Flat Earther Nathan Roberts Posted This Last Trump Prophecy Poll

Flat Earther Nathan Roberts posted this poll on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page:

Could President Donald Trump be the last President?

“…at the last trump (?President Donald Trump?); for the trumpet will sound (A sound is made)…”

“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:52

Flat Earther Nathan Roberts posted this poll on his Flat Earth Doctrine Facebook page:

Seriously?  Do we really think that the Apostle Paul was pointing to President Trump?

Nathan Roberts should know that Messiah is returning on the fall Feast of Trumpets, but he pushes aside the Father’s Holy Feast Days; and fails to understand that Messiah is still in the process of fulfilling the Father’s seven Holy Feast Days, to redeem His set-apart saints.

Click on this study to see how I expose the sheer ignorance of Nathan Roberts, as he abuses the Scriptures to proclaim that the Bible says that the earth is flat.
Flat Earther Nathan Roberts of flatearthdoctrine.com DEBUNKED!

To read where we’re at on the Revelation Fulfillment Timeline, click on Revelation Fulfillment Summary

2 thoughts on “Flat Earther Nathan Roberts Posted This Last Trump Prophecy Poll”

  1. You are correct on the feasts, but we are not on a globe! Total brain washing of the enemy! If you belive there is a globe! When there is no curvature! And do you even understand the celestial clock?


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