The 1,260 Year Reign Of The Popes Of The Roman Catholic Church

This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study focuses on the period of 1,260 prophetic days.

Most early Church Father’s knew that the Roman Empire was the restrainer of 2 Thessalonians 2, which held the antichrist beast back.  Once the Roman Emperor was removed, they surmised that the Son of Perdition, the antichrist, would rise to power and reign for 1,260 days, or 3 1/2 years.

To have interpreted the 1,260 days as symbolically representing 1,260 years of suffering and subjected condition of witnesses to gospel truth, was of course impossible at that early period of the Church’s history. The latter view only dawned upon the minds of Apocalpytic interpreters during the actual fulfillment of the prophecy in the middle ages. (History Unveiling Prophecy, Henry Grattan Guinness)

No correct anticipation of the fulfillment of the predictions relating to Antichrist, viewed as a whole, was possible in the opening centuries of the Church’s history.

It was universally believed that the end of the world and the kingdom of heaven were at hand.

It foreshortened the prospect of the Apocalypse to a narrow margin. It knew nothing of the long centuries which were destined to elapse before the dispensation had run its course.

It knew nothing of the great Apostasy which was to darken the earth by its long and terrible eclipse; and nothing of the glorious Reformation which was to follow.

After the last Western Roman Emperor was removed in 476 A.D., the Popes of Rome took power shortly in 538 A.D, when they were given authority by Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian.

And they reigned for 1,260 years until 1798 A.D. when the Jesuits caused Napoleon’s army to take the Pope captive.

Seven forms (7 heads of Rev. 17) of the Roman Empire existed before the 8th head, the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church, took power.

There are many descriptions of the time frame in which the antichrist beast would reign, all of which point to the 1,260 year period that the Popes of Rome reigned from 538-1798 A.D.

A brief description is provided here, and more detailed explanations are found in the studies.  Notice how they all describe the Popes of Rome who historians note killed over 50 million saints during their reign.

The Little Horn of Daniel 7 who persecuted the saints for “a time and times and the dividing of time.”

After the Roman Empire collapsed, it split into ten civil kingdoms (10 heads). Satan caused the Popes of Rome (the Little Horn) to rise to power, who caused three of the kingdoms to be plucked out.

The period during which the holy city is trodden under foot by the Gentiles for “forty and two months” in Revelation 11.

Revelation 11 describes Martin Luther measuring what the Popes of Rome taught against what the Word of God (the rod of iron) says. He found that the Roman Catholic Church is an apostate Church, a gentile church, who persecuted the holy city (the true church, the bride of Christ) for 1,260 years.

The period during which the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11 prophesy for “thousand two hundred and threescore days.”

The Two Witnesses are the Word of God and the Church of Christ, both of which witnessed that salvation is by faith in the atoning work of Messiah alone, not by the Roman Catholic sacraments; and they both testified that the Popes of Rome are the Little Horn of Daniel, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2 and the antichrist beast of Revelation 13.

The Church of Christ escaping to the wilderness for “a time, and times, and half a time” in Revelation 12.

After Messiah caused the Roman Empire to collapse, Satan empowered the Roman Catholic Church, who sent a flood of people, such as the soldiers of France and Spain, to persecute and kill the saints.

The reign of the sea beast for “forty and two months” in Revelation 13.

The Popes of Rome spoke blasphemous things such as proclaiming to be God and to forgive sins, and they persecuted the saints during the Dark Ages and Inquisition.

So history unveils that these prophecies all point to the same 1,260 year time period of Great Tribulation, from 538-1798 A.D., during which the Popes of Rome were the reigning power in the world.

So it is not referring to 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation during the end times.

David Nikao Wilcoxson

Next Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible Study: Revelation 13 – Roman Sea Beast

Prophecy points to the 1,260 year reign of power of the antichrist Popes of Rome, who led the Roman Catholic Church.


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32 thoughts on “The 1,260 Year Reign Of The Popes Of The Roman Catholic Church”

  1. “So it is not referring to 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation during the end times.”
    Why not? Why can’t it be referring to both? Just as there are many biblical types which have various fulfillments.

  2. I believe we will go through a 7 year period of the Antichrist. Biblical prophesies and events in general are cyclical in nature. The period of the Popes’ authority, the 1,260 days from 538-1798 are fitting into this time cycle. One would have to ask why there is a “Mark” (microchip), and the leading up to it with all the various signs exactly as portrayed in the Book of Revelations (ch 9&13). Jesus has spoken to many people about the End Times through words, visions, and dreams. This time is yet to come, and will be unlike any previous time. I do not personally know why the 1,260 days are being fulfilled twice, but they are. Also remember that the Book of Revelations is incomplete, there were something like 50 chapters to it, and as the edits occurred (for whatever ungodly reason), much information was left out. The Time of the Antichrist is yet to come, whether people choose to believe in it or not.

    • David, the concept of a 7-year tribulation is based on a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, but that is a deception to fool the end times saints. The 70th week of Daniel 9 prophecy foretold when Messiah would appear to carry out His ministry, and when (in the middle of the 70th week) He would confirm the everlasting covenant (that was mentioned in Daniel 9:4) with His blood as the Passover Lamb, to atone for our sins. It’s not about the end times or the antichrist.

      This study shows how prophecy points to the leader of the Roman beast kingdom:

      As for Revelation having 50 chapters, what proof is there of that?

    • Where do you get microchip? The mark of the beast is described as a stake or palisade sharpened to a point, and to stick. The time is not to come it is right now. This is a description of a vaccine needle and nasal swab stick. We are also told it is a mark in the forehead and in Ancient Greek the forehead means “Between the eyes” that is exactly where the nasal swab stick is inserted and it implants the cribriform plate of the brain with nano sensors. According to Dr Day and Digital Trends it is equivalent to being vaccinated. Right hand means right side and there are other descriptions that indicate it is the authority you give. Hand starts at the top of the shoulder all the way down to the palm and fingers. They vaccinate you at the top of the arm. The Antichrist has been here since Constantine. Every pope has had the title of Vicarius Filii Dei which means god in the flesh and substitute for Christ. That is absolute satanic blasphemy! Vatican means worship of the divine serpent and serpent is another name for Satan in the bible. We have been in great tribulation for almost 2000 years. Francis recently said that Jesus failed at the cross and this is satanic blasphemy! Francis has been openly worshipping Lucifer in the Vatican since 2014-2015 and the parishioners sing along it is absolute blasphemy! They sing that Lucifer is the Father of Jesus! Absolutely sickening. This is the end of the end. You are about to see the collapse of everything worldwide. The Vatican created the United Nations in 1945. There is not a single place on earth where the United Nations Agenda 21 and 30 have not been implemented. WEF and WHO are just two of the Vatican affiliate organizations. We have a one-world government. This beast wants worldwide totalitarian domination and in case you are not aware they have it already. They own every country on earth through concordats. They control every religious sect from Islam /Muslim which they created. They created the nation of Israel on May 14, 1948, they created Mormonism, SDA, Jehvohs witnesses, New Age Gnosticism, and they created communism, socialism, and were the first corporation and first multinational corporation. They control everything from Academia to Banks.

    • I think what you’re seeing there is false prophecy of the evil one which his minions on earth attempt to fulfill. As David said, “the concept of a 7-year tribulation is based on a futuristic 70th week of Daniel” which is true. The Jesuits came up with that one, beginning with Ribera (not sure on the spelling tbh).

      Satan can only mimic since he cant create. There’s a video on youtube regarding a false satanic version of the 490 year prophecy apparently written on the gate that was sealed in Jerusalem you may find intriguing.

      Interestingly, the final 7 years of that satanic prophecy begin in 2023. Kinda puts Agenda 2030 in a new light…

  3. We have a one-world government. This beast wants worldwide totalitarian domination and in case you are not aware they have it already. They own every country on earth through concordats. They control every religious sect from Islam /Muslim which they created. They created the nation of Israel on May 14, 1948, they created Mormonism, SDA, Jehvohs witnesses, New Age Gnosticism, and they created communism, socialism, and were the first corporation and first multinational corporation. They control everything from Academia to Banks.

      • The U.S installed the current Iranian regime just as the C.I.A controlled/controls the North Korea regime and created the CCP. It’s part of their Hegelian approach to control.

        As for Syria, isn’t that why Obama was attacking it? Weren’t they on the list of countries they wanted to overthrow starting with Iraq/Afghanistan, Lybia etc.?

  4. David,

    I like this series, not sure if I agree with it all, but it’s definitely eye opening.

    I do agree 100% with your Oliver discourse, and Daniel one!!! RC Sproul was almost completely in agreement with your olivet and Daniel series as well as Gary Demar.

    Keep up the good work bro!

    • Mike, I prove out the historicist explanation of prophecy fulfillment in the Revelation Timeline Decoded videos and book, which disproves the preterist teachings of people like RC Sproul and Gary Demar.


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