Contact Us

If you have questions about a particular Revelation study, please read the related studies, as they might answer your question.

If you want your question posted for others to see your point of view on the topic, please post your question on the page of the study.

If you disagree with an explanation, please provide scriptural evidence for your position.

Just saying that you disagree, or that your Pastor or a top radio/TV preacher
teaches differently, is not enough.

For we must rely on scripture and the historical fulfillment of prophecy, not on
speculations that have no proof.

Enter your comments in the box below.  Thank you!

In His love,

David Nikao Wilcoxson

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299 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. I was taught the wrong way for so long, that it is difficult getting the correct teaching to cancel out the incorrect teaching. But thanks be to the leading of the Holy Spirit to this website, I can truly understand the Revelation of Jesus Christ! Keep up the wonderful work of explaining Scripture to those of us that thirst for Eternity with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Lamb of God. Blessing from your brother in Christ, Robert DeHaan

  2. Hope this info helps, found out the Lyme disease is defeated with the use of Coconut oil.
    Look into this on the web.

    Sorry to have to contact you this way, I do not subscribe to Facebook or Twitter.

    • Thank you for sharing that Randy! I’m a firm believer in coconut oil and I consume it every day. I will forward that information to Greg and Susie, who probably are already using it too. Thank you for caring enough to contact me. Blessings to you! David

  3. Hello,
    Finding this site has brought me to tears, because I have been praying to find truth, trying to keep my heart open to truth, studying the word trying to understand the truth I knew was there. I saw a program on TV while waiting for my tires to be changed that touched on some of this, I think it was seventh day adventist that’s what lead to the internet searches that resulted in me finding your site. I have been studying on my own for some time knowing since childhood that things didn’t seem right when listening to traditional type doctrine, and not finding anything in the non-traditional options. Thank you so much for making this material available. Wow I want to share this news with others as I know that it is what God created me to do. The truth is most, well likely just dismiss but, if even one has the fire light up like what happened for me it is worth it. Pray for my family and I as we try to help spread truth and light those lamps.

    Thank you so much
    Andrew Wilmot

    • Hello Andrew, thank you for your comment! It makes my heart smile to know that you’re finding truth after praying for it.

      Trust me, the great majority of Christians reject the historical view of prophecy fulfillment. But I found out years ago, that I’m called to write the studies for the small remnant of people, who pray for truth and seek it out. So consider yourself blessed my friend.

      I pray that as you share, that your family and friends will be compelled to search for the truth.

      Contact me anytime with questions or insight about the studies, for it’s a lot to take in, as the enemy has caused many deceptions.

      Grace, peace and love to you,

  4. Hi David,
    I feel blesses in finding your website and I thank God [ and you for this].
    Over the years I collected many, many documents and material about Revelation and Daniel, including images etc.
    My idea was to make a book in which Revelation is visualized and may be explained but not in an extensive way.
    What do you think of the idea and if so, could we work together??

    Lookig forward to hear from you soon.

    Kind regards and God Bless you all.


    • Hi Errie, thank you for your comment! My image pages features memes that focus on one Revelation fulfillment topic at a time.

      Right now, I don’t have time to work on a book project, but you’re welcome to use the information on my website to do that; but I prefer that you don’t charge people for anything over the cost of printing the book.

      If you make a book, please let me know, I would like to see it.

      May the Father bless you richly!

  5. Hi David,

    Still moving along with the study and am stumped by a part of Christ’s Olivet Discourse when he speaks of Jerusalem being trampled “until the fullness of the gentiles come in” Luke 21:24. This isn’t the same thing Paul later speaks about? I’d appreciate you pointing me in the right direction.

    Thank you!



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