocked. He also tells his followers we are now living in the tribulation. Such a lie. He sells fear. Glad to know I’m not alone in realizing what I’ve thought for several years, that he is a fraud.
      I do recall his posts on having lupus and other such illnesses. I didn’t know he plagiarized as well but not surprised. His new wife is very odd as well.

      • He has apparently disappeared. He claims he moved to Texas. I feel like a fool. I generously gave money to him every time he or his wife was supposedly sick.
        Reading all this stuff about him, I feel sick to my stomach.

        • Please don’t feel like a fool, I, too, gave him money when he first emerged, and was emailing him, and later, six years later, found out by chance, he was plagiarizing my emails claiming god (small g) whispered the messages in his ear.

          He is back, he will never go away. The god (small g) business is very profitable.

          As I said, don’t feel like a fool; I was the fool. When I was a member of Christian Mingle, most members claimed Leal was a plagiarist, and I didn’t believe them, and I DEFENDED him. In fact in defense of Leal, I wrote an analogy using the Prophet Jeremiah, and published it on Christian Mingle website and sent a copy to Leal. Leal was thrilled. Years later I heard him plagiarize my Jeremiah analogy on Hagmann and Hagmann show, and he referred to himself as another Jeremiah. I was shocked.

          If anyone was a fool, it is me.

          • Thank you for your kind words, Annette. God bless you. I don’t trust trump at all either. But that’s another story. I’m glad you wrote that exposé. It’s getting where you can’t believe anything anybody says anymore, even in the church. So sad.

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