Dr. Stephen Pidgeon Teaches False Futuristic Prophecy Fulfillment Explanations

This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible article focuses on the false prophecy teachings of Dr. Stephen Pidgeon.

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon created The Cepher Bible and by all appearances he is very intelligent. He explains many truths about the Hebrew language and Scripture, and seems very sincere.

But based on his false, futuristic prophecy fulfillment explanations, his intelligence is either working against him; or he’s a wolf who is deceiving people.

If someone is wrong about some prophecies, that’s understandable, as no doubt we all are; but as you will see below, he’s wrong about all of the major prophecy teachings in Daniel 9, Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation.

This removes proof of the validity of the Scriptures and the deity of Messiah, as the prophecies have been fulfilled in exacting detail. And it serve to hide who is the antichrist beast and false prophet, and leaves people unprepared for how the end-times will play out, as they’re following a false narrative.

Here’s a review of a video called BEHOLD! A RED HORSE with Stephen Pidgeon on Crossing Over with Jessica Arellanes.

Video description: Revelation 6:3-4 ‘And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth.’ Tonight we discuss wars and rumors of war … are you prepared for the tribulation.

Dr. Pidgeon seems to think that we must base our understanding of prophecy on the Hebrew language, but the New Testament was written in Greek for a reason, so that the Gentile nations could understand it. Only the Jews understood Hebrew, so spreading Hebrew Scriptures across the Roman Empire would have been ineffective.

Dr. Pidgeon says that there are two extant copies of the New Testament in Hebrew, one of which has been released by the Vatican.

Hmmm, the Vatican is the same people behind the Codex Vaticanus, which was a flawed work, on which Westcott and Hort based some of the heretical explanations. Should we really trust that the false prophet Jesuit Superior General and antichrist beast Pope are going to release a valid copy of the Hebrew Bible? I think not! Read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

Though Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints is built on the foundation of Jewish believers who understood Hebrew, the turning point of the first century was that the Gospel was proclaimed all around the Roman Empire. If the Bible was only in Hebrew, the Romans would not understand it. It was written in Greek on purpose, to give the Gentile nations the Gospel truth.

In the video, Dr. Stephen Pidgeon points to ‘rumors of wars‘ in Messiah’s Olivet Discourse, applying it to the end times.

But Messiah was pointing to events that took place before the judgment of the Jewish nation who continued in their rebellion against the Heavenly Father, who rejected Messiah and delivered Him up to be killed, and who persecuting His disciples. It’s about the desolation of Jerusalem, the second temple and the Jewish nation during the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD. It is not about the end times! I prove that out in my Olivet Discourse Decoded book.

In the video, Dr. Stephen Pidgeon points to the second seal of Revelation being fulfilled in the end times.

But that is false as it was about judgment of the pagan Roman Empire, which Satan used to persecute Messiah’s Ekklesia of saints. The Red horse represents a bloody time in the Roman Empire from 185-284 AD, as it went into a phase of revolution and civil war for 90 years, during which there were 32 emperors and 27 contenders for the throne. Read Revelation 6 – 2nd Seal Red Horse

So while Dr. Stephen Pidgeon provides some great insight about the Hebrew language, the bottom line is that this three-hour video didn’t give truth about the fulfillment of the second seal of Revelation. And by default, the wrong futuristic explanation serves to deflect away from the truth of the fulfillment.

It’s hard to believe that a brilliant man like Dr. Stephen Pidgeon doesn’t understand the fulfillment of the seals of Revelation, especially when the great theologians of the 16th-20th centuries gave the historical fulfillment explanation regarding the pagan Roman Empire.

Here’s a link to a Revelation Fulfillment Summary Page which shows you how the seals, trumpets and most of the bowls have already been fulfilled. The studies on the website give a verse by verse explanation and the Revelation Timeline Decoded book gives much more detail.

Here’s a review of a video called End Times Bible Prophecy with Stephen Pidgeon.

Video description: Television broadcast recorded in the Fall 2013 featuring Bible scholar Stephen Pidgeon on end times prophecy.

This video says that Stephen Pidgeon is an attorney.  That’s very interesting!

Stephen Pidgeon said that Daniel 9:24-27 is pointing to the edict to rebuild the city, as applying to modern Israel.

This is wrong, because it applied to the Jews who were about to be released from the Babylonian captivity, and empowered by King Cyrus to get rebuild the city and the temple.

The 70 weeks of Daniel is not about the end times or the antichrist. The Protestant Reformers taught the proper fulfillment in the 16th century. Read 70 Weeks Of Daniel Geneva Bible

Stephen Pidgeon points to Messiah being born in 3 BC, and then at age 20, in 17 AD, He read from the passage of Isaiah, proclaiming that it is fulfilled in Him.

This is wrong, as that event occurred when Messiah was age 30 (in 27 A.D.), which is the acceptable age to start one’s ministry.

Stephen Pidgeon assigns Revelation 12 to the end times, saying that Satan will make war with set-apart ones.

This is wrong, as Revelation 12 was about Satan using the pagan Roman Emperors to try wipe out the Early Church, killing millions of saints.  Read  Revelation 12 – Roman Empire Beast

Stephen Pidgeon assigns the ‘falling away’ that the Apostle Paul foretold in 2 Thessalonians 2, to the end times.

This is wrong, as the falling away from the faith happened primarily in the 4th-5th centuries, when the saints compromised with Rome and were misled into following Roman Christianity.  Read The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2

The Son of Perdition is the Popes of Rome, who pretend to lead the one true church, but really lead the harlot church of Revelation 17, which teaches a false salvation message.  The Popes have already proclaimed to be God, to be Jesus Christ in the flesh, and to forgive sins.  They have already denied the Holy Father, but taking His title.  They have already denied Messiah, by teaching that the Virgin Mary is the Intercessor and Advocate to the Father.  Read the Son Of Perdition Of 2 Thessalonians 2 

Stephen Pidgeon then applies Messiah’s Olivet Discourse to the end times.

This is wrong, as Messiah clearly proclaimed that all of the things that He just described would take place in that generation.  The context of His discourse was the desolation of the temple, which happened in 70 A.D.  Read The Olivet Discourse Deception

The sign that it was about to occur was that an army would surround Holy Jerusalem, which happened in 66 A.D.  Read The Abomination Of Desolation

Stephen Pidgeon says that Saudi Arabia is the whore of babylon, who will burn forever.

This is wrong, as Revelation 17 clearly describes the harlot church of the antichrist beast Popes of Rome, the Roman Catholic Church; with their scarlet and purple robes, and the golden cup of the blasphemous eucharist ceremony.  The Popes used Catholics to persecute the saints, killing over 50 million.  Read Revelation 17 – Mystery Babylon

Stephen Pidgeon talks about the antichrist confirming a covenant with the many, pointing to the 70th week of Daniel.

This is wrong, as the 70th week of Daniel pointed to the promised Messiah, who came to ratify the everlasting covenant with His blood as the Passover Lamb.

“For this is My blood, that of the renewed covenant, which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 26:28 ISR

In these words we find four things which agree with the prophecy of Daniel 9:27:

    1. “the One” who was to confirm the covenant, the Messiah;
    2. “the covenant” itself, the renewed covenant made with Abraham;
    3. that which “confirmed” the covenant, the blood of Messiah;
    4. those who receive the benefits of the covenant, the “many” who believe in Him as their Messiah.

This means the he is teaching a false, futuristic 70th week of Daniel.  Read The Covenant Of The 70th Week

Stephen Pidgeon points to President Obama as the antichrist, who is to make a covenant with the many.

Once again, the 70th week of Daniel is about the promised Messiah.  It foretold when He would appear; that He would die and end the need for temple sacrifices; and that the punishment for the Jews rejecting Him would be the desolation of the temple, the city and the end of the Jewish nations.  Read The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception

Stephen Pidgeon points to wormwood as the nuclear radiation fallout from Fukishima.

This is wrong, as the 3rd Trumpet was about judgment of the pagan Roman Empire, because they had persecuted the saints.

Here’s a summary of the fulfillment of the 3rd Trumpet – A star in prophecy symbolizes a leader. God sent this great burning star,Attila the king of the Huns, who was called “the scourge of God.” He came from the area around a river in Illyricum which in Greek is called “Apsynthos” (Wormwood). Attila and his 800,000 man army rose quickly and flashed across the land in 451 A.D., and desolated the Italian Alps, which is the source of the Danube, Rhine and Po rivers.

Read Revelation 8 – 3rd Trumpet

Stephen Pidgeon teaches about End Times Bible Prophecy, but doesn’t proclaim that the office of the papacy has already fulfilled prophecy as the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation; who leads the harlot church of Revelation 17.

He is either woefully deceived, or he is a deceiver!

And he’s misled by Jewish fables.  In pointing to the creation of the state of Israel, he pointed to May 14, 1948 and said that it was a sabbath.

That day was a Friday, but many people falsely believe that the Saturday Sabbath starts on Friday night.

If that is what he’s pointing to, then he’s misleading people; as a day starts at dawn, not at sundown; and Saturday is not the Sabbath.  He is following Jewish fables.  Read The Scriptural Calendar Was Replaced

Stephen Pidgeon said that the Feast of Pentecost is a summer feast, but then he said that it occurs 50 days after the Feast of First Fruits.

This is wrong, because 50 days after the Feast of First Fruits is not summer, as summer starts on June 21st.

The text clearly says to observe 7 sabbaths, AND then count 50 days.  Doing this projects you into summer.

Here’s a review of a video called: The Antichrist and the Sons of his Spirit w/ Dr. Stephen Pidgeon, which was published on Jan 10, 2018. Note: it’s now been deleted.

Video description: The time of Jacob’s trouble is ruled by the Antichrist, the dragon which makes war against those who hold to the testimony of Yeshua and keep the commandments of God. Yet this end times figures spirit has been in the world since the time of the apostles, subtly working against the children of YHVH.  Lets explore this figure and truly what is means to be “Anti-Christ.”

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon starts in Revelation 1:10, skipping over Revelation 1:1-2, which proclaim “things which must shortly come to pass; for the time is at hand.”

It’s saying that the fulfillment of Revelation would start shortly after it was written, not after thousands of years.

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon says that Revelation was written in Hebrew, as the 5th trump points to Greek name of Apollyon. That is wrong reasoning.

We have a written record of Revelation in the Greek, not in Hebrew. Of course it includes Hebrew concepts, because it was written by John, who knew Hebrew culture; but that does not prove that it was written in Hebrew.

The New Testament was written for the whole world, and they don’t speak Hebrew.  So it was written in Greek and Aramaic, which were common languages of the Roman Empire.

Just because John used a Hebrew title doesn’t prove that it was all written in Hebrew.

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon proclaims that the 62 week period started in 417 B.C., and Messiah read the passage in Isaiah in 17 B.C.; but that’s not 434 years later, 18 B.C. is, as there’s no year zero.

The 70 week prophecy starts with the command to rebuild the city, which took place in 457 B.C.

The 7 weeks were fulfilled when the Jews were released and empowered to rebuild the city and temple.  Then the 62 week were fulfilled, totally 69 weeks.  Then the promised Messiah appeared in the 70th week. Read The 70th Week Of Daniel Deception

He says that the 7 weeks started at the 1967 war in Israel, which ended in 2016, when Trump pointed to rebuilding the temple.

This makes absolutely no sense!  He says that the 62 weeks started in 417 BC when the temple was created, and now he’s saying that the 7 weeks is about the end times rebuilding of the temple.  The 70 week prophecy has nothing to do with the end times!

This ain’t rocket science!  The 7 weeks was fulfilled first, when the Jews were released from Babylon and empowered to rebuild the temple.  Then there was 62 weeks of relative silence from YHUH, as no prophet spoke for 400 hundred years.  Then Messiah appeared in the 70th week.

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon points to the sign of Revelation 12:1-2 as being fulfilled on 09-23-17, as an end times sign; when three planets aligned to make a total of 12 stars above Virgo’s head, when Jupiter was supposedly in Virgo’s belly for 42 weeks, mimicking her pregnancy.

But all of that is a false narrative!

There are ALWAYS 12 stars above Virgo’s head, in the 9 stars of Leo and the 3 stars of the constellation Coma Berenices, which is named ‘diadem‘, the crown. This means that it’s not a one-time event.

The star named Spica does not mark Virgo’s left hip, it marks the wheat in her left hand; so Jupiter NEVER entered her body, but only passed through her left arm.  This means that Jupiter was not in her womb for 42 weeks, nor was it birthed out of her.

The sign of Revelation 12 was not fulfilled on 09-23-17!

It’s not even about the end times! Revelation 12 was about Satan using the pagan Roman Emperors to try wipe out the Early Church, killing millions of saints.  Read  Revelation 12 – Roman Empire Beast

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon cited 2 Thessalonians 2, and says that the man of sin will be someone who is pro abortion, LGBT, etc.

No, the prophecy about the man of sin has already been fulfilled by the office of the papacy, as they proclaim to be a christian leader, but they violate the ten commandments and cause Catholics to do the same thing.  They have already proclaimed to be God, who proclaims to forgive sins. Read the Son Of Perdition Of 2 Thessalonians 2 

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon pointed to artificial intelligence as the image of the beast.

Since he doesn’t know who the beast is, the office of the papacy, the popes of Rome; he fails understand the image of the beast.

The antichrist beast popes reigned in power for 1,260 years, from 538-1798.  They no longer control the Vatican, but they have been propped up as if they do.

The false prophet Superior General, the Black Pope, uses the White Pope as the front man; but it’s just an image, as the Black Pope controls the Vatican behind the scenes. Read Revelation 13 – Roman Earth Beast

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon pointed to Friday evening to Saturday evening, as the Sabbath.

He points to the mark of the beast, as someone who doesn’t keep the Saturday Sabbath.

A scriptural day starts at dawn, not at sundown; and Saturday is not the Sabbath.  He is following Jewish fables.  Read The Scriptural Calendar Was Replaced

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon is clearly misleading people with his prophecy fulfillment explanations.

Here’s a Bible Prophecy Made Easy study that helps you see the big picture, and then the studies on the website and the Revelation Timeline Decoded book prove it out verse by verse.

9 thoughts on “Dr. Stephen Pidgeon Teaches False Futuristic Prophecy Fulfillment Explanations”

  1. shame on you! for its you who are wrong and Jessica is KNOCK- NOT Arellanes.
    Lets begin with your greek mind that can not learn the true language the nt was written in, it was written in Aramaic before it was ever written in greek, like many things books were kept out of the Bible because they didnt fit the “churches”needs or thoughts, Only the Jews know the Hebrew language??? do you not even know that they were not called Jews? but Hebrews? everything you have said just to this point is fallacy i can barely make myself read all this slander and nonsense, no need to read Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study we already know it you need to do some more studying yourself on the hebrews and aramaic new testament writings. YOU prove in my Olivet Discourse Decoded book.which is wrong as our Abba’s Word is for today just as much as it was in the time it was written, It was for that time just as much as it will happen again in our time, our Abba’s thinking is WAY ABOVE MANS.same with your spiff here>But that is false as it was about judgment of the pagan Roman Empire repeat pattern that is something you can not see? what was will be again, everything you claim is wrong is not wrong its all perfect except the 17a, i think he meant 27 and how would you know lolol what was exceptable way back then to start a ministry? lolol absolute crazy! i think u are the great deceiver wanting ppl. to believe your nonsense that all has already been fullfilled , i can tell you this , you are slandering a great man, whom Yah has given much Wisdom and Understanding in His Word, a big SHAME ON YOU. I cant read any more of your hog wash, its complete sungod worship. everything you say here is pure lies and you kow NOTHING hes correct about the stars too. i see a jealous man in you, thats what i see. and i can bet you wont let my comment be seen.

    • Elaine, you start off your rant with wrong information, as the title of the teaching is “Behold A Red Horse – Jessica Arellanes – Dr Stephen Pidgeon.” So her last name was Arellanes at the time of the recording.

      There’s no proof that the New Testament was written in Hebrew, though we see the Hebrew mindset given especially in books like Matthew which was primarily written for Jews.

      You make accusations against me, but show me proof that Dr. Stephen Pidgeon teaches the historical fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and most of Revelation during the last 2,000 years.

      Dr. Stephen Pidgeon teaches some good things, but prophecy fulfillment is not one of them.

      As for saying that my teachings are ‘sun god worship’ I follow the Scriptural calendar which is based on the sun, moon and stars.

      I am not jealous of Dr. Stephen Pidgeon in the least, for he is a well-studied man with a large following who will be held to account for misleading people about prophecy fulfillment.

      And since you’ve seen my explanations and have made false accusations against me, you’re liable too. The shame is on you.

      Seek truth, not to defend a belief

  2. yep ive been given plenty of eye salve to see the fallacies in everything you have said, you slander a great brother in Yah. best repent, and ask Yah to give you more Wisdom and Understanding in His WORD.

  3. Shalom, your assessment is based on a ten year-old video, have you researched Dr. Pidgeon’s more current teachings? Revelation teaching over the last ten years specifically is changing, is it not? If so, is it because in the book of Daniel, it is discussed that the Father would reveal his Truths in the end times, which was hidden by Daniel at the Father’s command? (paraphrased). I am not asserting that what he taught then is now changed, I have not watched his old videos or teachings, only those in the last couple of years. Other teachers believe that the New Testament originated in Hebrew and was translated to Greek. Similarly these other teachers look to both the Hebrew and the Greek to discern the Truth. Frankly, it’s plausible, and there are so many versions of text that exist, it may still be some time before we know. I personally believe that the original text was never destroyed in fires as many have purported, but exists within the underground library of the Vatican. We must come together as a body so that the many who are not in the faith, have a chance at redemption. Blessings and shalom.

    • Shalom Julie. I don’t follow Dr. Pidgeon’s teachings much but I have not seen that he has changed his perspective about prophecy fulfillment.

      The prophecy in Daniel 12 was ‘sealed up’ from the unbelieving Jews eyes so that they didn’t understand that judgment was coming upon them during the 3 1/2 years of the Jewish-Roman War of 66-70 AD. I cover that topic on this study: https://theolivetdiscourse.com/daniel-12-is-not-about-an-end-times-antichrist/

      As for the New Testament Scriptures, we lots of Greek manuscript evidence and no Hebrew evidence. The Vatican didn’t come to power until the sixth century, so I don’t see that its possible that they were able to gather and hide every Hebrew manuscript.

      The historical fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and most of the prophecies in Revelation, which I prove in my video series and books validates the authority of the Bible and the deity of Messiah, so that unbelievers can come to faith. The popular futurist explanations push that proof aside.

      Blessings and shalom,


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