Revelation Timeline Decoded Praise Reports

This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study features some of the praise reports from people who have learned the historical fulfillment of prophecy on this website.  All praise goes to YHUH our Father.

Finding this site has brought me to tears, because I have been praying to find truth, trying to keep my heart open to truth, studying the word trying to understand the truth I knew was there. I saw a program on TV while waiting for my tires to be changed that touched on some of this, I think it was seventh day adventist that’s what lead to the internet searches that resulted in me finding your site. I have been studying on my own for some time knowing since childhood that things didn’t seem right when listening to traditional type doctrine, and not finding anything in the non-traditional options. Thank you so much for making this material available. Wow I want to share this news with others as I know that it is what God created me to do. The truth is most, well likely just dismiss but, if even one has the fire light up like what happened for me it is worth it. Pray for my family and I as we try to help spread truth and light those lamps.

Thank you so much
Andrew Wilmot


I was taught the wrong way for so long, that it is difficult getting the correct teaching to cancel out the incorrect teaching. But thanks be to the leading of the Holy Spirit to this website, I can truly understand the Revelation of Jesus Christ! Keep up the wonderful work of explaining Scripture to those of us that thirst for Eternity with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Lamb of God. Blessing from your brother in Christ, Robert DeHaan


Hi David,

I “happened” upon your website and believe that I’m clearly seeing the book of Revelation for the first time. I’ll admit, I’ve been pulled in to the 7 year tribulation and have been wondering when the peace treaty will initiate everything.

Anyway, other studies have led me to look into the Talmud and Kabbalah’s influence on modern day Israel, the teaching of the Quran and the formation of the Jesuits.

I had concluded that Israel/Jerusalem was Babylon the great and that Jerusalem would be the headquarters of the anti-Christ figure. (The Pope being the false prophet).

Was the Talmud and Kabbalah (originated in Babylon) the basis for the Pharisaic understandings and who were Jesus’ great enemies.

Finally, how do you see Zionism playing a role today?

May God bless you and your readers.



I was so excited when I came across your outstanding website. I have not done complete study on the Book of Revelation to John in some time. As I began reading Iwas reminded of how wrongly I had been taught most of my life on this exciting Revelation of Jesus Christ the Lord of lord and King of all kings! Glory to the Lamb of God! I am 64 years old and was born again in 1969. I am reminded by the Holy Spirit that in my lifetime I have barely scratched the surface in learning the Greatness of Almighty God. I love the Word of God with all my soul, mind, body and strength. Thank you for your outstanding love of the Truth we have in Jesus Christ. Robert DeHaan

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