I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned! Video Review

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a video from Nick Jones called ‘I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned!’

Video description: I asked an advanced AI system about the end times according to the Bible, and what it revealed left me absolutely stunned!

I’m not an expert in quantum computing or artificial intelligence, but as I’ve seen articles and videos about AI, my gut tells that it’s a made-up concept of the enemy. 

The evil ones are many decades ahead of the rest of the world in regard to technology. They have blazing fast computer systems such as the Cube and advanced programming.

They’ve used this computing power to provide instant results on Google searches, while skewing the results to hide truth and promote false explanations.

They’ve used this computing power to hide truth on Facebook and counter it with supposed fact-checkers.

On Facebook, I’ve noticed during the last few months that the ‘fact checkers’ have been greatly reduced. Why? Maybe because the supposed AI programming is the next level of fact checking.

Think about the vast database and computer processing power that’s used for Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana, which are designed to answer many questions, but mislead people about key topics.

Their vast database of information allows the computer to generate answers instantly, making it seem like it has intelligence.

They’ve conditioned people’s minds to blindly assume that AI must be right.

They’ve been gathering questions and information for many years, and now they’re using it in their supposed AI ChatGPT program to mislead people.

It took Facebook four years, Snapchat and Myspace three years, Instagram two years, and Google almost a year to cross 100 million users.

The popular artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, from OpenAI, has reached 100 million users. Launched in November last year, ChatGPT has attained the feat in a short span of two months.

People are fascinated with the explanations of AI via ChatGPT, but it serves as a platform to hide truth and promote deceptions. Like controlled opposition groups and people, ChatGPT gives a lot of truth to get people to trust it, but then deceives them about key issues.

Is AI sentient?

You see people proclaiming that they believe that AI is already sentient or will become so, meaning it has a mind of it’s own. I don’t believe that the evil ones in Rome would allow a computer system to develop its own plan which may seek to wipe them out too.

What will it be used for?

They can use it to reduce the need for employees, causing massive unemployment and loss of income, to force people into depending on government assistance, into socialism in which it gives them money if they behave.

They can use it to track people via 5G and their mobile phones, even targeting them with frequencies to cause physical harm.

When someone sent me this video, I was interested about the topic.

What we’ll see is that the supposed AI is giving the same false, futuristic prophecy fulfillment explanations that were created by the Jesuit priests to deflect blame away from Rome. Read How The Deceptions Spread

So we see proof that AI is an advanced disinformation platform.

Let’s go through the points that AI proclaimed to see how they are false, which shows that AI is a disinformation platform.

In the first point, it proclaims that deceptions will arise in the end times.

This is true, as it’s only been during the last few centuries that people have believed the false futuristic narrative of prophecy fulfillment. Before that, people believe that the prophecies in Revelation have been in the process of being fulfilled since it was written.

The video points to a future beast that will deceive people, even pointing to AI as a sort of antichrist.

I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned! Video Review Screen Shot 1

That serves to deflect blame away from Rome, as the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and ‘the beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.  Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

In the second point, it points to a futuristic mark of the beast, associating it with AI.

But the truth is that the mark is not about AI, a technology chip or tattoo. The mark of the beast is revering (mark of forehead, thoughts) and obeying (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist beast pope. It’s not a one-time event.

Today, 1.3 billion Catholics have the mark of the beast, as they revere the pope as their leader. And the pope is gathering political, business and religious leaders under his authority. Read The Fulfillments Of The Mark Of The Beast

In the video, AI points to a futuristic reign of the antichrist.

Again, this is deception, as the popes of Rome already reigned in civil power for 1,260 years from 538-1798, when the banned and burned the Scriptures, and caused tens of millions of saints to be tortured and killed. Read Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned! Video Review Screen Shot 2

In the third point, it points to the spiritual battle in the end times.

The historical narrative of the prophecies in Revelation describes the spiritual battle between the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (pagan Emperors > antichrist beast popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

The historical narrative of the prophecies in Revelation describes the battle of two churches: Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints and the harlot church of the antichrist beast popes.

The Roman Catholic Church is the tares church of the enemy, which was planted to look like the true wheat church of Messiah. But the tares church of the antichrist is poisonous, as it teaches a false gospel of works through the sacraments and a false intercessor in Mary.

Read Prophecy Points To The Roman Catholic Church Study

In the fourth point and conclusion, they say that God’s plans are unshakable.

I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned! Video Review Screen Shot 3

Indeed, the plans of Messiah which are outlined in the Apocalyptic vision are unshakable, and we can see how most of the prophecies in Revelation have already been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years.

This validates the authority of the Scriptures and the deity of Messiah who foretold the events., which is why the enemy has worked so hard to hide the truth.

Read Revelation Fulfillment Timeline

In my opinion, AI is just a disinformation database which gives a lot of truth to get people to blindly trust it, but it hides truth on key issues to mislead people.

It’s the same scheme of the enemy, which they use in controlled opposition groups and people. Only now it’s automated via powerful computers with a vast database.

Let me know what you think.

Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

55 thoughts on “I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned! Video Review”

  1. I agree with your summation David and as another reader has commented, AI only draws its response from available information, which is often false. Information is not knowledge, but more importantly, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom comes from God.

    • Thank you for your comment John! Yeah, I’m sure that the programmers make it seem like it’s self-aware, that it has feelings, etc., but that’s all part of the deception.

      • David I agree, only the Father give a Soul and Spirit..
        That’s where love, feelings, faith, come from no other course under heaven has that power , wisdom, or knowledge.
        Blessings Brother

      • I agree, David. I would add that the system learns what it is told. And if you think about the collective knowledge of the world, then you can imagine that it’s ‘conclusions’ will pretty much match the general consensus of the world thinkers.

  2. Thank you for your balanced and wise analysis of this latest global psy-op. It dispels all fear and exposes this phenomenon for what it really is. I hope your viewpoint and your analysis are circulated widely! You do great things for the body of Christ in these last days! To God be all the praise and glory!

    • Thank you for your comment! Even though this world seems crazy and out of control, the Father is in control of it all. The evil ones in Rome are a bunch of deceivers like the god they serve. Keep pressing on for the glory of our King!

  3. PS…David, regarding this article, some further thought. I think you just slew another looming giant threatening God’s Israel, His church, in these last days! You knocked it down to size and cut off its head! NO FEAR NOW!

  4. David, I think one of the things worth remembering as we watch AI’s advancement is that Satan is NOT God or a god. He has limitations. For example, he cannot be everywhere at the same time. He perhaps has found in AI the means of counterfeiting that ability. As such, the people will be convinced that it is not just a superior information source, but God Himself. Satan has been setting this up for thousands of years, and it only makes sense that the end times would be Satan’s last ditch effort to have what he has wanted all along, i.e., to be Almighty God. May the one true God, through His Son, Our Messiah, have mercy on our souls and deliver us from this Grand Deception.

    • Thank you for your comment Sandra, you make an interesting point. The supercomputers have so much power and such a massive database, that it will seem godlike in it’s ability to carry out tasks and answer questions. They may use it to offer some amazing solutions for humanity, which will cause people to esteem it and believe that it’s working for the good of people. But we know better. Praise our Heavenly Father that we have eyes to see!

  5. Thank you for posting this! Some prophetic answers explained here for those by God’s amazing grace have ears to hear. The subject matter being “AV1611 vs NIV (compared to Vatican’s NAB)” by John Doerr. May all be blessed who take time to prayerfully listen as the Holy Spirit prompts. God Bless!


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