Steve Wohlberg The Ellen White Controversy Video Review

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a review of a video from Seventh Day Adventist pastor Steve Wohlberg and Johnny Cirucci, called The Ellen White Controversy.

Video description: In Old Testament times, God spoke through prophets. In the New Testament, He spoke through His Son, Jesus Christ (Heb. 1:1,2). He also gave prophetic gifts to His Church (Eph. 4:8; Acts 2:17; 13:1; 21:8,9). In the 1800s, a woman named Ellen G. White (1827-1915) received over 2,000 prophetic visions and dreams, some of which warned humanity about key events to occur before the End of the World. Was Ellen White led by God? Do her writings agree with the Bible? Steve Wohlberg answers questions about The Ellen White Controversy.

If you’re a Seventh-Day Adventist, let me preface this post with understanding. 

When you’re in the only church denomination that teaches the historicist prophecy fulfillment explanations, which believes that it’s the remnant church of Messiah who has a special gift of prophecy, who is called to proclaim the three-angels message to the world; it’s easy to feel set-apart and it’s a challenge to see a different perspective.

But let me remind you that we will stand before our Righteous Judge to give an account of what we believe and what we teach. I pray that you’re the kind of person who wants truth, even if you have to find out that you’ve been misled.

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg says that Ellen G White was given a prophetic gift from the Father.

I’ve not read EGW’s writings, but the Seventh Day Adventist Church teachings about the 2300 days of Daniel 8, the mark of the beast and the earth beast of Revelation 13, are off-target and serve to mislead historicists and deflect blame away from the false prophet Jesuit Superior General.

The SDA Church seems to have been founded by the Jesuits of Rome to hijack the historicist narrative or it’s been infiltrated to do so.

Read the Seventh Day Adventist False Prophecy Fulfillment Teachings article.

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg says that EGW points to the evil ways of the Jesuits who were empowered to counter the Reformation

This may be true, but somehow she and Seventh Day Adventist pastors don’t see how the Jesuits were used to fulfill the first five vial judgments, as they teach that they’ve not been fulfilled yet.

And they don’t see how the earth beast of Revelation 13 is pointing to the black pope taking control of the Vatican in 1798 AD, the earth, the land of the white pope. Instead, they proclaim that the earth beast is the USA, which is contrary to their teaching that the last beast kingdom of Daniel is the Roman beast kingdom.

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg points out the EGW points to the evil ways of the Jesuits who were empowered to counter the Reformation

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg has a hard time thinking that the devil would cause Ellen G. White to point to the Jesuits.

The Jesuits use controlled opposition to teach some truth, even pointing to the evil ways of the Jesuits, but then they’re used to mislead people about key concepts. Eric Jon Phelps is a perfect example of this.

So though the Seventh Day Adventist Church points to the antichrist beast popes of Rome and their harlot Roman Catholic Church, and to the evil ways of the Jesuits; they are misleading people about important prophecies which serve to deflect blame away from the false prophet Jesuit Superior General.

Johnny Cirucci says that SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg’s explanation of Revelation is accurate.

That is inaccurate, as Steve isn’t teaching the fulfillment of the vial judgments, he’s misleading people about the earth beast of Revelation 13, and he’s misleading people about the mark of the beast.

The mark of the beast is revering (mark on forehead, thoughts) and obeying (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist beast popes of Rome; but the SDA Church is not telling you that. Instead they proclaim that it’s going to church on Sunday, which is a false narrative that hides the Scriptural calendar and Sabbath.

READ The Fulfillments Of The Mark Of The Beast 

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg talked about the end-times church of Laodicea having pride, thinking that they are rich in truth but being blind

Indeed it is! Messiah is pointing to people who believe the futuristic prophecy fulfillment explanations, whose minds have been programmed with a false script, who think that they know truth and have no need for the historicist explanations.

Messiah is pointing to people who believe the preterist prophecy fulfillment explanations, who believe that the prophecies in Revelation were fulfilled during the first few centuries; who think that they know truth and have no need for the historicist explanations.

And it applies to the Seventh Day Adventist Church, who proclaims that they are the only church denomination that teaches the historicist prophecy fulfillment explanations, which believes that it’s the remnant church of Messiah who has a special gift of prophecy, who is called to proclaim the three-angels message to the world.

SDA’s feel set-apart and blindly trust their leaders, so it’s a challenge to see a different perspective. But their key prophecy fulfillment explanations are off-target.

Johnny Cirucci points to offshoots of Christianity in the 19th century by the Jesuits, to mislead people.

Indeed, the enemy in Rome couldn’t stop the Scriptural Gospel from being proclaimed around the world, so they created false Christian denominations such as the Jehovah’s Witness Church and the Mormon Church.

So it’s really interesting that the Seventh Day Adventist Church was also created during the 19th century, to hijack the historicist narrative in order to teach some truth of prophecy fulfillment but then mislead them about key prophecies.

Johnny Cirucci pointed out that the SDA Church is the only one that has the demarcation of proclaiming the four beast kingdoms of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7.

Steve Wohlberg and Johnny Cirucci rightfully believe that Daniel only pointed to four beast kingdoms: Babylon > Medo-Persia > Greece > Rome, and that the Roman beast kingdom stays in power until Messiah returns.

So its incongruent to say that the USA is the dominant beast kingdom in the end times.

Instead, the earth beast points to the next leader of the Roman beast kingdom, the false prophet Jesuit Superior General.

It is the false prophet black pope who had Jesuit priests create the false futuristic and preteristic prophecy fulfillment explanations, in order to deflect blame away from the antichrist beast popes of Rome.

It is the false prophet black pope who has caused his priests to teach the false gospel of Romanism, which now causes 1.3 billion Catholics to have the mark of the beast on them, as they revere (mark on forehead, thoughts) and obey (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist beast popes of Rome.

It is the false prophet black pope who caused heretics Westcott and Hort to create a corrupt Greek Bible in the 19th century, which removed some proofs of Messiah’s deity. Then they caused new Bible translations to be created, like the NIV, which are based on the corrupt Greek Bible.

The prophecy fulfillment explanations of Johnny Cirucci and the Seventh Day Adventist Church serve to deflect blame away from the false prophet black pope.

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg mentioned the 2300 days of Daniel 8, as its a key prophecy for them.

But we can read the passage and see that it’s not talking about the heavenly sanctuary needing to be cleansed, but to the physical temple in Jerusalem. It’s about Grecian leader Antiochus taking control of the temple for 2,300 days.

During the Maccabean Revolt, the Jews took back control of the temple and they cleansed it and rededicated it.

Hanukkah, the feast of lights, is a celebration of the temple being taken back by the Jewish Maccabees, cleansed and rededicated. In John 10:22, we see that the temple had been rededicated, And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.

We can see that the Millerites and the Seventh-Day Adventist Church have taken the passage out of context, and that the association of the 2300 days of Daniel 8 and the 70 weeks of Daniel 9 prophecies starting in the same year is a false one.

Johnny Cirucci said “I don’t know that the question is, Ellen G. White, true prophet or false prophet?”

But that is the question and the true historical narrative proves that she was a false prophet!

Read the Seventh Day Adventist False Prophecy Fulfillment Teachings article to see proof that the SDA Church is misleading people about some key prophecies, which serve to deflect blame away from the false prophet black pope.

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