G. Steven Simons Triumph In Truth Anti-Messiah Video 1

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a video from G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth, called ‘Anti-Messiah: Spirit or Man? Part 1.’

Video description: Is the “abomination that lays waste” a spirit entering the hearts of human beings or the image of the anti-messiah set up in the rebuilt temple in Yerushalayim? In this video, G. Steven Simons brings clarity to the question of whether the anti-messiah is a spirit that comes to dwell in the hearts of people or a real flesh and blood man empowered by ha satan to deceive the nations. This teaching uses Scripture to put an end to the confusion.

This explanations from G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth are worse than those from a straight-up deceiver, as he seems so sincere, well-spoken and likable.

But he is an expert at explaining the false, futuristic deceptions that were created by the Jesuits to deflect blame away from the antichrist beast Popes. His whole narrative is based on the concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel 9, during which most of Revelation is fulfilled, featuring a supposed one-man antichrist.

G. Steven Simons Triumph In Truth Anti-Messiah Video 1

When you understand that the 70th week of Daniel 9 foretold the exact time that Messiah would carry out His ministry and die for our sins; then you know that it’s not about the antichrist.

Regarding the ‘covenant’ of Daniel 9:27, it’s the same covenant that Daniel just mentioned in Daniel 9:4, which already existed. It is the everlasting covenant that was made to Abraham, which Messiah came to ‘confirm’ with His blood as the Passover Lamb, which paid the price for our sins and ended the need for temple animal sacrifices.

We’ll all stand before our Righteous Judge to account for what we believe and teach about the most important prophecy in the Bible. I pray that you will read the explanations in this book about the 70th week of Daniel, compare it to Scripture, and discern it for yourself.


G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth says that people debate about whether the antichrist is a spirit or a man?

He is right that the antichrist is an actual man, but he misses the mark in saying that the antichrist is one man in the end times.

The office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the ‘antichrist beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth cites Matthew 24:15 to point to the abomination of desolation, the image of the antichrist.

Messiah’s Olivet Discourse is not about the end times, but is about the desolation of Jerusalem, the second temple and the Jewish nation in the first century.

The context of the ‘abomination of desolation’ is Messiah declaring judgment on the Jewish leaders and the ‘desolation’ of the second temple; which took place in 70 A.D. This was foretold in Daniel 9:26.

It says when you see the abomination of desolation, then flee Judea, so it’s a sign that people in Judea saw.

Luke 21:20-21 tells us what it is, an army surrounding Holy Jerusalem, which Josephus documented as taking place in November of 66 AD, when Cestius and his army came to Jerusalem to end the Jewish rebellion. Messiah’s saints in Judea saw the sign, and knew that they needed to take the first opportunity to flee to the mountains for safety.

That opportunity came when Cestius and his army left Jerusalem for no explained reason. Messiah’s saints urgently left Jerusalem like Messiah told them to, but the unbelieving Jews stayed.

Then three strong divisions of the Roman army were sent to Judea, which led to 1.1 million Jews dying in and around Jerusalem from famine, pestilence, infighting, suicide, crucifixion and by the Roman sword. Desolations were poured out on the unbelieving Jewish nation as they continued in their rebellion against the Heavenly Father and delivered Messiah up to be killed.

Read Abomination Of Desolation

G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth points to the falling away of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 before Messiah’s return.

The ‘falling away’ that the Apostle Paul was pointing to, happened in the fourth century when Satan used Roman Emperor Constantine to create Roman Christianity, which is contrary to Scripture and is based on pagan-god worship. Many of the saints compromised their faith to join with Rome, after hundreds of years of harsh persecution.

Read The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2

G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth points to a future man of sin, son of perdition.

He says that the restrainer is the antichrist.

The ‘restrainer’ that the Apostle Paul was pointing to was the Western Roman Emperor, who prevented the Pope’s from taking power.  When the last Western Roman Emperor was removed from power in 476 A.D., the Popes were given civil and ecclesiastic authority shortly afterwards in 538 A.D.  The Popes have proclaimed to be God, to be Jesus Christ in the flesh, to forgive sins and to provide salvation; all of which is blasphemy.

Read The Son Of Perdition Of 2 Thessalonians 2 

G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth says that those who are walking in light will see him as the antichrist. 

Sadly, that’s an ironic statement, because he doesn’t understand who is the antichrist beast of Revelation!

G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth points to Daniel 9:27 as a future seven-year period, started by a peace treaty.

The ‘he’ in Daniel 9:27 is Messiah the Prince who was mentioned in the two previous verses. The 70th week of Daniel 9 prophecy points to the time when Messiah the Prince appeared to carry out His ministry, and when (in the middle of the 70th week) He confirmed the covenant (that was mentioned in Daniel 9:4) with His blood as the Passover Lamb, to atone for our sins. It’s not about the end times or the antichrist.

Read The Covenant

G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth points to Daniel 12, time of Jacob’s Trouble when an end-times antichrist attacks Jerusalem.

The time of Jacob’s Trouble took place against the Jewish leaders during the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD, when 1.1 million Jews died in and around Jerusalem from famine, pestilence, infighting, suicide, evisceration, crucifixion and by the Roman sword.

This was their punishment for continuing in their continued rebellion against the Heavenly Father and for rejecting His Son and delivering Him up to be killed in the middle of the 70th week of Daniel. Daniel 12 foretold the 3 1/2 years of the Jewish-Roman War. Messiah’s disciples fled Judea to the mountains as Messiah told them and the Jewish leaders stayed in Jerusalem and were desolated.

Read Daniel 12 Fulfillment

G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth points to Revelation 13:5, the antichrist beast reigning in power for forty months, killing the saints, blaspheming.

John calls him the ‘beast’ in Revelation 13, pointing to the Popes of Rome rising to power over the Roman beast kingdom after the last Western Roman Emperor was removed from power in 476 AD. They reigned in civil power for 1,260 years, from 538-1798 AD.

They killed tens of millions of saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition, and they made blasphemous statements against God.

Read 1,260 Years Of Great Tribulation

G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth points to Revelation 13:11, the false prophet, a religious person.

The ‘two horns’ of Revelation 13:11 point to two leaders, the false prophet Jesuit Superior General and the antichrist beast Pope; the Black Pope and the White Pope, who pretend to serve Messiah (lamb-like), but really serve Satan (the dragon) to make war with the saints and to push the world into their One World Government.

The false prophet rose to power out of the land (earth) of the Vatican. These are the same two leaders who are described in Revelation 19, who will be captured.

Read Revelation 13 – The Roman Earth Beast Phase

Listening to the explanations of G. Steven Simons of Triumph In Truth breaks my heart, for he is misleading people and effectively deflecting blame away from the antichrist beast and the false prophet.

His explanations cause people to not understand how prophecy will play out in the end-times, so that they’re not prepared for Messiah’s return. I pray that the Spirit moves in his life to teach him the glorious truth of prophecy fulfillment, so that he can use his platform to expose the deceptions of the enemy, to set the captives free!

You can request a free copy of the Revelation Timeline Decoded Summary Study on the home page.

2 thoughts on “G. Steven Simons Triumph In Truth Anti-Messiah Video 1”

  1. David, do you think false teachers like G.S.Simons actually do know the truth of70th week of Daniel, the truth of the Olivet Discourse, and the true meaning of Revelation, but willfully choose their false teaching path because they are satanically compelled to do so being so completely bound to it?
    Thank you for spotlighting these false teaching videos!

    • Jackie, it’s hard to know for sure, as Jesuits have many disguises. G.S. Simons seems very genuine. Like most people, his mind may have been programmed with the false, futuristic explanations. Whether the false teachings are on purpose or not, the result is the same. Keep learning and growing in The Way!


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