I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned! Video Review

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a video from Nick Jones called ‘I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned!’

Video description: I asked an advanced AI system about the end times according to the Bible, and what it revealed left me absolutely stunned!

I’m not an expert in quantum computing or artificial intelligence, but as I’ve seen articles and videos about AI, my gut tells that it’s a made-up concept of the enemy. 

The evil ones are many decades ahead of the rest of the world in regard to technology. They have blazing fast computer systems such as the Cube and advanced programming.

They’ve used this computing power to provide instant results on Google searches, while skewing the results to hide truth and promote false explanations.

They’ve used this computing power to hide truth on Facebook and counter it with supposed fact-checkers.

On Facebook, I’ve noticed during the last few months that the ‘fact checkers’ have been greatly reduced. Why? Maybe because the supposed AI programming is the next level of fact checking.

Think about the vast database and computer processing power that’s used for Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana, which are designed to answer many questions, but mislead people about key topics.

Their vast database of information allows the computer to generate answers instantly, making it seem like it has intelligence.

They’ve conditioned people’s minds to blindly assume that AI must be right.

They’ve been gathering questions and information for many years, and now they’re using it in their supposed AI ChatGPT program to mislead people.

It took Facebook four years, Snapchat and Myspace three years, Instagram two years, and Google almost a year to cross 100 million users.

The popular artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, from OpenAI, has reached 100 million users. Launched in November last year, ChatGPT has attained the feat in a short span of two months.

People are fascinated with the explanations of AI via ChatGPT, but it serves as a platform to hide truth and promote deceptions. Like controlled opposition groups and people, ChatGPT gives a lot of truth to get people to trust it, but then deceives them about key issues.

Is AI sentient?

You see people proclaiming that they believe that AI is already sentient or will become so, meaning it has a mind of it’s own. I don’t believe that the evil ones in Rome would allow a computer system to develop its own plan which may seek to wipe them out too.

What will it be used for?

They can use it to reduce the need for employees, causing massive unemployment and loss of income, to force people into depending on government assistance, into socialism in which it gives them money if they behave.

They can use it to track people via 5G and their mobile phones, even targeting them with frequencies to cause physical harm.

When someone sent me this video, I was interested about the topic.

What we’ll see is that the supposed AI is giving the same false, futuristic prophecy fulfillment explanations that were created by the Jesuit priests to deflect blame away from Rome. Read How The Deceptions Spread

So we see proof that AI is an advanced disinformation platform.

Let’s go through the points that AI proclaimed to see how they are false, which shows that AI is a disinformation platform.

In the first point, it proclaims that deceptions will arise in the end times.

This is true, as it’s only been during the last few centuries that people have believed the false futuristic narrative of prophecy fulfillment. Before that, people believe that the prophecies in Revelation have been in the process of being fulfilled since it was written.

The video points to a future beast that will deceive people, even pointing to AI as a sort of antichrist.

I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned! Video Review Screen Shot 1

That serves to deflect blame away from Rome, as the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and ‘the beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.  Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

In the second point, it points to a futuristic mark of the beast, associating it with AI.

But the truth is that the mark is not about AI, a technology chip or tattoo. The mark of the beast is revering (mark of forehead, thoughts) and obeying (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist beast pope. It’s not a one-time event.

Today, 1.3 billion Catholics have the mark of the beast, as they revere the pope as their leader. And the pope is gathering political, business and religious leaders under his authority. Read The Fulfillments Of The Mark Of The Beast

In the video, AI points to a futuristic reign of the antichrist.

Again, this is deception, as the popes of Rome already reigned in civil power for 1,260 years from 538-1798, when the banned and burned the Scriptures, and caused tens of millions of saints to be tortured and killed. Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned! Video Review Screen Shot 2

In the third point, it points to the spiritual battle in the end times.

The historical narrative of the prophecies in Revelation describes the spiritual battle between the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (pagan Emperors > antichrist beast popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

The historical narrative of the prophecies in Revelation describes the battle of two churches: Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints and the harlot church of the antichrist beast popes.

The Roman Catholic Church is the tares church of the enemy, which was planted to look like the true wheat church of Messiah. But the tares church of the antichrist is poisonous, as it teaches a false gospel of works through the sacraments and a false intercessor in Mary.

Read Prophecy Points To The Roman Catholic Church Study

In the fourth point and conclusion, they say that God’s plans are unshakable.

I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned! Video Review Screen Shot 3

Indeed, the plans of Messiah which are outlined in the Apocalyptic vision are unshakable, and we can see how most of the prophecies in Revelation have already been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years.

This validates the authority of the Scriptures and the deity of Messiah who foretold the events., which is why the enemy has worked so hard to hide the truth.

Read Revelation Fulfillment Timeline

In my opinion, AI is just a disinformation database which gives a lot of truth to get people to blindly trust it, but it hides truth on key issues to mislead people.

It’s the same scheme of the enemy, which they use in controlled opposition groups and people. Only now it’s automated via powerful computers with a vast database.

Let me know what you think.

Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

55 thoughts on “I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned! Video Review”

  1. Once we repent and accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and believe He died on the cross for our sins, arose from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of The Father.. The Holy spirit dwells in us and guides us..gives comfort and peace.. We cannot do anything on our own..
    Love and Blessings..
    How Great Thou Art

  2. Many of us, including myself, after many years of being mislead, have now been enlightened to the truth pertaining to the false teachings of the futuristic end-times fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, etc., we continually discuss and recognize many false teachers, yet, never to my awareness, ever acknowledge those teachers of prophecy today, currently, who get it right. Forgive me if this has been discussed, I am unaware. Like most of us, over many years, I have accumulated, if you will, my go-to pastors for inspiration, messages, teachings, etc., and ALL of them teach the futuristic twisted version of end-times prophecies.. it’s very very discouraging! After all my daily devotions , I often search the internet for just one pastor or teacher who speaks and teaches what we’ve become to know is truth, I cannot find one!! These days, it seems every single online pastor, teacher, speaker, etc, all incorporate the futuristic prophecy concepts, then inevitably, I have to shut the program off.. so frustrating, and it would appear, that all churches either do the same or a twisted version thereof.

    If I had a dollar for every time I heard; rapture, 3rd temple, etc…..

    There’s a few Christians online who put together most of the pieces pertaining to the historical facts and truths about end-times, then the bottom completely falls out when they say, Sunday worship is the mark of the beast.. oh boy!

    My entire Bible study group and every single church I’ve attended for the past 35 years, ALL believe the false futuristic version of Daniel 9, rapture, Israel, temple, etc… how incredibly ironic it is, that we who adhere to and believe what the Bible actually teaches are an extreme minority, so it would seem!!

    Bottom line; is there anyone online who teaches the truth!!?? Cause I can’t listen to any pastors anymore nor find one that teaches the truth!

    Shalom everyone!

    • I completely understand what you’re saying Mike. The SDA Church has hijacked the historicist narrative to draw people to it, but then misleads them about key prophecies like the vial judgments, the earth beast of Revelation 13 and the mark of the beast. https://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/seventh-day-adventist-false-prophecy-fulfillment-teachings/

      Karl Tester is a historicist who is currently posting a Revelation series.

      BibleOrTraditions is a historicist who has a Revelation series.

      Robert Carignola of Truth In History teaches the historicist narrative.

      The ABOUT page has links to their YouTube channels. We don’t agree about every prophecy explanation, but I appreciate their ministries.

      It’s heartbreaking to listen to popular YouTube teachers mislead people. All we can do is teach the truth and pray that the Spirit moves in people’s lives.


    • The “ GOOD NEWS “ is that we still have a “ SINGLE SOURCE “ & that is MESSIAH YAHSHUA, the “ WORD “ of YHWH….
      I also have found that those online teachers that I have been drawn to in the past no longer hold sway over my time & attention, which is as it should be, because YHWH is a jealous Elohim & won’t accept our “ Divided “ attention…
      I have struggled with “ NOW WHAT? “, but am finding YHWH’s SHALOM day by day, which is sufficent for this bond servant of MESSIAH YAHSHUA…. ❤️❤️
      What I do pray for is finding like minded disciples of MESSIAH YAHSHUA’s body locally to fellowship with until the Ruach haKodesh provides more direction .
      YHWH bless you & keep you
      YHWH make his face shine on you & be gracious to you
      YHWH turn his face toward you and give you SHALOM….
      Keep looking up, our redemption is drawing neigh…..

      • Loren Martell – praise the Lord, yes Amen, I agree! My intent was not to make it about me per se, but since you mentioned Yeshua Messiah being sufficient for us day by day, I must say, this has been my absolute experience, praise Him! He must be our everything, otherwise we replace Him with a substitute… the Word of God is inexhaustible and His daily riches therein, the Water of life shall never run dry.

        I’m just exiting the “NOW WHAT” stage as you alluded to; isn’t that the truth!! A younger brother in Christ and his wife have expressed their interest in the historicists view to me from Bible group, which is the only accurate view, which I now hold to, so hopefully that can be a start to expand the truth in my small circle of believers.. we all need fellowship, we should not forsake the assembly,.. and since many churches, all in my area, have been compromised, it’s been very difficult to say the least, I’m sure we all can attest to that.

        As I alluded to previously; often times after spending much time in the Word, I simply want to listen to like-minded Christians speak truths, since i dont meet with any currently, but as we know, they’re far and few between. Not sure about the USA, but here in Canada, Jesus apparently takes the summers off, likewise, no Bible study groups until September! Despite my sarcasm, yes, no Bible studies, fellowship, or prayer gatherings all summer… ugh!

        As much as I appreciate the brothers and sisters I meet with, when we do gather, I can only dream of a meeting with like-minded Christians, like on this blog, on a continual basis! How awesome would that be fellowshiping in the same room while basically agreeing on all topics, rather than consistently debating or arguing on topics like… preterist vs futurist vs historicist vs rapture vs no rapture etc… so distracting.. then again, maybe it’s high time that I, (I can’t speak for others) to speak up more and proclaim these truths.. on the contrary, I have spoke up a few times, which only elicits debate.. never ending circle.. what do I here… oh I trust pastor X or Christian X.. guess I’m not “qualified” 🙂


        • Mike, I can relate to your comment here. Most, if not all churches here are also compromised and believe in futurism. But we found a Reformed church 46 miles away which we starte attending 5 years ago. I found it by listening to Paul Flynn [from Ireland] videos on you tube when he interviewed a man who is from this church. I have been researching the truth and false teachers for years Our church is a solid reformed bible believing Calvinist Church. It is excellent with very excellent preaching , teaching and classes. etc.
          Of course, not perfect. We too, take the entire summer off from sunday school and bible study for adults and children. I have never been able to figure out exactly why either sinc e it is quite a large enough church to keep the classes going despite people’s vacations.

          But I have not met anyone who knows historicism in any way but no one believes in premillennialism/rapture either. They are amillennial tho, which I am not. Everything else is quite biblical and according to God’s word. I do love our Church and pray we/it will grow to even more maturity. This church is around 70 years old or more, and many families are in it from the beginning. I am saying this because I think you will find a church some day too, just like we did, after much searching and studying.
          It is really comforting to be in unity and not arguing which I detest.

          God bless you and I pray you find a good Church and fellowship!

          • Lauren – That’s wonderful you found the right church; generally speaking, there appears to be two camps of Christians, a group who weeks to be pacified comfortable and have their ears tickled, and a group who seeks the truth! It appears the latter is everyone’s experience on this blog, hence the topic(s) at hand.

            I’ve been told over the years; just eat the cherries (receive truth) and spit out the pits (disregard untrue). I get the concept, and can certainly be achieved. Its spiritually unhealthy to neglect gathering with the saints, but given today’s Christendom, with all the charismatic emotional rock concert style “worship” that has infiltrated most congregations, I find it extremely difficult, and quite frankly would rather meet old school – house to house where 2 or 3 are gathered in the Lord. But that’s just me.

            Generally speaking, the church has become very worldly, the enemy has infiltrated the church in both Scripture and worship, therefore, when someone like yourself finds a good church, it’s best we hang onto it.

            Thanks for your encouraging words Lauren!


  3. I love you my brothers and sisters.. the Bible tells us that those who do not accept and seek the truth are given over to strong delusion that they may believe the lie..
    I was called back to read the KJV Bible in 2013.. I have read this same Bible through 3 times..the 2nd time I notice word changes..this started around 2015.. The 3rd time I notice verses and paragraphs changes..verses added or deleted..
    There are many blasphemous changes in the bible now..
    If you choose truth.. Look up..
    TRUTH SHOCK TV youtube
    May God give you the eyes to see..
    It was always ‘the lion will lay down with the lamb’ now the wolf has entered the flock and is dwelling with the lamb.
    I believe Jesus called me back to read The KJV Bible in 2013 to warn his flock of the changes..
    Jesus said my sheep hear my voice..

    God bless

    • We can take it as blasphemous or as a clear warning from Our Father…the wolf IS amidst the flock, we know them by their fruits.
      There are many warnings from Our Father everywhere if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. We can take it which ever way we choose.
      I think it’s incredible Our Father would use the written word to make some things very clear.

  4. Absolutely David, it’s just a powerful database regurgitating the beliefs of those who built it.

    It’s “Artificial” alright!

  5. Are you part of the Laodicean Church? – Wretched and blind..

    Did you write God’s Word on your heart?..When He instructed us to do so..

    Have you asked The Holy Spirit for discernment?

    God told us even the very elect could be deceived..

    Amos 8:11
    Behold, saith The Lord God, I will send a famine in the land.. not a famine of bread or thirst for water but of hearing the words of The Lord..

    We are near the end and have been in that famine for quite some time but people are wretched and blind..

    The Bible is corrupted..
    satan’s agenda is now in the bible..


    Are you part of the falling away?

    I send this message because I Care and I Love you

    • You bring this same topic up all of the time. It’s fine to disagree with me, but implying that I’m part of the falling away is absurd! Do I seem like someone who hasn’t asked the Holy Spirit for discernment? Look at what I teach on many different websites. Do I seem blind?

      • What if the majority are missing the mark, even the Historicists? I had to press on to get more understanding.

        We meet Messiah when He comes to dwell within us, even Our Father, as we dwell within HIM. (John 17).

        In that day our eyes are opened and we’ve been given spiritual understanding we know we are ONE(Echad). We claim our inheritance as a child of The Most High and are in The Kingdom, right now, on the earth.

        The Kingdom is not meat and drink but joy, peace and righteousness in The Ruach Ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit).

        “Marvel not I said thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell.“ John 3:7

        We must be born of water and spirit to see(discern) the kingdom or even enter therein.

        Messiah returned to the Spirit Realm but does not leave us comfortless, The Comforter, even The Spirit of Truth comes to dwell within us. No wonder we must be born into the spirit realm to get understanding. Messiah dwells in The Temple Not Made With Hands, He dwells within us. He is the head, we are the body, each ONE a precious living (gem)stone in The Kingdom.

        The natural(carnal) man is not subject to The Torah of Elohiym(GRACE) neither indeed can be.

        We must be transformed by the renewing of our mind, then the old heaven and earth rolls up like a scroll and we are a new creation.

        Since I was a child I wondered why is there another story of creation in The Book of John, now I know.

        We are in the world, but not of it, if so be we are in The Kingdom.

        If we seek diligently we will find.

        The seventh vial has been poured out on the air, it is so wonderful to see many being transformed by the renewing of their mind. Understanding only comes from above. We need only The Spirit of Truth as our teacher.

        John chapters 13-17 were the most extraordinary for me, perhaps something for others, but in my mind, those were awakening passages as I kept returning to get more understanding.


        • While it is important to know Historicism and understand the book of Revelation, it is not the whole of what we need to know and understand at all. It is a comfort to know God is working to destroy the evil antichrist and all who are made enemies to believers, as well as Satan who will be bound for a thousand years and eventually thrown into the lake of fire with the false Prophet. We are to be patient as God does this work and know that His Kingdom is being built whether we feel it or not.
          I THINK KNOWING PROPHECY helps Christians be patient in the face of much tribulation and also helps us build character when if we didn’t know these things we might devolve into fear and grumbling. Anyway, if God put it in scripture then He wants us to know.


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