Trump Promotes Video Literally Portraying Him as Christ!

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a video from Many Fish called ‘Trump Promotes Video ‘Literally’ Portraying Him as Christ! A Falling Away First. Be Not Deceived!’

Video description: Faith in man is folly! Trump is deceiving and being deceived! Luke 21:8 2, Timothy 3:13 2 Thessalonians 2:3 1 Timothy 4:1 2, Corinthians 11:14. The grace and peace of ‘The Real’ Jesus Christ be with you all!

Before I begin my review of Many Fish’s explanations, let me declare that I do these type of reviews, not just to expose false teachers; but to show what they teach, which you may have also been taught, so that you can see the truth and the deception.

These reviews serve as an open rebuttal of their explanations. It’s not about me, it’s about the truth of prophecy fulfillment which reveals the glory of our beloved Messiah!

Most pastors have been misled by the false, futuristic narrative of prophecy fulfillment, so they’re applying the events of today to try to fit the apocalyptic vision.

Many Fish points to the ‘falling away’ of 2 Thessalonians 2 taking place in the end times.

The falling away that the Apostle Paul warned about took place in the fourth century, when Emperor Constantine and the Roman bishops codified Romanism, the false Christian religion which moved people away from the Scriptural faith and created man-made traditions.

After centuries of harsh persecution by the Roman Emperors, believers apostatized their faith and joined with the church of Rome to take positions of power.

Read The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2

Many Fish points to a Trump as being the man of sin of 2 Thessalonians 2.

The man of sin is hidden in plain sight!

The popes proclaim to take the place of Messiah, to be the ‘Vicar of Christ,’ the substitute Christ on earth; but they teach heretical concepts that are contrary to Messiah.

The popes teach a false Gospel of works through the sacraments which has misled billions of Catholics, leaving them lost in their sins. The popes teach that Mary was sinless, that salvation is through her, and that she is the mediator to the Father. And now the Popes say that all religions lead to the same God.

The popes deny God by proclaiming to be God, forgive sins, and provide salvation, which is blasphemy. They have people call them Holy Father, which Messiah forbids. They’ve taken God’s titles of His Holiness, Most Blessed Father, Vicar of God, God on Earth, and the true God.

The Popes deny that Messiah came in the flesh, as they teach the immaculate conception of Mary and that Mary was sinless, which means that Messiah didn’t inherit a human flesh sin nature through her. The Popes deny Messiah by proclaiming to be the high priest of His church, but they teach a false gospel of works through the sacraments. The Popes deny Messiah by proclaiming that Mary is the intercessor to the Father.

During the Dark Ages, the popes banned and burned the Scriptures. The popes caused Catholics to kill tens of millions of saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition. The cruel torture devices that they used are the most brutal made by man.

The popes cause Catholics to make graven images. This breaks the second commandment, which they removed from their list. They have images of Mary before which many Catholics bow down and pray. Their wicked crucifix keeps Messiah on the cross, putting Him to open shame. They make him the eternal victim, keeping him on the cross.

The popes venerate skulls and bones in cathedrals and crypts. They cause Catholics to pray to dead saints, which is forbidden.

The Popes deny Messiah’s one-time atonement for sins, as they proclaim that their priest brings Messiah down from heaven to create an unbloody sacrifice during the blasphemous Eucharist ceremony. They are denying Messiah’s one-time atonement for sin as our High Priest in the flesh. They proclaim that the bread and wine are his real body which is sacrificed again for sins. This heretical act is played out in Catholic churches around the world many times a week.

The pope’s blasphemous Eucharist ceremony symbolizes the Babylonian Mystery Religion as the priests revere the round sun-god wafer, then place it in a monstrance that has sun rays emanating from it. The wafer is placed on a Luna holder, which symbolizes the moon goddess. This mimics the sexual union of the sun god and moon goddess, which produces their incarnate christ child Tammuz. They do this under the guise of it representing Messiah’s communion.

The Pope’s have an Egyptian obelisk phallic symbol of the pagan sun god in the middle of a sun wheel in St. Peter’s Square, which designates the basilica as a temple of sun-god worship. Inside St. Peter’s Basilica is a huge sun symbol above a large ornate throne. The Popes made the Roman Pantheon, where all pagan gods are worshipped, into a Catholic church, and they place another Egyptian obelisk in front of it.

The popes have people fawn over them, kiss their hand, lay prostrate before them, revering them. The leaders of nations and religions travel to Vatican City to bow before the Pope as a world leader.

The popes made themselves rich with the collection of indulgences. They spent many billions on their many ornate basilicas instead of using the money to preach the true Gospel, provide Bibles worldwide, provide food and water to people worldwide, and end homelessness.

The popes forbid their priests to marry, which causes many to be homosexual, to rape nuns and children.

The popes cause Catholics to make vain, repetitive prayers during mass and while praying the rosary to Mary, which Messiah forbids.

The popes cause many people to reject Messiah and the pure Gospel because they think that the actions of the Roman Catholic popes and priests represent the true faith of Scripture.

In the name of Jesus Christ, the Popes have systematically made war with Messiah and His saints, yet somehow the antichrist is hidden in plain sight.

Read The Son Of Perdition Of 2 Thessalonians 2

Many Fish points to Donald Trump as the antichrist.

Videos like this promote the enemy’s false, futuristic prophecy fulfillment narrative, making it seem like Trump is the antichrist.

The office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn‘ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition‘ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and ‘the antichrist beast‘ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot‘ church of Rome.

Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

The enemy created the false futuristic narrative of prophecy fulfillment in order to deflect blame away from the antichrist beast pope, and sadly, they’ve misled most people with their deception.

Read How The Deceptions Spread

They position people like Trump and cause videos like this to be published to make it seem like he could be the supposed one-man antichrist.

The Enemy Is Playing Out Their False Script

I prove out the historical fulfillment of most of the prophecies in Revelation during the last 1,900 years, which validate historicist explanations and invalidates the preterist explanation of Pastor Chuck Baldwin.

Revelation Timeline Decoded by David Nikao Wilcoxson - end times prophecy

Messiah’s apocalyptic vision is a war manual, designed to hide the explanation from those who should not understand it. It uses symbolic words that are defined in the Old Testament to point to a literal fulfillment. If you read Revelation only from a literal perspective, the interpretation is hidden.

Understanding the vision is like taking a Biblical final exam. If you’ve read the whole Word, you will have seen the symbolism that Messiah uses and can apply it to the fulfillment.

If you read Revelation as one chronological narrative, the prophecies seem out of sequence. That’s because it has four chronological layers, each of which spans from when it was written until Messiah returns.

This book explains the prophecies of Revelation on a timeline to help you see how the four chronological layers interact with each other, so that you can comprehend the whole vision.

You will learn how to identify who fulfills the role of the son of perdition, the antichrist beast, the false prophet, and the harlot called ‘Mystery, Babylon the Great.’ You will understand the proper context of the sealtrumpet, and bowl judgments; the little book of Revelation 10, and the two witnesses of Revelation 11.

Whether you’re a novice at Bible prophecy or someone who has studied it extensively, I provide an explanation that is easy to understand yet has the depth of verse by verse explanations to provide you the evidence you need to prove it out.

Here’s a link to YouTube videos about the fulfillment of 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation.




13 thoughts on “Trump Promotes Video Literally Portraying Him as Christ!”

  1. Have you ever heard of probably Alexandria she says that the mark of the beast is going to be tied in the quantum financial system she has a lot of videos I would love to hear your input on this

    • Hello Mary. Yes, I’ve watched a few videos from Probably Alexandria. The mark of the beast is directly related to revering (mark on forehead, thoughts) and obeying (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist beast pope.

      The mark of the beast is not a one-time event. Today, 1.3 billion Catholics have the mark of the beast on them as them revere and obey the pope as their leader.

      After a worldwide economic collapse when nobody can buy and sell, the pope may offer a one-world financial system which uses a quantum computer and blockchain technology.

      This study gives an explanation about the mark of the beast:

  2. Be encouraged brother David, keep up the great work you’re doing, many of us look forward to your posts! There’s so much to learn, hence, I’m now rereading your 3 published books. The facts & information you’ve brought to light are invaluable, has helped so many of us, and most certainly glorifies our Heavenly Father & Son! I will certainly continue to support you the best I can, as I hope many others do as well.
    Shalom to you and your family!

    • Thank you for your encouragement and support! It is greatly appreciated! I’m blessed to know that the explanations have helped you see more of the glory of our beloved Messiah! Shalom to you and your family! David

  3. I was a big Trump supporter until I found out that he did nothing but support the Vatican and helped to push for a third Temple.

      • Brother David; it appears to be evident that every president is a servant of the Zionist-Rothchild purchased land of Israel today too, and since 1948, all presidents are subservient to that wicked Khazarian state power.. on the surface its very difficult to differentiate the difference between both Rome and Zionist powers, don’t you think? Who is the ruling state, Rome or Israel?

          • Then why do you not think 9/11 was the clear Great Earthquake and we are about to see Rome destroyed when Russia and the US nuke each other, is this not obvious to you? This seems beyond obvious to me, if Mountains and Islands are to represent the countries falling in line then the GWOT is no greater example, even Russia fell into line and was helping us throughout the middle east. Now we await the 7th bowl, are we NOT on the cusp of a nuclear war as we speak, and to make matters were all of these world leaders are secret society like the knights templar and masons etc and they have a thing about friday the 13th so you never know 12/13 might be one hell of a day, just saying doubt it myself but you never know

          • Are you saying that 9/11 was the great earthquake of the seventh vial judgment? If so, how did it bring judgment on the three divisions of the Roman beast kingdom; Vatican City, the City of London and the District of Columbia?

  4. OK but if the people are worshipping this man he’s basically putting himself on the same level as the pope?

    What do you think of the actual content of the information?


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