Steve Wohlberg Coming Sunday Law Facebook Post Review

This Revelation Timeline Decoded post reviews a Facebook post by Steve Wohlberg about the coming Sunday Law.

Steve Wohlberg’s article text is in black, my comments are in red.

The latter portion of Revelation 13’s prophecy teaches that the lamb-like beast (USA) will cooperate with, and even promote, the “worship” of the first beast (Papal Rome).

The earth beast of Revelation 13 is not the USA, it is the last phase of the Roman beast kingdom. Daniel and Daniel 7 describe four beast kingdoms: Babylon > Medo-Persia > Greece > Rome. The last beast kingdom of Rome stays in power until Messiah returns.

John picks up the narrative to describe the Satan-empowered leaders of the Roman beast kingdom in Revelation 12-13, the last of which is led by the Jesuit Superior General, the black pope who rose to power out the earth (land) of the Vatican.

How does the USA cause the world to worship the Pope? It doesn’t, so the premise of the USA being the earth beast makes no sense. 

The earth beast phase of the end-times Roman beast kingdom is led by the false prophet Jesuit Superior General. Since taking control of the Vatican in 1798 AD, the General has caused Jesuit priests to preach the false gospel of Romanism around the world, so that today 1.3 billion Catholics revere (mark on forehead) and obey (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist beast Pope.

Read Revelation 13 – The Roman Earth Beast Phase

God’s prophecy declares: And he (the lamb-like beast) exercises all the authority of the first beast (the sea beast) in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed (Revelation 13:12, emphasis added).

How does the USA exercise the same authority of the antichrist beast Pope? It doesn’t, as the Pope had civil and ecclesiastic authority over the Roman beast kingdom, so the premise of the USA being the earth beast makes no sense. 

The Black Pope exercises civil authority at the Vatican which he carries out in the presence of the White Pope, who is his spokesman. 

Get it? In Revelation 13:12, the second beast honors the first beast, contributes to its worship, and both beasts work together near the close of time. Think soberly for a minute. For nearly 1,000 years, the Roman Church dominated Europe as a church/state combination. No one questions this.

The Black Pope causes Jesuit priests to teach Romanism, the false religion of the Roman beast kingdom, which causes them to revere/worship the antichrist beast Pope. 

Over the past century, the number of Catholics worldwide has more than quadrupled, from an estimated 291 million in 1910 to nearly 1.2 billion as of 2010, according to a comprehensive demographic study by the Pew Research Center. We can clearly see how the false prophet Jesuit Superior General is causing Catholics to revere and obey the antichrist beast Pope.

Revelation 16 and Revelation 19 point to two men, the false prophet Jesuit Superior General and the antichrist beast Pope, not to the USA.

But America is different. It has “two horns [without crowns] like a lamb,” indicating a democratic-type government that promotes lamb-like, Christian freedoms. But finally, as a global crisis looms, both beasts work together toward a global “solution”—which eventually becomes “the mark” of the beast (see Revelation 13:16,17).

It doesn’t say that it starts out like a lamb and then ends up like a dragon, it says that it has both characteristics at the same time. 

The ‘two horns’ point to two leaders, the false prophet Jesuit Superior General and the antichrist beast Pope; who pretend to serve Messiah (lamb-like), but really serve Satan (the dragon). They control the city-state corporation of the District of Columbia, which they use to gather intelligence and to attack countries who have not bowed down to the authority of the General in Rome.

The Jesuit Carroll family helped found the USA to use it for their purposes. They also established Jesuit Georgetown University shortly afterward, to train future leaders who control the country. Read The Jesuits Helped Found America, To Use It As Their War Machine

On June 18, 2015, Pope Francis’s monumental encyclical on “climate change” was released by the Vatican. On the very same day President Obama issued a press release from the White House stating: I [President Obama] welcome His Holiness Pope Francis’s encyclical, and deeply admire the Pope’s decision to make the case — clearly, powerfully, and with the full moral authority of his position — for action on global climate change … I believe the United States must be a leader in this effort … (The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, June 18, 2015, emphasis added).

In spite of their differences, Pope Francis and President Obama are cooperating with each other. President Obama is also promoting Pope’s Francis’s encyclical on “climate change,” even stating that “the United States must be a leader in this effort.”

The General in Rome controls the USA. We see the Roman fasces symbols, which represent their authority, on the Statue of Freedom which is on top of the U.S. Capital building and in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The General in Rome controls the USA. We see the Roman fasces symbols, which represent their authority, on the Statue of Freedom which is on top of the U.S. Capital building and in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Dear reader, according to Bible prophecy, a global crisis is coming, and an apparent global solution.
What solution?

Read the prophecy of Revelation 13. God has warned us in advance—because He loves us, wants to enlighten us, and to protect us—that the “solution” will be the final enforcement of the mark of the beast (read Revelation 13:16,17).

The evil ones may very well make a Sunday law to support this false narrative which has deceived Seventh Day Adventists. 

The USA is not the earth beast and that false narrative serves to deflect blame away from the false prophet Jesuit Superior General, which is why I believe that the Seventh Day Adventist church has been infiltrated. 

Read Seventh Day Adventist False Prophecy Fulfillment Teachings

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