John Barnett Discover the Book Ministries Israel Nation Video

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a video from Dr. John Barnett of Discover the Book Ministries DTBM, called ISRAEL, RUSSIA & THE END OF THE WORLD–GOD’S NAME IS FOREVER ATTACHED TO ONE NATION.

Video description: This is the series called “Straight From the Bible” and is a collection of some of John’s all-time most favorite Q&A sessions. All of these videos are short and to the point. We hope they will strengthen, encourage, and help many who are seeking to know the Lord or know Him better!

Dr. John Barnett of Discover the Book Ministries says that the Lord sees a future temple in Jerusalem.

That is a false statement, as the passages that John Barnett cites are pointing to the temple that’s made without hands, in which the Heavenly Father indwells.

Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone, in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:19-22

The temple in Revelation 11 is the Ekklesia of Messiah, His Church. It’s telling the saints to compare what a church teaches against the rule of Scripture, to determine if they’re part of the true Church of Messiah.

This was fulfilled by Catholic Martin Luther who found that what the antichrist beast Popes of Rome teach is contrary to Scripture, and that the Roman Catholic Church is an apostate church that is not part of the true Church of Messiah, but is delegated to the outer court of the Gentiles.

Read Revelation 11 – Measuring The Temple

Read A Third Rebuilt Temple In Jerusalem

Dr. John Barnett of Discover the Book Ministries says that the Bible doesn’t identify the two witnesses of Revelation 11.

That is false, as Messiah proclaimed that the Scriptures testify (witness) about Him and that His saints are His witnesses.

During the Dark Ages, the antichrist beast Popes sought to eliminate the two witnesses against them, the Scriptures and the saints.

The Scriptures and the saints witnessed against the antichrist beast Popes of Rome during their 1260-year reign of power from 538-1798 AD.

Read Revelation 11 – The Two Witnesses

Dr. John Barnett of Discover the Book Ministries points to a futuristic 70th week of Daniel 9.

He says that the antichrist confirms the covenant in Daniel 9:27, but the word confirm means that the covenant already existed and it’s not a new covenant. And nowhere in the New Testament does it say anything about the antichrist confirming a covenant, but it’s full of verses that refer to Messiah and the covenant.

The 70th week of Daniel 9 is about Messiah, not the antichrist. Messiah carried out His multi-year ministry during the 70th week and He died in the middle of the week to confirm the covenant (which was mentioned in Daniel 9:4) to atone for our sins as the Spotless Lamb, which ended the need for temple sacrifices.

A 70-week prophecy from the Heavenly Father is fulfilled in 70 consecutive weeks, otherwise is makes no sense to say ’70 weeks are determined.’ It’s not about the end times or the antichrist, that is a deception from the enemy to mislead the end-times saints. This is extremely important to understand.

Read The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded

Dr. John Barnett of Discover the Book Ministries points to the reference to Daniel in Messiah’s Olivet Discourse.

Messiah was pointing to the reference in Daniel 8, when Antiochus Epiphanes and his army surrounded Jerusalem to take it captive. Matthew wrote to a Jewish audience who would have understood this reference.

The Gospel of Luke was written to a gentile audience, so Dr. Luke defines what the abomination of desolation is in Luke 21:20-21, when an army surrounds Jerusalem to take it captive.

Read Abomination of Desolation

Dr. John Barnett of Discover the Book Ministries says that God has staked His Name on Israel.

The problem with his explanation is that he’s pointing to physical Jews in the physical city of Jerusalem. But the Apostle Paul tells us that a true Israelite is one who has a covenant relationship with the Father through the Son.

The city of the Heavenly Father is not in the Middle East, but rather is a spiritual city, Holy Jerusalem which John described in Revelation 21.

The book of Hebrews tells us what is the city of the Heavenly Father.

For he (Abraham) looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Hebrews 11:10

But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. Hebrews 11:16

But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, Hebrews 12:22

For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Hebrews 13:14

The kingdom of the Heavenly Father is not physical, it’s spiritual.

Read Messiah’s Kingdom

Dr. John Barnett of Discover the Book Ministries says that Messiah’s second coming is not for us, it’s for the Jews.

That statement is based on his belief in the pre-tribulation rapture, which is based on the false concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel 9.

Messiah is coming back at the end, for His Ekklesia of saints which is made up of both Jews and gentiles. The concept of a separate dispensation period for the Jews is not Scriptural.

Dr. John Barnett of Discover the Book Ministries teaches a futuristic fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and the prophecies in Revelation.

The 70th week of Daniel 9 is about Messiah’s ministry and His blood sacrifice as the Spotless Lamb to atone for our sins. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

The Olivet Discourse foretold the events that would lead to the desolation of Jerusalem, the second temple and the Jewish nation; as punishment for the Jewish leaders continuing in rebellion against the Heavenly Father and for delivering His Son up to be killed. It has nothing to do with the antichrist or the end times.

Most of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years. It describes the historical narrative of the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom (pagan Emperors > antichrist beast Popes > false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals) fighting against Messiah and His saints.

The explanations of Dr. John Barnett of Discover the Book Ministries serve to deflect blame away from the enemy in Rome, and to mislead the end-times saints so that they’re not prepared for how the end-times will play out, and don’t know the context of Messiah’s return.

On the Bible Prophecy Decoded website you will find summary PDF’s, links to request free PDF’s on my books and links to order printed books.

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