The False Revelation Teachings Of Dalton Thomas of FAI Studios

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post reviews a video by Dalton Thomas of FAI STUDIOS.

Dalton Thomas seems to be genuine, but his explanations about the fulfillment of Revelation are way off the mark! And his teaching effectively deflect blame away from the antichrist beast Pope and the false prophet Jesuit Superior General.

In this video, he’s pointing to a futuristic fulfillment of the prophecies in Revelation, but the truth is that most of Revelation has already been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years; as the Satan-empowered Roman beast kingdom has fought against Messiah’s saints and shed their blood.

Dalton Thomas points to the 5th seal saints being killed in the future.

But they were part of the Smyrna church era which endured tribulation at the hands of the Roman Emperors. It was their blood which cried out for vengeance.

He points to a futuristic fulfillment Daniel 7, which says that the saints will be persecuted.

That already took place after the little horn of Daniel 7, the Popes of Rome, rose to power out of the fallen Roman Empire. They caused over 50 million saints to be killed during the Dark Ages and the Inquisition.

Dalton Thomas points to a futuristic fulfillment of the trumpet judgments.

But those already took place when army after army was sent against the pagan Roman Empire, in response to the prayers of the saints for vengeance for their martyrdom. Read the Revelation Fulfillment Summary

He points a futuristic fulfillment of the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11.

But that was already fulfilled during the 1,260 year reign of power of the antichrist beast Popes of Rome, from 538-1798 AD. The Two Witnesses are the Scriptures and the Saints, both of which testify against the antichrist beast Popes, both of which the Popes tried to wipe out.

Dalton Thomas talks about the Revelation 13 antichrist overcoming the saints.

The antichrist beast Popes caused over 50 million saints to be killed during the Dark Ages and the Inquisition. Read the Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

He points to a futuristic Revelation 15-16 and the releasing of the bowl judgments.

The bowls are about the judgment of Catholics and the antichrist beast Pope. The first five bowls involved the bloody French Revolution, the bloody Napoleonic Wars and the Pope being removed from power in 1798 AD. Read Revelation Fulfillment Summary

We are in the sixth bowl judgment.

Dalton Thomas points to Revelation 17 and the woman who is drunk with the blood of the saints.

That is the Roman Catholic Church who tortured millions of saints and killed over 50 million. How is he not seeing this clear fulfillment, with the colors of the church, the golden cup of her eucharist ceremony, etc?

He points to the Revelation 18 Judgment.

It’s the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.

He points to Revelation 19-21 and that the bride is made ready.

At least he got this part right, the bride makes herself ready before Messiah’s return.

Dalton Thomas is either a very deceived person, or he’s a wolf. What he is teaching is a deception, and it serves to deflect blame away from the antichrist beast Pope and the false prophet Jesuit Superior General.

I pray that the Spirit moves and shows Dalton the truth, before it’s too late.

30 thoughts on “The False Revelation Teachings Of Dalton Thomas of FAI Studios”

  1. Hello,
    I am a simple Christian seeking truth. I have come across your website and also the teaching of Dalton Thomas. I can see you have done an extraordinary amount of research on what theologians of the past have believed. There are a few things that I have been thinking about.
    1. If most of revelation was fulfilled already, has God given us so little to help us in the days before His return? Aren’t there many examples in scripture of partial and then later total fulfilment?
    2. God seems to reveal things to man progressively. Our world has changed a great deal from the past and with technology will change dramatically in the future. Every previous theologian likely thought they were living in the time of the end and therefore it’s hard to take their word as authoritative when they speculate about the pope (or others) being the Antichrist.
    3. I believe God can bring all his people into a true understanding about the end times only based on His Holy Spirit and scripture alone. Every Christian can access truth today without the teaching of any previous theologians views. This has to be true based on what we learn in the Bible.
    It seems the devil has laid many traps for us to be deceived, and we need great wisdom. Let us keep searching for truth from the Holy Spirit as the Day comes closer and things become more and more clear.
    God bless you,

    • Hello Bethany, thank you for your comment.

      I’ve done a whole lot of research based on what the Bible says and the Spirit has shown me. It’s confirmed in the teachings of past theologians.

      1. It’s the very opposite as you surmise. In the last days we can look back and see how most of Revelation has been fulfilled, so that we know exactly where we’re at on the Revelation fulfillment timeline. We’ve been given the most help of any generation before us.

      Similar symbolic language is used in different prophecies, but I’ve not seen any examples where prophecies with specific details are fulfilled twice.

      2. Revelation is written from John’s perspective, so we have that view as our baseline. This is how we can understand what John was describing. There is no speculation about the pope being the antichrist. The verse by verse explanations prove out that the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7, the ‘son of perdition’ of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the ‘antichrist beast’ of Revelation 13, who leads the ‘harlot’ church of Rome.

      3. If this were true, then everyone would understand that most of Revelation has already been fulfilled, but that’s not the case. You started this comment by saying that you’ve come across my website and the teachings of Dalton Thomas. Why are you looking to other people to see their view, if you believe ‘God can bring all his people into a true understanding about the end times only based on His Holy Spirit and scripture alone?’

      Yes, there are many traps that the enemy has laid, and my role in the end times is to expose them, so that the saints can see clearly.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way,

  2. David, what do you mean when you said “I pray that the Spirit shows Dalton Thomas the truth before it’s to late”?
    Peoples interpretation of the prophecy has nothing to do with our salvation. We are saved because of the work Jesus did on the cross. We need to be prepared every day.
    Calling him a possible Wolf because he disagrees with you, is that right thing to do? There are many Opinions and interpretation of Scripture. Of course most of us believe ours is the right one. Such division in the church, somethings we just have to agree to disagree. The devil really doesn’t have to do anything, we do it to each other.
    Grace & Mercy,

    • Tami, you’re making a false association. I did not proclaim that Dalton’s belief about prophecy fulfillment affects his salvation. But he will stand before His righteous Judge to account for his teachings, which is why I say that I pray that the Spirit shows him truth.

      This has nothing to do with Dalton disagreeing with my explanations. The great theologians of the 16-19th centuries who wrote whole Bible commentaries gave the same type explanations as mine, which are very contrary to Dalton’s.

      Yes, there are many perspectives of prophecy fulfillment, because the enemy has created false explanations. The futuristic explanations that Dalton teaches were created in the 16th century, to deflect blame away from the antichrist beast Popes.

      One day you will find out the truth of prophecy fulfillment and you will know why I sound the alarm. Sadly, you’re now accountable for knowing the truth because it’s been presented to you on this website and you ignored it.
      I pray that you will seek truth, not to defend a belief.

  3. Good Evening David,

    I have had an uneasy feeling for weeks that something more serious is about to happen.

    I began fasting and praying for the truth and two days ago and when I open my bible, my hand made a involuntary movement which resulted in my bible falling open at Genesis 14 Pharoahs dreams about famine.

    This led me to wonder if the third seal of Revelation 6:5 was about to be opened and the black horse ready to go forth, as peace has already been taken from the earth.

    Over 4 years ago I watched a film called “Years of the Beast” that a Christian director said God told him to make, he said God provided every weather condition required to make for the film.

    This film shows empty supermarket shelves, then the rapture, then the rise of the anti-Christ (pope) who dies and is brought back to life and persecution of saints that were left behind and the ones who become believers during the reign of the anti-Christ. The law enforcers confiscate peoples food and tell them they have to present at a certain place to take the Mark.

    Last March I went into my large Tesco and the shelves were empty like the ones in this film due to panic buying and food prices are rising just as depicted in this film.

    • Hello Muree, yeah, we live in crazy times when things are getting very serious. The seal judgments of Revelation are not about the end times. They were about the decline of the pagan Roman Empire from bloody civil wars (red horse), economic strife (black horse) and famine, pestilence and death (pale horse). Here’s a Revelation Fulfillment Summary that shows the fulfillment of the seals, trumpets and bowls. The studies on the website and my book give the explanation.

      The office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, have been the antichrist beast since the sixth century when they were given civil and ecclesiastic authority for 1260 years; so there is no end-times rise of the antichrist. He is hidden in plain sight.

      Many people write books and make movies, saying that God told them to do so, but then the premise of their work is based on false, futuristic explanations of prophecy fulfillment; which prove that it was not God who told them these things.

      There is no pre-trib rapture of the saints, for that concept is based on a futuristic 70th week of Daniel 9. The 70th week of Daniel foretold when Messiah would carry out His earthly ministry and die for our sins. It has nothing to do with the end-times, that is a deception from the enemy, one that Dalton is promoting. I prove it all out on this website and in my book.

      The enemy in Rome will create circumstances to collapse the worldwide economy, so that nobody can buy and sell. And then they will offer a One World financial system, to those who revere the antichrist beast Pope and obey him in joining the One World Government system. That is the mark of the beast, revering and obeying the antichrist beast Pope.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way!

  4. Good Evening David

    I forgot to say the Film “Years of the Beast” is on utube but you will need to purchase the original if you want to listen to the Director giving his powerful testimony about God telling him to make it and providing every weather condition required and also the Revelation map he used in it.

  5. Dalton Thomas is correct…. absolutely correct. When do the “tribulation saints” get resurrected. The dead in Christ are resurrected just prior to those still alive are caught up in the rapture. Are you teaching a second resurrection of the dead? Where is that in the Bible? Who is the bride of Christ? The church raptured before the tribulation is the bride? If so, do you teach that those who die during the tribulation are not part of the bride of Christ? If the church is not to face tribulation, then do you teach the early church that suffered at the will of the Roman empire didn’t face tribulation? Did God save them from martyrdom? Your pre-trib teaching is dangerous! When the end times tribulation gets very intense and the church hasn’t been raptured, doubt in what they have been taught will cause many to lose their faith. You are the false teacher, not Dalton Thomas!

    • John, you’re making false associations. I don’t teach a second resurrection of the dead. As for the tribulation, all of the times of tribulation that are referred to in Messiah’s Olivet Discourse and His apocalyptic vision in Revelation have already been fulfilled, so your point is without merit.

      I most certainly don’t teach a pre-trib rapture! I expose the fallacy of the concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel 9, the supposed 7-year tribulation, on which the pre-trib rapture doctrine is based. The 70th week of Daniel foretold when Messiah would carry out His earthly ministry and die for our sins. It has nothing to do with the end-times, that is a deception from the enemy, one that Dalton is promoting. I prove it all out on this website and in my book.

      I pray that you will search these things out, because now you’re accountable for knowing them, because I’ve given you the truth about the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel, and Revelation.

        • Kenny, I’ve prayed for discernment which is why the Spirit helped me learn the historical fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9 which was about Messiah coming to carry out His ministry and die for our sins, the Olivet Discourse which was about the judgment of the Jewish nation for rejecting their promised Messiah, and Revelation which has been in the process of being fulfilled since it was written.

          If you’re believing the explanations of Dalton Thomas, then it’s you who needs discernment, for the enemy has created many deceptions to mislead the end-times saints, so that even the very elect would be deceived.


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