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If you have questions about a particular Revelation study, please read the related studies, as they might answer your question.

If you want your question posted for others to see your point of view on the topic, please post your question on the page of the study.

If you disagree with an explanation, please provide scriptural evidence for your position.

Just saying that you disagree, or that your Pastor or a top radio/TV preacher
teaches differently, is not enough.

For we must rely on scripture and the historical fulfillment of prophecy, not on
speculations that have no proof.

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In His love,

David Nikao Wilcoxson

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299 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Hi David,

    Clearly your response(s)(i.e. double post + the distant announcement of attributing my name to the book) seems to indicate you are shocked to even consider the possibility of Paul to be an antichrist. The guessing and doubting you express is sad but not surprising. I fear that you may have taken scholarly commentaries and other research you conduct too much to heart (Obviously, I do not know. but I do know the effects intense research can have). If need be, tear it out of your heart, and then you will have room for more of what should be and is already there ( and that many people recognize, as is evident by comments posted by people).

    This accusation against Paul is a very, very serious matter. It is critical. You stated that you have never considered it before. If you can bear it, you must research it (research is what you do yes?). There are finer details to be searched out on the website attached the book(and many other sources even throughout history) that will eliminate your need to express the doubts and guesses that you do in your posts (i.e. answers to your doubts and guesses). So all I can do is urge you to continue to search out the matter ( as you know how):

    You have so many good things so far (such as you exhort):

    “My friend, I encourage you to be a Berean and search these things out, don’t take my word for it, don’t seek to defend a position, just seek the truth.”

    Continue on.

    Kind Regards

    • No Steven, I did not say that I hadn’t considered the accusations against Paul before. I said that I’ve never considered what Paul taught to be contrary to the Torah or to Messiah.

      I proved that what the author of the book said about Paul not making a valid prophecy, is wrong. Where are your comments about that? I noted that Messiah was not called Jesus, so there were no words in the Bible from someone named Jesus, which invalidates the title of the book. Where are your comments about that?

      I don’t agree with the accusations against Paul, for they are based on misunderstandings of what he was teaching. They misrepresent what was nailed to the cross. They misrepresent His words about the Sinai covenant. They misrepresent him teaching to build a hierarchy like the Roman Catholic Church.

      I would encourage you to be a Berean, to see how what Paul prophesied indeed did come true. And to see that our Messiah’s name was not Jesus. These are very serious matters.

      Kind regards,

  2. Hello.

    My name is Brendan Williams and I’m feeling a little bit anxious about the Revelation 12 sign on September 27, 2017 that will see prophecy be fulfilled in coming for something apocalyptic that believers claim that the apocalypse will occur on that date. Now can you please help me why that will surely happen?

  3. Hi David,

    I have greatly appreciated your studies and answering my questions! This has led to additional studies on various topics.

    I asked you a few questions a week or so ago and can’t find the responses. Thinking I waited too long to show on the thread or am looking in the wrong place.

    Totally seeing Daniel as being fulfilled already and am still working on Revelation as having started 1,900 years ago. Thank you!

    We study the Scriptures from a Pauline perspective so when I share this with the local assembly, they are telling me that Revelation is totally in the future and completely about Israel, the earthly church. It occurred to me that as Paul was writing to the body about doctrine and our future (Ephesians and Colossians being the epitome of doctrine for us the body of Christ), Revelation is covering the judgements of the false church. Thoughts?

    Just went to a Bible conference where some of them believe Daniel and Revelation
    are both future and some believe we’re awaiting the 70th week.

    I wonder who the Bible is speaking about in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9?

    I grasp what you’re saying about Rome and the Pope and the Jesuits. Yet, after researching this topic for a very long time, I still see False Jews/ Spiritual Pharisees/Talmudists as being the force behind the Catholic Church.

    The history shows that Jews infiltrated the Catholic church and created the Jesuit system. They are called crypto-Jews and have infiltrated all kinds of “churches” and secular organizations to date. They now have infiltrated Protestant churches with all kinds of movements and heresies.

    Both the Jews and the Jesuits have been kicked out of dozens of countries over the centuries for their unbiblical, even satanic practices.

    The irony of it all is that the so called Jews are in fact gentiles themselves! You and your readers may already know that they’re a people from the ancient kingdom of Khazaria and have little to no Semitic blood. Could this be the same folks of Rev. 2:9 and 3:9?

    Anyway, Thank you, David!!

    In Christ,


    • Hi Lorrie, I believe that I replied to your comments, not sure why they are not on this page.

      Contrary to what Pastors teach, most of Revelation has been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years; and it’s not about Israel, it’s about the saints, the church of Messiah; in her historical battle against the Satan-empowered leader of the Roman Beast (Emperors, Popes and Jesuit Generals).

      When you read through all of the studies on this website, you see the truth. And you see that what most Pastors teach is wrong.

      Paul was writing from an ecclesiastic point of view, pointing to the son of perdition, the Popes of Rome, rising to power out of the fallen Roman Empire. The Pope leads the harlot, apostate, Roman Catholic Church.

      The seal and trumpet judgments were against the pagan Roman Empire. The bowl judgments are against the Popes and Roman Catholic Church.

      Rev 2:9 and 3:9 are speaking about people who are not the descendants of Abraham, but call themselves Jews. Many people in Israel today fit that description. Here is a study about that

      Besides that, true Israelites, the true Jews; are people who have a covenant relationship with the Father through the Son.

      The Jesuit evil beliefs are based on the Talmud and Kabalah. They use the Jews to carry out their agenda, as a front organization, so that people will blame the Jews, not the Jesuits.

      I hope that helps, and that you can see this reply.


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