Steve Wohlberg SDA Church Sunday Exposed Video Review

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a review of a video from Seventh Day Adventist pastor Steve Wohlberg, called Sunday EXPOSED.

Video description: Most Christians attend church on Sunday (“the first day of the week”), yet their own Bibles teach that Saturday (“the seventh day”) is the true day of worship. See Exodus 20:8-11; Isaiah 58:13,14. Surprisingly, Jesus Christ kept the seventh-day Sabbath (Luke 4:16), said He was “Lord even of the Sabbath day” (Matthew 12:8), and His own followers still kept that Sabbath after He died on the cross (see Luke 23:56). Not only that, but Jesus never mentioned “the first day of the week” (Sunday) even one time. We appeal to all open-minded searchers for truth to watch this short video to discover the facts, not fiction. 

If you’re a Seventh-Day Adventist, let me preface this post with understanding. 

When you’re in the only church denomination that teaches the historicist prophecy fulfillment explanations, which believes that it’s the remnant church of Messiah who has a special gift of prophecy, who is called to proclaim the three-angels message to the world; it’s easy to feel set-apart and it’s a challenge to see a different perspective.

But let me remind you that we will stand before our Righteous Judge to give an account of what we believe and what we teach. I pray that you’re the kind of person who wants truth, even if you have to find out that you’ve been misled.

Seventh Day Adventist pastor Steve Wohlberg seems like a genuine, nice man. I learned a lot from his End Times Delusions study series when I began studying Bible prophecy.

That said, the SDA Church is teaching prophecy fulfillment concepts which are off-target, and serve to mislead historicists and deflect blame away from the false prophet Jesuit Superior General.

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg says “Whether you realize it or not, one of the hottest topics facing the Christian world concerns what day is the true day of worship.”

Steve asked “Is it Sunday, the day that most Christians go to church? Or is it Saturday, a day when God’s ancient people kept for thousands of years, which goes all the way back to the creation of the world?”

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wolhberg says "Whether you realize it or not, one of the hottest topics facing the Christian world concerns what day is the true day of worship."

Steve’s statement is based on the Seventh Day Adventist Church teaching that Saturday is the true Sabbath and that Sunday church is the mark of the beast.

First of all, it’s absurd to think that the Heavenly Father is going to harshly condemn people for going to church to praise Him, pray to Him and learn about Him; because they supposedly did it on the wrong day.

Secondly, people don’t go to church on Sunday because the pope told them to, so there’s no direct connection to revering the antichrist beast pope.

Thirdly, observing the Sabbath isn’t about just going to church, it’s about taking a day of rest from normal activities; and spending the day reading Scripture, praying, spending time with family and friends, and resting in the Father. So it’s odd, and telling, that the SDA Church doesn’t talk about those things in their explanations regarding Sunday church goers. Instead, they just focus on going to church on Sunday.

Fourthly, you will see that Saturday hasn’t always been the 7th day of the Roman week, and there’s no way to prove that the 7th day of creation aligns with Saturday on today’s pagan Roman calendar. And do we really think that the antichrist beast pope would conveniently align the Scriptural Sabbath with their pagan calendar? No!

Lastly, and most importantly, is that Saturday is not the Scriptural Sabbath, and the antichrist beast pope and false prophet Jesuit Superior General are using the SDA Church to push a false dichotomy between Saturday and Sunday, to hide the Scriptural calendar.

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg points to the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy, and that the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord. He says that the 7th day is Saturday.  

The Scriptural calendar is not compatible with the pagan Roman calendar, so Steve is making a false association.

We are commanded to keep the Scriptural calendar, which starts in spring, not in the middle of winter like the pagan Roman calendar.

Genesis 1:14 declares that the sun and moon determine the Scriptural calendar, not just the sun like the Romans do on their pagan calendar.

The Scriptural calendar is not compatible with the pagan Roman calendar as Scripture declares that there are ‘new moon days’ on the calendar which are not accounted for in the continuously-repeating ‘six work day / one Sabbath day’ cycle that the SDA Church proclaims.

It’s amazing to me that the SDA Church stakes its reputation on Saturday being the Sabbath, but it’s basing its explanation on the Roman calendar and not the Scriptural calendar.

We are to follow the Scriptural calendar and Sabbath, not the pagan Roman calendar of the antichrist beast popes!

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg says that Jesus Christ kept the true 7th day Sabbath, not Sunday.  

Messiah kept the seventh day Sabbath, but it was not on Saturday. During Messiah’s ministry, there was no such thing as Saturday or Sunday.

The Romans observed an 8-day week with the days named after letters in their alphabet. It wasn’t until later in the first century that they also started to observe a 7-day week, but Saturday was the first day of the week.

From the 1st century until the 4th century, Saturday was the first day of the Roman 7-day week.

Then Constantine officially switched to the 7-day week and changed it to make Sunday the first day. By that we can see that Saturday has not always been the seventh day of the Roman week, so it doesn’t make sense to proclaim that Saturday has always been the seventh day of the week.

With Constantine’s declarations that people, including Jewish leaders, must follow the 7-day week with Saturday as the 7th day; He pushed people away from the Scriptural calendar and Sabbath.

This was part of the falling away from Scriptural truth that the Apostle Paul warned about in 2 Thessalonians 2.

READ The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg points out that Jesus never mentioned the first day of the week, which is Sunday, even one time throughout His entire ministry.  

This is a false association! Messiah kept the Scriptural calendar, not the pagan Roman calendar. Messiah didn’t point to Sunday because there was no such thing. And He didn’t point to Saturday either.

Many of Messiah’s healings were on the Scriptural 7th day Sabbath day, to expose the manmade traditions of the Jewish leaders, so He didn’t mention the first day of the week much.

But it’s not true that Messiah never pointed to the first day of the week, as He proclaimed that He would rise on the third day.

  • He died on the 14th day of the first Scriptural month of the year, on the spring Passover.
  • He was dead in the grave on the High Sabbath Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the 15th day.
  • And He rose again on the third day, on the Feast of First Fruits, which falls the 16th day of the Scriptural calendar, which was the first day of the next week.

It’s amazing to me that Seventh Day Adventists base their argument around the pagan Roman calendar of the antichrist beast popes!

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg cites The Catholic Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (1946) which answers the question “What day is the Sabbath day?” It answers that “Saturday is the Sabbath Day.” 

But this is a false dichotomy of the enemy, to make the debate about Saturday versus Sunday, which hides that the Sabbath is not on an set day of the pagan Roman calendar.

The Catholic Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (1946) asks the question “Why then do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday.” It answers “We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.”

It’s true that the Roman bishops changed the first day of the week from Saturday to Sunday, but the Scriptural Sabbath is not either of those days.

It’s amazing to me that the Seventh Day Adventist Church knows that the popes are the son of perdition and antichrist beast of Revelation, but they blindly trust a quote from the Roman Catholic Church!

The harlot church of Rome is lying about Saturday and Sunday, to hide the Scriptural calendar and Sabbath.

READ The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg says ‘if you want to learn the ‘controversial facts’ get their The Truth About The Sabbath book.

The controversial fact is that there was no such thing as Saturday or Sunday during Messiah’s ministry, so the SDA Church is making false associations.

The controversial fact is that Saturday was the first day of the Roman week from the 1st century until the 4th, so there’s no way to proclaim that Saturday has always been the 7th day of the Roman week, let alone the Scriptural week.

The controversial fact is that Scripture declares new moon days, which are not accounted for on the sun-based pagan Roman calendar, which makes the concept of a continuously-repeating ‘six work day / one Sabbath day’ cycle invalid.

The controversial fact is that a day doesn’t start when the sun goes down, as the SDA Church teaches. A Scriptural day starts when the sun rises.

The format of a day is clearly revealed in Genesis 1.

It declares that the time of the light is daytime and the time of the darkness is nighttime.

“And Elohim called the light ‘day’ (Yom) and the darkness He called ‘night.’ (Laylah)  And there came to be evening (Ereb) and there came to be morning (Boqer), one day.”

Day = Yom (H3117) — From an unused root meaning to be hot; a day(as the warm hours)

Night = Laylah (H3915) — From the same as H3883; properly a twist (away of the light), that is, night; figuratively adversity: – ([mid-]) night (season).

Evening = Ereb (H6153) — From H6150; dusk: – + day, even (-ing, tide)

Dawn = Boqer (H1242) — From H1239; properly dawn (as the break of day); generally morning: – (+) day, early, morning, morrow.

Elohim is declaring the proper order: Day + Night = 1 full day. Light + Darkness = 1 full day.

It’s proclaiming that Day (dawn to dusk) + Night (dusk to dawn) = 1 full day.

The work of creation was done during the Day and then there was rest at Night, and that makes up one full day.

The narrative of the 2nd-6th days declare what Elohim created during the Day, and then the narrative for the 2nd-6th days ends in “And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the (second-sixth) day.”

Daytime creation events + Nighttime rest (from evening to morning) = 1 full day.

Doesn’t that line up with a natural order of things; that a day would start when the sun begins to rule the sky? Doesn’t that make more sense than the Jewish Babylonian tradition, that a day starts when the sun goes down?

The only time that observance of a Sabbath is declared to start in the evening is on the Feast of Atonement. But if a day starts at the evening of the day before, then Elohim would have simply said to observe that Sabbath all of the 10th day, meaning during the whole 24 hour period.

But it’s not declaring to start the observance on the 10th day at evening, but on the 9th day at evening. It’s saying to observe it from the evening of the 9th day, all the way through the end of daytime of the 10th day, which is from one evening to the next.

It’s making a unique declaration for that solemn Sabbath day, because the norm is to observe the Sabbath rest during the daytime, from dawn until dusk.

It’s amazing to me that the Seventh Day Adventist base their identity on keeping the Sabbath, but they don’t understand when a Scriptural day starts.

Stop following Jewish fables!

SDA Church Pastor Steve Wohlberg points to Luke 23:56, saying that Christs’ followers rested on the Sabbath day according to the commandment.  

No doubt Messiah’s followers obeyed this commandment, but it wasn’t on Saturday. It as on the High Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which falls on the 15th day of the 1st month of the Scripture calendar.

Stop being misled by the false prophecy fulfillment explanations of the Seventh Day Adventist Church!

The SDA Church seems to have been created by the General in Rome or infiltrated by the Jesuits, as their teachings mislead historicists and deflect blame away from the false prophet Jesuit Superior General.

Read the Seventh Day Adventist False Prophecy Fulfillment Teachings article.

16 thoughts on “Steve Wohlberg SDA Church Sunday Exposed Video Review”

  1. The SDA is tough one. I have enjoyed SDA Walter Veith’s great teachings for many years. They hold to so many solid biblical views. Doesn’t Romans 14:5 answer the Saturday/Sunday issue or am I missing something? Also they have the spirit of prophecy and Ellen White problem, it is so sad. I suspect many Jesuits snuck in the midst of the SDA seeking to destroy and confuse many years ago and are still in there.

    • Yeah, SDA pastors like Walter Veith have some great teachings! Sadly, some of his key explanations are off-target.

      That’s an interesting point about Romans 14:5 applying to SDA’s as they judge people for going to church on Sunday.

      Sadly, SDA’s are wrong about Saturday being the Scriptural Sabbath, so their judgment is misplaced.

      I have no problem with SDAs going to church on Saturday, but I take issue with them calling Sunday church the mark of the beast.

      I’ve come under the conviction that the SDA Church was established to hijack the historicist narrative, so that they can mislead historicists about key prophecies.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

  2. David, I find this to be the weakest link in your teaching, though I have enjoyed and shared your books and studies. I spent several years studying with SDAs and with Messianic Jews. Regardless of what calendar was used at various points in history, Jews have been very meticulous in keeping the seventh day Sabbath. Every Rabbi I have spoken to about this insists that Jews have never lost the seven day cycle. As for Sunday being the mark of the beast, the SDAs I know don’t teach that. They do teach that it will BECOME the mark of the beast – only when it becomes a clear sign of allegiance to the beast. I am open to the possibility that may happen – or not. As for Sabbath being a day of worship, that is only inferred. The fourth commandment tells us to rest. It does not specifically command a day of worship.

    • Kent, it may be the weakest link in your understanding. I provide plenty of proof on this page that Saturday is not the Scriptural Sabbath.

      Saturday wasn’t the seventh day of the week from the 1st century until the 4th century, it was the first day of the week, so it hasn’t always been the 7th day Sabbath. So there’s no credibility for Jewish rabbis who proclaim to have kept track of it. They are either complicit in the cover-up or parroting what they’ve been taught.

      Jewish Rabbi Hillel II compromised with Constantine in the 4th century, to make Saturday the continuously-repeating Sabbath, to avoid persecution from Rome. Constantine did this to move people away from the Scriptural calendar which is not compatible with the pagan Roman calendar, as it’s based on the sun and moon.

      It’s all part of the ‘falling away’ from Scriptural truth that the Apostle Paul warned about in 2 Thessalonians 2.

      I pray that you will seek truth not to defend a belief, for we will all stand before the Righteous Judge to account for what we believe and teach.

  3. Just to add. Sabbath is In so many languages. Sabato…..keep going.
    And now so many calendars too.
    Enoch (which I think is on target) but Sabbath is discussed in a slightly confusing manner. Zadok which had merit, the floating Sabbath which messes up the holidays, etc.
    I did that for a year until I reread Jubilees that later on they will use the moon in error ….on and on.
    It’s so obvious that “mission control” we have a problem here!
    I am thankful to Doug Bachelor at least for guiding me to the importance of the Sabbath…. eternally greatful.

    problem for sure. We all only want to please Yah, I get that.

    Having said all that, I’m still not 100% sure on any calendar/Sabbath choice.

    But, tell ya what I won’t do. Go to church on the Sol Invictus day! Even if it’s only on principal! Also, the more I see teaching of All!! Churches, the less I wanna be involved as well.
    Signs, symbols, Freemasonry, 5013C, money, lies, etc.
    Every single pastor on TV does the 666 hand sign, the pyramid of power and the hook em devil horns!
    I even recently collected Pope Francis bowing down to a solid gold compass and square with the sun God in the center.
    David! In love, what about the Catholic admittance of Sunday being their doing.
    I’ve read and saved your stuff along.
    Really gonna go back and now defend the Catholic Church?

    Let’s just say, if people are to be set apart, joining Sunday worshipping churches now is kind of a mute point don’t ya think?

    Not sure how we get the true Sabbath but we should all focus on that with whatever time is left. Telling you I’ve seen/heard em all including the latest one …13 month/28 day theory. Looks Interesting but Enoch tells us some months are 30 days, 31…etc.

    Let’s move forward (or try to).
    Churches are now rejoining the Vatican and Chrislam had been announced…think on that.
    ” Come out of her my people”.
    In live Sally

    • Sally, the enemy seeks to steal glory away from the Heavenly Father, so the fact that pagan cultures had a Sabbath day and 7-day weeks doesn’t prove that Saturday is the Scriptural Sabbath. If anything, it’s a sign that it’s not, because we can see the false pattern of Satan.

      It’s great that SDA’s set aside a day to observe a Sabbath rest! I appreciate their zeal for doing so.

      How is it that people believe the enemy of Messiah and His saints, the antichrist pope, when he proclaims that he moved the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday???

      A key strategy of the enemy is to create false dichotomies. In this case they’ve made the argument between Saturday Sabbath and Sunday Lord’s Days, which serves to hide that the Scriptural calendar is not compatible with the pagan Roman calendar of the antichrist beast popes, and that neither Saturday nor Sunday is the Scriptural Sabbath.

      My role is to teach truth and expose the enemy’s deceptions. And I believe that the SDA church was founded by the Je$uits to hijack historicism, to mislead people and deflect blame away from the General.

      • SDAs founded by Jesuits? I don’t think so. They came out of the Millerite movement with their silly doctrine of investigative judgement to explain 1844. The seven day Sabbath cycle was established in Eden, remembered at Sinai and observed by Jesus (who would have corrected the cycle, if needed) and early Christians. Even if the cycle was lost (which I don’t buy, even after reading all your “proof”), I can only do my best to observe Sabbath on the correct day. Like Sally, I certainly won’t observe pagan Sunday. You call Sunday the Lord’s Day like so many Sunday keepers. But nowhere in scripture does the Lord claim Sunday as His day. Sabbath is His day.

        • Kent, the SDA Church teaches some false prophecy fulfillment explanations which serve to deflect blame away from the antichrist beast pope and the false prophet Jesuit Superior in Rome. That is what controlled opposition does.

          It doesn’t make sense to proclaim that the 7th day of the antichrist beast popes calendar lines up with Eden, Sinai or that it was observed by Messiah. There is absolutely no proof of that.

          There was no such thing as Sunday or Saturday during Messiah’s ministry as the Romans observed an 8-day week which had the days named after letters in their alphabet.

          So it makes no sense to proclaim that Messiah observed a Saturday Sabbath!

          I do not believe that Sunday is the Lord’s Day. I was showing how the enemy has created a false dichotomy between the supposed Saturday Sabbath and the suppose Sunday Lord’s Day.

          It’s great that you observe the Sabbath, for our Heavenly Father is more concerned with the intention of our heart, than about ritual observance.

  4. David,
    I have enjoyed your books and given them out to my friends. However, I and my brethren, do not teach either day as being the correct Sabbath. Why, Christ is our Sabbath in which we cease from our own labors and rest in his finished work. The Sabbath was created for man and not man for the Sabbath. Jesus came into the world to fulfill the law and the prophets. The Mosaic law and the law of the Garden of Eden, have been fulfilled by Christ Jesus, who took both these laws including the sabbath and tacked it to the cross. We are not under these laws since Calvary. Jesus is the image of the invisible God, who is the Holy Spirit. We are now to live by the Holy Spirit, that is if one has been baptized into the Spirit, who is Christ Jesus. Now the Lord is that Spirit and wherever two or three are gathered together in his name their he is in their midst. The sabbath is merely a shadow of the body of what Christ will bring into physical manifestation which will be the Lord’s day, wherein the thorns and thistles {the Curse} which he was crowned with will be removed from the earth through his Sons. The creation itself awaits the manifestation of the Sons of God {the Christ}, through whom Jesus will bring all things into subjection under his feet. That is the True and substantive Sabbath: a Rest for All Creation.

    • Thank you for your sharing your perspective Charles! I appreciate your zeal in studying prophecy fulfillment!

      The main point of this article is that Saturday is not the Scriptural Sabbath and that going to church on Sunday is not the mark of the beast.

      Romans 14:5-6 is interesting in regard to the Sabbath, “One doth judge one day above another, and another doth judge every day alike; let each in his own mind be fully assured. He who is regarding the day, to the Lord he doth regard it, and he who is not regarding the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He who is eating, to the Lord he doth eat, for he doth give thanks to God; and he who is not eating, to the Lord he doth not eat, and doth give thanks to God.”

      Praise Messiah that He tacked the written record of our sins, which condemned us to death, to the cross.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

    • I hear this a lot and I agree that we are not under law. I fully embrace grace. At the same time, I strive to obey God’s commands because I love Him and want to please Him. Let’s be honest – this is only about the fourth commandment. Christians have no issues with the other nine. I believe Jews have kept accurate count of the seven day cycle and I choose to rest on what we now call Saturday. I worship every day and I fellowship with Christians of many faith traditions. There is a very real blessing in Sabbath and I encourage all believers to enter His rest.

  5. I was so excited to find the Historicists model of prophecy and was working on a book to show the memorized fulfillment in coins and medals. It was while doing more research on this that more unveiling occurred. There’s more, a spiritual aspect of scripture. It’s not either-or, but both! This next layer of scripture revealing is so incredible and awesome.

    • Thank you for your comment Major! I appreciate your zeal in studying prophecy fulfillment. When I was during research for the Revelation Timeline Decoded book, it was amazing to find Roman coins which validate the fulfillment of prophecy. It’s amazing the see the spiritual battle that’s played out in Revelation.


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