Dr. John Barnett End Times Video

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a video from Dallas Theological Seminary graduate Dr. John Barnett, called WARNING SIGNS THE END IS NEAR–THE EVENTS SURROUNDING THE END TIMES.

Earlier this week I posted a YouTube video about how the enemy’s deceptions have spread from Dallas Theological Seminary, to pastors around the world, which is why most people now believe the enemy’s false, futuristic explanations.

Here’s a snapshot where you can see DTS graduate Dr. John Barnett pointing to a futuristic 70th week of Daniel 9.

Dr. John Barnett End Times Video

In this eight minute video Dr. John Barnett summarizes what they’re taught about a futuristic 70th week of Daniel 9, Olivet Discourse, son of perdition, a one-man antichrist, the pre-trib rapture and the fulfillment of most of Revelation. These concepts have been proclaimed around the world, misleading most people.

The DTS explanations are false, as they’re based on the concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel 9, and a futuristic one-man antichrist. The 70th week of Daniel 9 foretold when Messiah would start His ministry and die for our sins. It has nothing to do with the end-times or the antichrist.

The Olivet Discourse foretold the desolation of Jerusalem, the temple and the Jewish nation; as punishment for the Jewish leaders continuing in their rebellion against the Father and for delivering Messiah up to be killed.

The apocalyptic vision in Revelation foretold what Messiah’s saints would face, from when it was written until he returns. Most of the prophecies have already been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years, as the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom have fought against Messiah and His saints. The pagan Roman Emperors tried to wipe out the early church, killing millions. The Roman Popes banned and burned the Scriptures and caused tens of millions of saints to be killed during the Dark Ages and the Inquisition. These are the things that Messiah is pointing to in His apocalyptic vision.

The enemy has used Dallas Theological Seminary to spread their deceptions around the world. Read How The Deceptions Spread

We need to counter them with Scriptural truth, to cast down the power of the enemy to set the captives free!

Revelation Timeline Decoded by David Nikao Wilcoxson - Revelation Bible Study Guide

Messiah’s apocalyptic vision is a war manual, designed to hide the explanation from those who should not understand it. It uses symbolic words that are defined in the Old Testament to point to a literal fulfillment. If you read Revelation only from a literal perspective, the interpretation is hidden.

Understanding the vision is like taking a Biblical final exam. If you’ve read the whole Word, you will have seen the symbolism that Messiah uses and can apply it to the fulfillment.

If you read Revelation as one chronological narrative, the prophecies seem out of sequence. That’s because it has four chronological layers, each of which spans from when it was written until Messiah returns.

This book explains the prophecies of Revelation on a timeline to help you see how the four chronological layers interact with each other, so that you can comprehend the whole vision.

You will learn how to identify who fulfills the role of the son of perdition, the antichrist beast, the false prophet, and the harlot called ‘Mystery, Babylon the Great.’ You will understand the proper context of the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments; the little book of Revelation 10, and the two witnesses of Revelation 11.

Whether you’re a novice at Bible prophecy or someone who has studied it extensively, I provide an explanation that is easy to understand yet has the depth of verse by verse explanations to provide you the evidence you need to prove it out.


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