Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Is the Illuminati or the New World Order the Great Harlot? video review

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post reviews a video by Joel Richardson of FAI STUDIOS, called ‘Is the Illuminati or the New World Order the Great Harlot?’

Video description: MARANATHA Global Bible Study // The Book Of Revelation – Session 60: Is the Illuminati or the New World Order the Great Harlot?

Before I begin my review of Joel Richardson’s explanations, let me declare that I do these type of reviews, not just to expose false teachers; but to show what they teach, which you may have also been taught, so that you can see the truth and the deception.

These reviews serve as an open rebuttal of their explanations. It’s not about me, it’s about the truth of prophecy fulfillment which reveals the glory of our beloved Messiah!

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that some people teach that Babylon is the U.N., global cabal, elites, bankers, etc., who worship Lucifer to implement the One World Government.

He mentioned Klaus Schwab and George Soros, but dismisses that there’s a cosmic plan and that the global cabal that is all working together.

The false, futuristic prophecy fulfillment explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to hide that there is a massive organization of people who are covertly controlled by the false prophet Jesuit Superior General in Rome.

After the white pope removed the power and authority of the Jesuits in the late 18th century, the black pope had Napoleon’s army take the white pope captive, removing him from civil power in 1798 AD, during the fifth vial judgment.

The Jesuit Superior General can’t rule openly as people understand the evil nature of the Jesuits who had been kicked out of many countries, including Catholic ones.

So the General had Jesuit Adam Weishaupt create the Bavarian Illuminati, which then infiltrated Freemasonry. Since then they have created many front organizations, most with innocent sounding names, to take control of governments, businesses, financial organizations and banks, the media, the healthcare system, etc.

The Jesuit Superior General uses the guise of being a ‘Christian’ priest to hide his power and authority. But he’s a fake priest, as he is not a Catholic but a Satanist.

Watch the All The World Is A Stage video.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the Bible never teaches a New World Order.

Joel can’t see a New World Order because he doesn’t understand how Messiah uses symbols to point to a literal fulfillment.

In the seventh vial, it describes the greatest earthquake of all time. Earthquakes can symbolize political upheaval, so it’s pointing to the greatest political upheaval of all time.

It says that the great city is split into three parts. The great city is Rome, home of the antichrist beast pope, false prophet Jesuit Superior General and the harlot church of Rome.

The Jesuit Superior General controls the world through three city-state corporations, the three parts.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the Bible never teaches a New World Order.

The three parts of the great city are already in place:

  • Vatican City controls the religious and political leaders of the world.
  • The City of London controls the world’s financial and trade organizations, to determine who can buy and sell.
  • Washington D.C. controls the worlds intelligence agencies and military power, to enforce the mark of the beast.

After a worldwide economic collapse, countries (mountains) and the major cities of the world will lose their independent powers, and be subservient to the New World Order.

Read Revelation 16 – 7th Bowl Judgment

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the ten nations under control of the antichrist are north African and Middle Eastern nation.

Joel applies most of the prophecies in Revelation to the end times, but it’s the ten kingdoms of the fallen Western Roman Empire, who gave their authority to the antichrist beast popes during the 1,260 year civil reign from 538-1798 AD.

Daniel 7 described them as ten horns and the little horn popes rose to power and demanded that they bow to his authority.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the Illuminati only lasted a few years and that there’s no evidence of it today.

The Illuminati didn’t die, it simply infiltrated Freemasonry.

They’re so brazen that they have their own website now, and wrote the First Testament Of The Illuminati book which misleading positions them as good guys.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the Illuminati is not connected to the beast system.

Actually, the Illuminati is directly connected to the Roman beast system as it is the General in Rome who caused Jesuit Adam Weishaupt to create the Bavarian Illuminati, which then infiltrated Freemasonry.

The false, futuristic prophecy fulfillment explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to deflect blame away from the false prophet Jesuit Superior General.

Read The Antichrist Beast Of Johns Epistles And Revelation 

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the harlot is a profound religious and economic influence over the inhabitants of the earth.

It’s amazing that Joel says that and also declares that the Roman Catholic Church is not Mystery, Babylon the Great.

It is the most profound religious and economic influence in history. It has deceived billions of Catholics with a false gospel of works through the sacraments and a false intercessor in Mary, in the name of Jesus. It has used Catholics to torture and kill tens of millions of saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition, in the name of Jesus.

World political, financial and business leaders fly to the Vatican to meet with the pope. The Roman Catholic Church has parishes in many countries around the world

Read Prophecy Points To The Roman Catholic Church Study

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that Mystery Babylon is a city, which could be a city-state.

Once again I am amazed that Joel says these things, but doesn’t see the truth. Or maybe he is a Jesuit as he’s said people declare.

The most influential city of the last 2,000 years is Rome.

It’s the city which is the center of the fourth beast kingdom of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7, the Roman beast kingdom which stays in power until Messiah returns.

It’s the city which was used to destroy Jerusalem, the temple and the Jewish nation in 70 AD.

It’s the city which persecuted Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints during ten persecution periods, from Nero to 312 AD.

It’s the city which tortured and killed tens of million of Messiah’s saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition.

In 1929 AD, at the Lateran Treaty, the city-state corporation of Vatican City was created. Business, political and religious leaders travel to Rome to visit with the pope.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that it’s reasonable to assert that Satan will try to capitalize and hijack a world religion, pretending to be a counterfeit version of the Biblical faith.

And again I am amazed that Joel says these things, as that’s exactly what Satan did by causing the Roman bishops to create Romanism, the false religion of the Roman Catholic Church. It proclaims to be Messiah’s ‘one-true church’ but teaches a false gospel, a false intercessor and many manmade concepts that are contrary to Scripture and Messiah.

It is the tares church that was planted by the enemy to steal glory from Messiah, which will be pulled up and burned per Revelation 17-18.

It is the tares church that was planted by the enemy to steal glory from Messiah, which will be pulled up and burned per Revelation 17-18.

Read We Know The Antichrist Beast, False Prophet And Harlot Of Revelation By Their Fruit

I pray that this posts helps wake you up, so that you can see how the enemy has deceived the end-times saints, for Messiah’s return draw nigh and you don’t want to be caught off-guard like the foolish virgins who don’t have the oil of Scriptural truth to light their way.

Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Fatal Head Wound VideoJoel Richardson and Dalton Thomas teach a futuristic fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and the prophecies in Revelation.

The 70th week of Daniel 9 is about Messiah’s ministry and His blood sacrifice as the Spotless Lamb to atone for our sins. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

The Olivet Discourse foretold the events that would lead to the desolation of Jerusalem, the second temple and the Jewish nation; as punishment for the Jewish leaders continuing in rebellion against the Heavenly Father and for delivering His Son up to be killed. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

Most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years. It describes the historical narrative of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (pagan Emperors > antichrist beast Popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

The explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to deflect blame away from the enemy in Rome, and to mislead the end-times saints so that they’re not prepared for how the end-times will play out, and don’t know the context of Messiah’s return.

On the Bible Prophecy Decoded website you will find summary PDF’s, links to request free PDF’s on my books and links to order printed books.

#daltonthomas #joelrichardson #faistudios

2 thoughts on “Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Is the Illuminati or the New World Order the Great Harlot? video review”

  1. I believe you are an SDA sympathizer. They are a false religion that stresses the Sabbath as the greatest of Gods commandments. The sabbath rest is Jesus who fulfilled the old covenant. There is no basis for Sabbath worship anymore. It is Jewish. See Acts 15 where the council determined that circumcision was not required. But for Jews you needed to be circumcised before you had to follow the Law of Moses. See also Colossians 2:14-17 and also Revelation 22 where it says there is no more dark so how can you keep the Sabbath when there is no darkness and no 24 hour days?
    Also consider that Exodus 34:28 says the words of the old covenqant are the 10 commandments. Hebres 8:13 says the old covenant has passed.


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