Revelation Timeline Overview

On this page you will see a timeline of how Jesus’ Revelation has been fulfilled throughout history:

Warning: Your previous programming may cause you to not be able to accept these answers yet, because they don’t line up with what you’ve been taught by Pastors.

But we are called to be like the Berean’s, and search the Bible to prove the things that Pastors teach us.  And you definitely need to do that on this or any website.

More detailed explanations will be given in the studies, so for now, just read through this timeline to get an overall perspective.

The purpose of this outline is to give you a quick outline of how 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 6 bowls have been historically fulfilled.

More detailed information will be given in the studies, but this will help you see the big picture of how they fit together with the beasts (kingdoms) that the followers of Christ have faced.

Satan caused the the Roman Empire to kill millions of Christians from 66 – 313 A.D.

Our Lord avenged the martyrs deaths by causing the Roman Empire to collapse during the seal judgments.

1st Seal – The White horse represents the Roman Empire at the height of their conquering power from 96-180 A.D., where white horses were used in victory parades, and the Cretan Emperors (represented by a bow) wore a wreath (crown).

2nd Seal – The Red horse represents a bloody time in the Roman Empire from 185-284 A.D., as it went into a phase of revolution and civil war for 90 years, during which there were 32 emperors and 27 contenders for the throne.

3rd Seal – The Black horse represents a period gloom and despair from 200-250 A.D., as the Romans suffered under excessive taxes that were needed to pay for wars.

4th Seal – The Pale horse represents 1/4th of Romans dying from famine and pestilence from 250-300 A.D.

5th Seal – It represents the millions of martyrs who were killed by the Roman Empire, especially the Smyrna church martyrs who Emperor Diocletian persecuted for 10 years, from 300-313 A.D. Their blood is crying out for the Lord to avenge their deaths.

6th Seal – It represents the Roman kingdom splitting in two, East and West; and the beginning of the Lord sending armies against the Roman army.

7th Seal – It represents the Lord sealing His servants before He sounds the 7 trumpets of judgment against the Pagan Roman Empire.

After several centuries of the Roman Empire brutally persecuting Christians, Emperor Constantine changed strategies and in 321 A.D., he made Christianity the state religion.

Satan caused Constantine to do this, to create a new way to try to destroy true Christianity. Satan realized that the more he caused the Roman Empire to kill Christians, the faster the Church of Christ grew.  So his new strategy was to infiltrate the church and destroy it from the inside.

Constantine combined Pagan idolatry with Christianity, forming the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church. They changed the names of idols like Isis to Mary, Jupiter to St. Peter, etc. They changed the Sabbath to SUN-day, because they worshiped the Sun god. This is the harlot (the apostate church) of Revelation 17.

The appeal of the prestige and power of Rome caused many Christians to compromise their beliefs. Instead of refusing to align with the Pagan Roman Empire, they joined with them, which was the Falling Away that Paul referred to in 2 Thessalonians 2.

This was the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church, which Satan would use to persecute Christians even more relentlessly.

After the leadership of the Roman Empire was desolated, our Lord sent army after army to attack and conquer the different areas of the vast Roman Empire.

1st Trumpet – Hail means war in Bible symbolism, and the Lord caused the Goths, who were led by Alaric, to move in the direction in which literal hail came (north to south). They attacked the Roman Empire from 400-410 A.D., in Greece, Gaul, Spain, and then 300,000 Goths invaded Italy. The fire represents their scorched earth policy in their invasions of enemy territory.

2nd Trumpet – A mountain in Biblical symbolism represents a great nation and a sea is a large group of people.  It represents the Lord sending the Vandals, led by Genseric, to attack the coast-lands on the Roman territory of the Mediterranean and all the islands from 425-470 A.D., leaving bloodshed and confusion in their wake.

3rd Trumpet – A star in prophecy symbolizes a leader. God sent this great burning star, Attila the king of the Huns, who was called “the scourge of God.” He came from the area around a river in Illyricum which in Greek is called “Apsynthos” (Wormwood).  Attila and his 800,000 man army rose quickly and flashed across the land in 451 A.D., and desolated the Italian Alps, which is the source of the Danube, Rhine and Po rivers.

4th Trumpet – The Sun, Moon and Stars symbolizes leadership structure. Here it represents God using Odoacer and the Heruli, a branch of the Goths, to cause the downfall of Roman leadership when Romulus Augustalus, the last Roman Emperor (the Sun) of the West was captured in 476 A.D. The hierarchy of Roman leaders (moon and stars) would have lost their power too.

When the Roman Emperors were removed, the Empire split into 10 kingdoms.  This paved the way for the Roman Catholic Church to rise to power, which fulfilled two prophecies:

Daniel told us in Daniel 7 that the Little Horn would rise up amongst the ten horns and that he would pluck out 3 of the horns. This was fulfilled when the Papal Church eliminated 3 of the 10 Roman kingdoms (the Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoths), because they would not bow down to their authority.

Paul told us in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 that “He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.” Paul was talking about the Roman Empire, but if he had written that, it would have invited severe persecution on the Church. Paul is telling us that the Son of Perdition would be revealed when the Roman Emperors were removed. The office of the Papacy pretends to be Christian, he sits as God in the midst of the temple of God (followers of Christ), showing himself that he is God.

The Lord continued to pour out His wrath on the vast Roman Empire.

The 5th Trumpet represents the Lord using the Arabian (Mohammedan) army against the Western Roman Empire from 612-762 A.D., which is 150 years (5 months = 150 days). They wore turbans (crowns of gold); they had beards (faces of men); they had long hair like women; they wore chain-mail (breast-plates of iron); and they were fierce (teeth of lions). The falling star was Mohammed, the smoke out of Satan’s bottomless pit of lies is the Koran.

The 6th Trumpet represents the Lord releasing the Turks to cross over the Euphrates River to conquer 1/3rd of the Roman Empire for 391 years (prepared for the hour and day and month and year, 1 + 30 + 360 = 391) from 1062-1453 A.D., which ended when they used large cannons (out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone) to knock down the thick protective walls of Constantinople.

Satan caused the Roman Catholic Church sea beast of Revelation 13, to kill 50-100 million Christians during 1,260 years of Great Tribulation from 538-1798 A.D.

The Little Book of Revelation 10 represents printed Bibles in English and other languages, which John would have called a Little Book compared with the long scrolls he was used to. They were desperately needed as the Catholic Church had banned Bibles, burned Bibles and killed those who had them. They were the sweet words of our Lord, but they were bitter because these printed Bibles caused the Papal Church to intensify their war against the followers of Christ.

From 538-1514 A.D., the Roman Catholic Church had worked so relentlessly to eliminate the Two Witnesses of the Word of God and the Church of Christ, that the Papal Church pronounced them as being dead in 1514 A.D.

And there was silence for 3 1/2 years (3 1/2 prophetic days), when nobody testified against the Papal Church, which caused them to celebrate with feasts.

During this time the Lord had Martin Luther read the Bible, to see who was the true church and the false church.

And exactly 3 1/2 years after the Papal Church had proclaimed that the Two Witnesses were dead, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses, which sparked the Protestant Reformation, and led to millions of people coming out of the false Papal Church, to be saved by the pure Gospel of Christ.

The followers of Christ then used the rod of iron, the Word of God, to take back control of the nations, such as England, which had been held by the Papal Church.

Satan countered in 1545 A.D., by empowering the Jesuits at the Council of Trent, to create a counter-reformation plan.

The Jesuits are the covert military arm of the Papal Church, and their role was to do whatever was necessary to:

Bring the Protestants back under the power of the Papal Church. Look around today and you’ll see that they’ve been very successful, as many churches now partner with the Papacy in the name of unity and peace.

Corrupt the Word of God.  Since they couldn’t stop the spread of printed Bibles, they took action to create a corrupt Greek Bible and then modern Bibles which are missing key words that validate the deity of Christ.

To deflect accusations that they are the antichrist. The Protestant Reformers had all proclaimed that they are the beast of Revelation, the Little Horn of Daniel, and the Pope, the Son of Perdition. A Jesuit Priest created an end-times 70th week of Daniel featuring a one-man antichrist. This deception has worked beyond their wildest imagination, as most Christians today believe it as truth.

And the Jesuits made war with the Protestants through the Inquisition and by using the leaders of France, Spain and other countries, to persecute them.

The Jesuits were so ruthless in their killing, stealing and destroying, that many countries expelled them, including countries that were predominantly Catholic. (Portuguese Empire, France, the Two Sicilies, Malta, Parma and the Spanish Empire)

The King of France encouraged Pope Clement XIV to suppress the Jesuits, which he did on July 21, 1773.

This caused the Jesuits to seek revenge on the Pope, on the King of France, and on the countries that had banned them.

Pope Clement XIV died from poisoning in 1774 A.D.

Our Sovereign Lord used the Jesuits desire for revenge, to avenge the killing of His followers in France, Spain and the other countries, during bowls 1-5.

Revelation 14 foretells that the Protestants who were preaching the gospel would be martyred, and it gave warning to those who had the mark of the beast.

There are two separate mentions of the mark of the beast in the Bible, this one in the 18th century; and one that comes during the reign of the earth beast in the last days.

France and Spain had many Catholics, including their kings, who worshiped the Pope, they bowed to his authority and they obeyed his commands.

They had the mark of the beast on them, not physically, but symbolically. Their worship of the Pope is the mark on their forehead.  Their obedience of his commands is the mark on their hand.  This tells us what the mark really means.

France was called the Eldest Son of the Papal Church, because their leaders diligently followed the Pope’s orders.

France was split between Catholics and Protestants called the Huguenots, so the Pope caused the King of France to have his people make war with the Protestants.

At the St. Batholomew’s Day Massacre, they killed 10’s of thousands of Huguenots.

The persecution in France was so severe, that no Protestants were left, as a million of them had either been killed or they fled.

Because France, Spain and other countries worshiped the Pope, bowed to his authority and followed his commands to kill millions of Protestants, they had the mark of the beast on them, so our Lord poured out His wrath on them with the bowl judgments.

Bowl 1 was poured out when the Jesuits caused the foul and loathsome sore of atheism to spread across France. They had killed all the French Protestants, so the Catholic religion was all that was left. But the Lord allowed the abomination of atheism to turn the people away from the Papal Church.

Bowl 2 was poured out as the the Jesuits incited the French people to revolt against the Catholic Church leaders and France’s leaders, and their heads rolled. During the French Revolution 250,000 were killed in the very places that the French Protestants had been killed. Water symbolically represents people, here the sea of people the killings in the large cities.

Bowl 3 was poured out as the bloody French Revolution spread out from the major cities (seas) to the more rural areas (rivers and springs, smaller groups of people) where no doubt they had shed the blood of saints and prophets, and now it was time for them to drink the same fate.

Bowl 4 was poured out as the Jesuits caused Napoleon to make war with countries that had banned previously banned them, so they were getting their revenge. Our Sovereign Lord used it to exact revenge against the countries that had shed the blood of His followers. But the leaders of the countries did not repent, they blasphemed God for His punishment, and they later came back under Catholic/Jesuit control.

Bowl 5 was poured out on the seat of the beast, as the office of the Papacy lost their power in 1798 A.D.  Shortly after the French Revolution, the Papal States were invaded by French forces, and they removed Pope Pius VI, who died in exile in Valence (France) in 1799 , resulting in the deadly head wound. Their 1,260 reign was ended by the hand of the Lord, but they repented not.  They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores of losing their power.

The 6th Trumpet was poured out to dry up the Ottoman Empire, the people of the Euphrates who had been released during the 6th Trumpet.  During the 18th and 19th centuries, they lost control of the territories that they occupied. Their last territory was Palestine, which they lost to General Allenby of Great Britain in 1917 A.D.

As the reign of the sea beast was ending, the earth beast of Revelation 13 rose to power.

Satan had used the Roman Empire to persecute Christians, until the Lord opened the seals, to cause it to collapse, with the last Emperor being deposed in 476 A.D.  He sounded the trumpets, sending many armies to conquer the vast Roman Empire.

Then Satan used the Roman Catholic Church to persecute Christians, until the Lord poured out bowls 1-5, causing it to lose power in 1798 A.D.

In 1776 A.D., the third part of the Rome beast rose to power in two ways.

First, the Jesuits created the order of the Illuminati to use as a front organization, since they had been banned by many countries.

Though the Papal Church had lost its power over the countries, the Jesuits seized control of them, which represents a shift in power.

With the powerful monarchs who had called for the suppression of the Society no longer in power, the Jesuits had Pope Pius VII issue an order in 1815 A.D., restoring the Society of Jesus in the Catholic countries of Europe.

The Jesuits now control the Papacy and has since brought it back to life, thus the deadly head wound has been healed.

In 1929 A.D., the Jesuits established the Lateran Treaty, which was a political treaty recognizing the full sovereignty of the Holy See in the State of Vatican City.

The Jesuit General, called the Black Pope because he is hidden behinds the scenes, controls the Vatican, the Catholic Church and the Pope.  The White Pope is the front man that is being used to gathering the world under their control.

The city-state nation of the Vatican currently has political relations with almost every country, and they deceive 1.2 Billion people with a false salvation of works through the Papal Church.

The third part of the Rome beast rose to power in a second way.

In 1776 A.D., the United States declared their independence.

At the time of the Declaration of Independence, 98% of Americans were Protestants whose descendants had fled Europe to escape the persecution of the Roman Catholic Church.

Since then the Jesuits have taken control of America by flooding America with Catholics, initially through the immigration of Irish, Spanish, Dutch, German, etc. Catholics.  Now the borders of Mexico are open as it is 95% Catholic.

The Jesuits have infiltrated and now control America’s government, educational system, financial system, media and news, and major corporations.

The city-state of Washington D.C. is the military arm of the Jesuits, as the military and intelligence agencies promote their agenda to overthrow the leaders of other countries, to install New World Order friendly puppets.

The Jesuits use the intelligence agencies to cause militant rebels to kill Christians in each country.  The world blames the militant rebels, but the Jesuits supply them with funds, training and weapons.

So the Rome beast is still making war with Christians, only in a covert way.

Can you now see how the prophecies have been fulfilled from the time our Lord had John write them until now?

Can you see that our Sovereign Lord is in complete control, and that He is allowing the Jesuits to play their role, as it is necessary to fulfill scripture?

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