Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Don’t Be A Nimrod Video Review

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post reviews a video by Joel Richardson of FAI STUDIOS, called ‘Don’t Be a Nimrod! // THE BOOK OF REVELATION: Session 55.’

Being a nimrod means that one is an idiot, a stupid person.

This is what Joel Richardson is proclaiming against people who offer proof that the Roman Catholic Church fulfills the role of the harlot of Revelation 17, as she symbolically carries out the Babylonian Mystery Religion.

But this study will show who is the Nimrod. 

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios dismisses the premise of Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons book, that the major pagan religions descend from Babylon.

Joel cites some exaggerated things that Alexander Hislop says in his book, and I agree that Hislop stretched the narrative, but that doesn’t mean that everything that Hislop documented is false.

Yet that’s the approach that Joel Richardson takes, which is very misleading. And it serves to deflect blame away from Rome, which is a consistent theme of his teachings.

Joel can deny the teachings in the book, but this post will show that this world is filled with the symbolism of the false pagan gods which originated in Babylon; which invalidates Joel’s premise.

And what his explanations are hiding is that the popes of Rome fulfill the narrative of Revelation 17:10-11

And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The ‘eighth king’ popes of Rome rose to power after seven forms of government (kings) passed. The ‘beast that was’ is referring to the leader of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, which didn’t exist when John wrote down the vision.

The man of sin, son of perdition, antichrist beast popes of Rome are the high priest of the Babylonian Mystery Religion.

The Revelation prophecy fulfillment explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to hide the enemy of Messiah and His saints.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios dismisses that there’s a grand story of deception under which everything can be explained.

He says that this is true of virtually all conspiracy theories.

It’s amazing to me that Joel dismisses truth by proclaiming that it’s a conspiracy theory. This is a tactic of people who are seeking to cover over something. 

The vision in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 foretold four beast kingdoms: Babylon > Medo-Persia > Greece > Rome, with the last one staying in power until Messiah returns.

Revelation 13, which is about the 1260-year reign of power of the antichrist beast popes of Rome, begins by pointing to these kingdoms.

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

When a kingdom conquers another kingdom, it takes on its characteristics. The Babylonian Mystery Religion of Babylon influenced Medo-Persian, Grecian and then Roman culture.

Revelation 13:2 is proclaiming that the Satan-empowered Roman beast kingdom still reveres the pagan gods of Babylon.

And we see an example of that in the Roman Pantheon, which is filled with pagan gods. Amazingly, the antichrist beast popes, who proclaim to lead Messiah’s one-true church, made the Pantheon into a Roman Catholic Church. And they placed an Egyptian pagan sun-god phallic symbol obelisk in front of it.

Yet, somehow Joel dismisses that the pagan gods of Babylon have been a grand story of deception, and he proclaims that it’s a conspiracy theory. And he tells us not to be a Nimrod!

Read Prophecy Points To The Roman Catholic Church Study

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that these conspiracy theorists tend to be untrusting, paranoid and skeptical.

The irony of that statement is that the saints during the last 1,000 years have been untrusting, paranoid and skeptical of the antichrist beast popes of Rome and their harlot church.

Why would that be? Maybe it’s because in the name of Jesus, the popes have caused Catholics to torture and kill tens of millions of saints. Maybe it’s that in the name of Jesus, the popes teach a false gospel, a false Messiah and many manmade concepts.

According to Joel, the saints who were burned at the stake for their witness against the antichrist beast popes and their harlot church, were untrusting paranoid and skeptical.

Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios dismisses that Islam was created by the Roman Catholic Church.

His statements effectively hides that the Roman bishops helped write the Qur’an and prop up Mohammed as the prophet for many reasons. Joel is hiding that Mohammed’s wife was a rich Catholic and that she and her cousin played a huge role in Mohammed’s development.

The Gospel was being proclaimed in Arab countries, so by creating a false religion that would incite the savage Arabs, it has served to mislead billions of Arabs.

After receiving civil authority over the Western Roman Empire in the sixth century, the popes didn’t have an army, so they’ve used the Arabs as their proxy army to kill Christians and Jews, and capture territory including Palestine.

And they designed Islam to be similar to Romanism, so that they will be joined together in the end times One World Government. They both dress their women (Muslims and nuns) in black robes. They both use prayer beads to make repetitious prayers to a false intercessor. They both revere Mary. And they both appear to revere Messiah, but they teach false narratives about Him.

Look at how effective this strategy has been. Today, there are 1.9 billion Muslims and 1.3 billion Catholics, so 1/3rd of the world is deceived by these false religions. And now in Mecca, they’re building a place where the three false religions of Judaism, Islam and Roman Christianity are joined together in the name of unity; which excludes people who observe the Scriptural faith.

Read Islam In Bible Prophecy

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the Nimrod story of Alexander Hislop is one big lie, the same as the Alberto Rivera was a fraud, this whole story is verifiably, provably a lie.

What he’s doing to pushing aside two witnesses that show how the Roman Catholic Church is the harlot of Revelation 17-18.

Alberto Rivera was an ex-Jesuit, so it was the Jesuits who declared that he was never a Jesuit and that he made up the story of Roman bishops writing the Qur’an and propping Mohammed up as the prophet.

The explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to hide that the Jesuit Superior General in Rome is the false prophet of Revelation. So of course they are going to work to hide the proof of Alberto Rivera by lying about him. 

So Joel’s declaration that it’s a verifiable, provable lie, is from the very enemy, the Jesuits of Rome. Interestingly, in a previous video, Joel said that people accuse him of being a Jesuit.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that because the Bible doesn’t describe the legend of the Babylon story, then it’s not true.

The Bible doesn’t describe most of the evil things that Satan does through people in this world, but that doesn’t mean that those things aren’t true!

Nobody is saying that the events of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, like Semiramis having mystical sex with the dead body of Nimrod to produce Tammuz the incarnate christ-child, actually took place.

But in the Bible, we see the influence of the Babylonian Mystery Religion on the Israelites.

The ten tribes of the House of Israel were called a harlot, as they revered the pagan gods of the Assyrians.

The two tribes of the House of Judah were also called a harlot, as they too revered pagan gods.

By that, we know what a harlot is, a group of people who proclaim to serve the Heavenly Father but revere pagan gods. So it’s easy to see how the Roman Catholic Church fulfills that role.

1 Kings 11 describes Solomon falling away in his latter days and served the pagan gods of his foreign wives. 

Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon. And likewise did he for all his strange wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods. 1 Kings 11:7-8

Leviticus 18:21, 20:2-5 point to the Israelites offering their children as sacrifices to the pagan god Molech.

Jeremiah 32 points to the House of Judah worshiping Baal and sacrificing their children unto Molech. And the punishment for worshiping the pagan gods of Babylon is that the Babylonians would kill them or take them captive.

But they set their abominations in the house, which is called by my name, to defile it. And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. And now therefore thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel, concerning this city, whereof ye say, It shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence. Jeremiah 32:34-36

Jeremiah 44:17-19 describes the House of Judah burning incense for the Queen of Heaven, which is Semiramis. 

The Roman Catholic Church burns incense for the Queen of Heaven, whom they call Mary.

In Ezekiel 8 describes the House of Israel revering pagan god idols, burning incense, worshiping the sun god by facing east, and the women sat weeping for Tammuz the incarnate christ-child of the Babylonian Mystery Religion.

That points to them worshiping the pagan gods of Babylon, which invalidates Joel’s statement.

In Jeremiah 1:16, the Heavenly Father warned the House of Judah not to worship the gods of Babylon,

”I will pronounce My judgments on them concerning all their wickedness, whereby they have forsaken Me and have offered sacrifices to other gods, and worshiped the works of their own hands.” 

In Amos 5:26, the prophet Amos accused the House of Israel of worshiping pagan gods and their star symbols.

“But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.”

In Acts 7:43, Stephen accused the Jewish leaders of revering the pagan gods.

“And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, the figures which you made” “in order to worship them.”

We see that the Bible points to the House of Israel and the House of Judah worshipping the pagan gods that came from Babylon, which invalidates Joel Richardson’s declaration.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that none of the extrabiblical works mention Nimrod marrying Semiramis.

This is a strawman argument. Joel is postulating that because no writings mention Nimrod marrying Semiramis, then the whole narrative of the Babylonian Mystery Religion must not be true.

The false pagan god religion is a made-up narrative to deceive the nations. They proclaim that Nimrod was killed and his body was cut up into thirteen parts which were scattered.

The legend is that Semiramis found twelve of the parts, but not his male organ. So she fashioned one and had mystical sex with his dead body, which created the incarnate christ-child Tammuz.

This is why Egyptian and Roman obelisks, which are a phallic-symbol of the pagan sun god, are erected around the world, especially in Rome.

The antichrist beast popes of Rome, who proclaim to lead Messiah’s one-true church, erected ten obelisk phallic symbols of the pagan sun god. One of them is in front of their main temple, St. Peter’s Basilica, in the middle of a sun wheel.

Watch the Revelation 18 Roman Catholic Church Is Babylon The Great Proof video.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that atheists read these narratives and it causes them to mock Christianity.

Ironically, the false prophecy fulfillment explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to hide evidence which validates the authority of the Bible and the deity of Messiah! 

The historical fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, which points to the exact year that Messiah started His ministry and the exact year that died for our sins; gives tangible evidence for our faith. But Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas proclaim that the 70th week of Daniel 9 is yet to be fulfilled and that it’s about Messiah’s enemy, the antichrist. Read  The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded

The historical fulfillment of the prophecies in Messiah’s Olivet Discourse, which was about events leading up to the desolation of Jerusalem, the temple and the Jewish nation during the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD; validates the authority of the Bible and the deity of Messiah. Read The Olivet Discourse Deception

The historical fulfillment of the most of the prophecies in Revelation during the last 1,900 years, validates the authority of the Bible and the deity of Messiah. Read Revelation Timeline

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that Roman Catholicism is a segment of Christianity that has accumulated traditions of men. 

No, the Roman Catholic Church is the ‘tares church’ which the enemy planted to deceive people. It looks like the wheat of Messiah’s church as it has the veneer of the Scriptural faith, but its false gospel and false intercessor in Mary is toxic to one’s faith.

The Roman Catholic Church arguably started with Simon Magus, a sorcerer who tried to buy the power of the Holy Spirit. After he was rebuked by Peter, he went to Rome to feign to be an apostle of Messiah. This is the ‘mystery of iniquity’ that the Apostle Paul proclaimed had already taken place.

Watch The Mystery Of Iniquity video.

The ‘falling away’ that the Apostle Paul described in 2 Thessalonians 2, took place in the fourth century, when Emperor Constantine and the Roman bishops codified Romanism, the false Christian religion of the Roman Catholic Church.

During the last 1,500 years, billions of people have been deceived by the tares church of Rome.

Read The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that Hislop’s book is second to the Bible to many people. 

Seriously? Talk about exaggerating a point!

Most people are futurists like Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas, and they have no clue about Hislop’s book or that the Roman Catholic Church is the harlot of Revelation 17. Others are preterists who don’t point to Hislop’s book.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios dismisses that Tammuz was born on 12/25, and says there is no source to prove it.

The Babylonian Mystery Religion of the harlot Roman Catholic Church is carried out in plain sight and it points to the incarnate christ-child Tammuz being born on 12/25.

An example of this takes place at the Vatican. On the spring equinox, the rising sun travels us the road to the east of St. Peter’s Basilica. It strikes the phallic symbol of the sun god Nimrod which causes its shadow to fall on the dome of the basilica, which represents the womb of the moon goddess, Semiramis.

This represents their annual sexual union, which produces their incarnate christ child Tammuz nine months later. Three days after the winter solstice on 12/21, when the sun is furthest away from the northern hemisphere, they proclaim that the sun god is born, which they celebrate on 12/25.

It’s the absolute worst day to celebrate Messiah’s birth, and the Bible declares that Messiah was born in the seventh month of the Scriptural calendar, in the fall.

Yet, here’s Joel Richardson supporting the Roman manmade holiday of Christ-mass! SMH!

Read the Scriptural Holy Feast Days

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that Hislop wrongly uses symbols and images to connect Babylon to the Roman Catholic Church.

Either Joel is either woefully ignorant about the evil ones use of symbolism, or he’s a deceiver.

Let’s start with the Israeli Supreme Court, as Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas blindly support the Zionist state of Israel. It was funded by Satanist Lord Rothschild.

It features Satanic, Freemasonic symbols such as a green pyramid with a all-seeing eye on top and an obelisk phallic symbol of the sun god in the courtyard.

The Israeli flag features the Satanic HEXagram on it because Satanist Lord Rothschild, who controls Zionist Israel, put it there.

Here’s Lord Rothschild with Benjamin Netanyahu, looking at the Balfour Agreement which gave him control of Palestine.

The blind support of Zionist Israel by Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas is appalling!

To see how the Khazar Jews in Zionist Israel fulfill Bible prophecy, read  Revelation 16 – 6th Bowl Judgment

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that the symbols are silly stuff, it’s that of a paranoid mind.

His lack of understanding about the Satanic religion of the evil ones, who revere the Babylonian Talmud and Satanic Egyptian Kabbalah, is either astoundingly ignorant or a he’s purposely deceiving people!

Satan is the god of this world and he has perverted the pure things of the Heavenly Father to try to steal glory from Him. When a false god is worshipped, Satan and his fallen angels receive the praise.

Phallic symbols of the pagan sun god have been erected around the world, in Vatican City, the City of London, Jerusalem, New York City, Washington D.C., etc.

The layout of the streets, buildings and monuments of Washington DC include an upside down Satanic pentagram that ends on the White House, a Freemasonry compass, an owl which represents Moloch, etc.

The ten miles of the District of Columbia is located between the two states of VIRGINia and MARYland, pointing its Roman roots.

The US One Dollar Bill is full of symbolism of the evil elite who worship false gods.

The symbols of pagan god worship are hidden in plain sight, but Joel Richardson dismisses it as silly stuff.

Read The Jesuits Helped Found America, To Use It As Their War Machine

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios cites a friend who listened to Alex Jones, about false flags and that everything is a conspiracy.

Alex Jones is controlled opposition. The enemy uses him to teach a lot of truth about the evil ways of the people who control the world, but then he deflects blame away from the General in Rome.

For Joel Richardson to dismiss the many deceptions of the enemy, the many false flags which have been used to start world wars, which were used to justify invading Iraq and Afghanistan, which have been used to take away people’s rights to own guns, which have put the US and the world in a police state; is either massively ignorant and he’s a deceiver!

People with discernment see through the lies of the evil ones who control this world. 

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios dismisses the power that Satan has in this world through organizations of people, saying that God is more powerful.

This is a goofy statement. Of course, the Heavenly Father is more powerful, but the Bible declares that the god of this world is Satan.

The earth beast of Revelation 13 narrative describes the false prophet Jesuit Superior General, who can’t rule openly as people understand the evil nature of the Jesuits.

So he has taken control of the world through many front organizations. He used Jesuit Adam Weishaupt to create the Bavarian Illuminati, which then took over Freemasonry.

The statements of Joel Richardson, who says that he’s been accused of being a Jesuit, serve to deflect blame away from the false prophet Jesuit Superior General in Rome.

Watch the All The World Is A Stage video.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios points to the cross of Christianity, which Hislop connects to paganism.

This is a case in which Hislop takes the narrative too far. For we see the cross in the Hebrew word Tav, which symbolizes a mark, a sign, a covenant.

The irony is that Joel fails to see that the Roman crucifix is pure evil. They keep Messiah on the cross to openly mock Him.

And the Roman crucifix is a symbolic representation of the Greek number 666.

Dalton Thomas of FAI Studios says that Catholic theology is centered on the cross.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that reading Hislop and making the connections is what passes for Christian discernment.

Joel makes these declarations to hide that the antichrist beast popes of Rome are the high priest of the Babylonian Mystery Religion.

The symbolism of the Babylonian Mystery Religion is seen in the blasphemous Eucharist ceremony, when they raise up the round wafer, which represents the pagan sun god Nimrod, to be revered.

Then they place it in into a monstrance, which has sun rays projected out of it. The wafer is set upon a lunette crescent moon, which represents the moon goddess Semiramis.

This represents the sexual union of the Babylonian sun god and mood goddess, which symbolically produces their incarnate christ-child, Tammuz.

They do all of this under the guise of the Christian faith, but it is evil as they are proclaiming to do it for the forgiveness of sins, which denies Messiah’s one-time blood sacrifice.

This is why Eucharist ceremony wafers have a ‘t’ on them, for Tammuz.  This is why Catholics get a ‘t’ on their forehead in Ash Wednesday, to represent Tammuz. They say that the ‘t’ represents the cross, but there is a hidden meaning to almost everything they do.

Yet Joel Richardson has the audacity to proclaim the lack of discernment about what the popes of Rome are doing!

Read Who Is The Roman Catholic Church Really Worshiping?

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that it’s laziness to frame everything as evil, it doesn’t take much work.

The Bible says that Satan is the god of this world, so proclaiming that the worldly system isn’t evil is laziness! 

It’s the very opposite, as one has to do research to see that the enormous amount of evil in this world, to see who really controls it and is carrying out wicked agendas to control the population and to push it into their One World Government.

Joel Richardson’s declarations serve to deflect blame away from the great evil which has come from the General in Rome, who is the enemy of Messiah and His saints, and of mankind.

Watch The Secret Destiny Of The USA video.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios points to people who are framing him as a false teacher who is trying to deceive people, and he asks “what is wrong with these people?”

So it’s okay for him to proclaim that preterists are wrong and that pretribbers are wrong, even mocking people for their beliefs, but it’s not okay for someone to show how what he teaches is wrong? Seriously?

He categorized people who show how the Roman Catholic Church carries out the Babylonian Mystery Religion, as untrusting paranoid, skeptical people. And then complains about people who point out his false teachings.

It’s ironic as he seems to not have much discernment when it comes to prophecy fulfillment and especially in regard to the Zionist state of Israel. Yet he mocks people who know the truth as paranoid. 

Read Bible Prophecy Decoded

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says to stop being a Nimrod, which is ironic as he’s fulfilling that role.

I’ve reviewed many videos from Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas, proving how what they teach about the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and Revelation is false.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says to stop pointing the finger at your Christians sisters and brothers.

He says that sometimes you get these weird sites, these heretic hunters, and they list all of the ministers that they’ve exposed; and he says that your basically a theological sociopathic serial killer.

You mean like this End Times False Prophets page? 🙂

Joel said, Oh, this is your snuff list, you think that you debunked all of these pastors? What type of mentality is this?

Yes, I do believe that the historicist explanations debunk the false futurist and preterist prophecy fulfillment explanations, which the Jesuit priests created to deflect blame away from the popes, when the Protestant Reformers all proclaimed that the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the ‘beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

What kind of mentality is this? It’s called being a watchman on the wall who is sounding the alarm, pointing out how the enemy has created preterist and futuristic prophecy fulfillment deceptions.

Read How The Deceptions Spread

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios mocks that Satan is symbolized by a goat, and says that God made goats, implying that it doesn’t mean anything.

The Heavenly Father made snakes too, but enemy is seen as a snake, and Messiah steps on his head with His heel.

Meanwhile, we see witches and Satanists using the Baphomet goat head to represent the god of this earth.

Here’s Elon Musk wearing a Baphomet goat that has an upside down cross on it, which is the symbol of Satanism.

What kind of odd mentality denies that the god of this earth is represented by the Baphomet goat?!?

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios mocks that the six-sided star is the Satanic hexagram, but that it’s the star of David.

He says that for most people, it’s a sign for the state of Israel.

That’s true but it doesn’t mean that it’s not Satanic! The symbol of Jews should be a menorah.

There is no Biblical proof that David ever had a star, but his son Solomon did when he worshipped the pagan gods of his foreign wives.

The six-sided star is the supreme symbol of Satanic tyranny.

satanic-pope-hexagramThe hexagram has been used by people such as the pagan Babylonians, Egyptians and Assyrians, to directly or indirectly worship Satan.

Helena Blavatsky wrote that “Lucifer is the true God“, and she incorporated the hexagram in the emblem of the Theosophical Society, which she founded in 1875.

Satanists, Luciferians, astrologers and witches use it to invoke the power of demons.

The six-sided star numerically equals 666 (6 points, 6 triangles, 6-sided hexagon).

Christians pass it off as the ‘Star of David‘ but the truth is that King David never used a star, so calling it a nice sounding name hides what it really represents. King Solomon used it in witchcraft, magic and idolatrous worship to Ashtoreth and to Moloch.

Stephen accused the Jewish leaders, “And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, the figures which you made” “in order to worship them.” Acts 7:43


There is clear evidence that Satanist Lord Rothschild controls the Zionist state of Israel. 

He helped fund the Knesset and Israeli Supreme Court buildings. The main street in Tel Aviv, which is the gay capital of the world, is Rothschild Boulevard. Lord Rothschild’s face us on Israeli currency.

Here’s the Red Shield of the Rothschild family crest, which is why the hexagram is on the Israeli flag.

Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that God made snowflakes which has six sides.

Satan perverts the things of the Heavenly Father, so Joel declaring that a snowflake has six sides to try to proclaim that a hexagram is good, is a flawed narrative.

It’s amazing how Joel Richardson either blindly defends the Satanic hexagram, which is seen in most false religions; or he’s a deceiver.

It’s hard to comprehend how all of these misleading statements came out of a Christian leaders’ mouth! And trust me, I didn’t cover all of of Joel Richardson’s points.

Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Fatal Head Wound VideoJoel Richardson and Dalton Thomas teach a futuristic fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and the prophecies in Revelation.

The 70th week of Daniel 9 is about Messiah’s ministry and His blood sacrifice as the Spotless Lamb to atone for our sins. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

The Olivet Discourse foretold the events that would lead to the desolation of Jerusalem, the second temple and the Jewish nation; as punishment for the Jewish leaders continuing in rebellion against the Heavenly Father and for delivering His Son up to be killed. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

Most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years. It describes the historical narrative of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (pagan Emperors > antichrist beast Popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

The explanations of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas serve to deflect blame away from the enemy in Rome, and to mislead the end-times saints so that they’re not prepared for how the end-times will play out, and don’t know the context of Messiah’s return.

On the Bible Prophecy Decoded website you will find summary PDF’s, links to request free PDF’s on my books and links to order printed books.

#daltonthomas #joelrichardson #faistudios

14 thoughts on “Joel Richardson FAI STUDIOS Don’t Be A Nimrod Video Review”

  1. Stephen identified Remphan as the god of the hexagram used by Babylonian Judaism in his farewell speech:

    Acts 7:43 – Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

    He was accurately paraphrasing Amos 5:26. The Masoretic Text which underlies the KJV OT somehow replaces “Remphan” with “Chiun”, thereby obscuring Judaisms tie to the pagan hexagram symbol.

    Amos 5:26 (KJV) – But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

    Interesting that in this line of scripture, the Septuagint correctly identifies Remphan.

    Amos 5:26 (LXX) – Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Raephan, the images of them which ye made for yourselves.

    The “Star of David” is the Star of Remphan, called out by Stephen 2000 years ago.

    • Thank you for sharing that information Guy! It’s absurd to call it the Star of David, but Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas blindly support the Zionist state of Israel.

  2. I don’t agree with everything you say re your eschatology but why do you oppose Jewish people living in their ancestral homeland? Regardless of whom The Lord used to allow it to come about, they are there whether anyone likes it or not.

    • Mike, I oppose them for the same reason that Messiah opposes them, as He proclaims in Revelation 3:9, “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

      Most of the people called Jews in Israel are Jews by religion, not by blood. They revere the Babylonian Talmud which curses Messiah and says vile things about Him, His mother and His saints. And they revere the Satanic Egyptian Kabbalah.

      As noted in the post, it is Satanist Lord Rothschild who controls Zionist Israel. The Rothschilds are the reason that there’s a Satanic HEXagram on the Israeli flag. Calling it the ‘star of David’ is a lie to cover over it’s evil symbolism. The Bible never says that David had a star, but Solomon did when he worshiped the pagan gods of his foreign wives.

      This study shows how the Jews in Israel fulfill Bible prophecy in a bad way:

      When you understand the truth in that study, then you will understand why Messiah says that they are of the synagogue of Satan.

      The way for Jews to see the truth so that they can have a covenant relationship with the Father through Messiah, is for people to show them how Messiah fulfilled the 70th week of Daniel 9, how the prophecies in Messiah’s Olivet Discourse were fulfilled in exacting detail in the first century, and how most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years.

      Then Jews can see the validation of the New Testament and the deity of Messiah, so that they can be believe in their promised Messiah.

      The false teachings of Joel Richardson and Dalton Thomas effectively keep Jews in the dark about these things.

      • Whether Jews are believers or not ,as a people group our ancestral lands are still in Israel regardless of who’s running the show and we have a right to be there just like an arab has a right to go to arabia.
        Arabs share DNA with Ashkenazi,sephardic and mizrachi Jews so todays Jews are ethnically Jewish regardless of their beliefs.
        The khazar theory has been debunked

        • Mike, of course the opposition has proclaimed to have debunked the Khazar theory, because they need to hide the truth. But there are many witnesses, including Jewish DNA researchers, which I list on this study:

          Did you know that almost all of Israel’s Prime Ministers came from Russia and Poland, which is where the Khazars fled to after being pushed out of Khazaria. Did you know that they changed their last names to sound Jewish.

          Do you know why there is a Satanic HEXagram on the Israeli flag instead of a menorah? David never had a star by his Solomon did when he worshiped that pagan gods of his foreign wives.

          Do you know what the Balfour Agreement is? It gave possession of Palestine to Satanist Lord Rothschild.

          Do you know who funded the Israeli Knesset building and Supreme Court building which has many Satanic Freemasonry symbols in it? That would be Satanist Lord Rothschild.

          You might want to do more research, because the enemy has deceived the world about Zionist Israel.

          • The “jewish”researchers, are they khazars or real Jews?
            Ruth married Boaz. She wasn’t Jewish but converted to biblical judaism. Did her descendants follow messiah? if so they’re Jewish ,if not they aren’t?
            Im talking about Hebrew people and converts following torah who The Lord has allowed to return to the land of the Patriarchs (Israel) as prophesied.
            These people whether believers in Yeshua or not have every right to live in the land don’t you think?
            I agree there are some who will be classed as members of the synagogue of satan but if they repent in Yeshua they will be in the House of the Lord regardless of whether they have ‘original Jewish” dna or converts (khazars)
            The whole world is under the dominion of the evil one for now so it doesn’t matter if Rothschild paid for the state of Israel existence, God will use it for his purposes.
            Even if your historicist position is 100% correct , Jews today are Jews because they were born (dna) or converts from long ago and therefore qualify as people of the land.
            Typically Jewish names are Ben (fathers name or tribe) and thats it. Or any name you choose or is forced upon you.

          • Mike, you’re making excuses to dismiss the obvious, even when Messiah foretold these people in Revelation 3:9, saying that they are “of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie.”

            You’re proclaiming that people who converted to Judaism, who aren’t descendants of the House of Israel, have a right to the land. That makes no sense! Judaism is a false religion. They don’t have a covenant relationship with the Father through Judaism.

            No, they don’t have the right to the land, because it is the Heavenly Father who removed them from the land.

            Listen to the True Torah Jews, who proclaim that the Zionist have no right to speak for the Jewish people or to control the land.

            Listen to Jews United Against Zionism who proclaim the same thing.

        • David, you are a good man to respond to Mike’s errors with the truth, but your efforts may be better appreciated elsewhere. After reading his words, I am reminded that Satan is the author of confusion and the father of lies. Arthur Koestler’s 13th Tribe has been thoroughly attacked, but never debunked. Mike is a liar.

          • wasn’t Arthur jewish and a non believer so therefore from the synagogue of satan?why you listening to him?

  3. David,
    You say they don’t have a right to the land because The Father removed them, but he also promised to bring them back and speak tenderly to them. a mixed multitude has indeed come back and Father has been revealing His Son Yeshua to both true and fake Jews in the land, so we should rejoice that the lost sheep are being found and saved.

    • Mike, what verse are you referring to that says that the Father will bring them back and speak tenderly to them? I ask because people sometimes take verses that were about the Jews being in captivity in Babylon and apply them to the modern state of Israel.

      Hopefully more and more Jews acknowledge Yeshua as their Messiah, but the great majority do not.

      The false prophecy fulfillment explanations of Joel Richardson prevent Jews from seeing proof of the deity of Yeshua as the 70th week of Daniel 9 points to Messiah the Prince not an antichrist.

      The false prophecy fulfillment explanations of Joel Richardson prevent Jews from seeing the fulfillment of the prophecies in Yeshua’s Olivet Discourse in the first century and most of the prophecies in Revelation during the last 1,900 years.

      Your defending the wrong people Mike.


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