The Antichrist Will Appear As Christ, The Vicar Of Christ

This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study post addresses a meme that was posted on Facebook about the antichrist. 

Someone posted this meme on Facebook, as they are trying to declare what the supposed one-man antichrist will be like.

Someone posted this meme on Facebook, as they are trying to declare what the supposed one-man antichrist will be like.

I asked them, “So he will be the Vicar of Christ, the substitute Christ?”

And they replied with “yes, he will be a fake Jesus.”

To which I replied with:

Is that not what the Popes of Rome have done? They proclaim the title of the ‘Vicar of Christ’, which means ‘in place of Christ’. They proclaim to be God, to be Jesus Christ in the flesh, and to forgive sins; all of which is blasphemy and anti-christ.

They proclaim that salvation cannot be attained outside of their authority. They proclaim that Mary is the Intercessor, the Mediator, and Savior of men; thus denying Messiah.

They proclaim to lead the one true church, so they already sit in the temple of God (the temple is not a building, but the body of Messiah, which is made up of the saints); but the Roman Catholic Church is a harlot church, an apostate church; which misleads 1.2 billion Catholics with a false salvation message of works via the sacraments; so that these Catholics revere (mark on forehead) and obey (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist Pope of Rome.

Their bishops and cardinals wear purple and scarlet, and they use the golden cup during their blasphemous Eucharist ceremony.

They have caused Catholics to kill over 50 million saints, thus they have persecuted the saints.

They have changed the laws, removing the 2nd commandment which forbids idolatry, and split the 10th commandment in two.

How is it that you’re looking for a future one-man antichrist, when Scripture clearly describes the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, as fulfilling prophecy as the Little Horn of Daniel 2, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation?

Related Study: Historical Witnesses Against Antichrist

2 thoughts on “The Antichrist Will Appear As Christ, The Vicar Of Christ”

  1. On April 4, 2020, Pope Francis removed the title “Vicar of Christ” from his title. He is serving under his own birth name.

    Here’s an interesting source:

    It appears that the Jesuits are going to be the ones to take down the Roman Catholic Church. I heard a great teaching explaining that the RCC will go down prior to the return of Jesus, and in times past, Catholics have destroyed other Catholics:

    • Thank you for sharing your insight Michele! I agree that the Jesuit leaders will carry out the judgment of the harlot church of Rome. I will check out the videos.


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