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For we must rely on scripture and the historical fulfillment of prophecy, not on
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In His love,
David Nikao Wilcoxson
First time on your site and after a cursory search, i don’t rapture mentioned except in passing. Can you elaborate on your thoughts about the rapture and where on the timeline you believe it to occur? I think it is very possible we are in the 6th seal and looking at the world around us and the hundreds of you tube videos I have been watching, it seems like a strong narrative that the Rapture is the next event?
thanks David
Thanks for connecting Ryan. I don’t believe in a pre-trib rapture as that’s based on the concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, which is a deception; as the 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled in the 1st century, during which our Messiah ratified the everlasting covenant with His blood as the Passover Lamb. Here’s a study series that proves that the 70th week was already fulfilled, so the concept of a future 7-year tribulation period is a deception from the enemy. http://70thweekofdaniel.com
Here’s a Bible Prophecy Made Easy study, which gives a summary of the fulfillment of Daniel and Revelation; which shows you what has already been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years (most of it); where we are at not on the fulfillment timeline (in the 6th bowl); and what will happen next as we await Messiah’s return. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/bible-prophecy-made-easy/
You can use the green Print/PDF button on the bottom of the study, to save it as a PDF or print it out in an easy to read format, which is what I recommend, as there’s a lot of info on that study; and the historical prophecy fulfillment explanations are contrary to what most Pastors teach.
I believe that Messiah will return to gather His saints until Him, after the 7th bowl has been poured out, which represents the One World Government of the enemy.
Let me know if the explanations in the studies make sense, and if you have any questions.
Keep learning and growing in The Way!
David, in the “The Fifth Trumpet Of Revelation” it says The 5th trumpet represents our Lord raising up the Saracen (Muslim) army to attack the Roman Empire for 150 years from 612 – 672 A.D. Should be 762 i guess.
Is this the way to make contact in such matters?
Stefan, yes, it’s 612-762. Thank you, David
You did an excellent job of explaining that, the Messiah’s true Name, is Yahusha.
My Question to you is, why? Do still use the name (Jesus). This is a Greek name giving praise to Zeus. So, if the Messiah’s name is Jesus and if he came in his Father’s name, then “Zeus” is the Father.
Using Jesus as the Messiah’s name is Misleading, an Abomination and Falsehood.
The Name Matters; Those calling on the nonexistent Messiah name Jesus, will not be saved. And it would be the fault of those preaching unsound doctrine and falsehoods.
I am Natsarim. I am a Guardian of the WORD (Torah) and the Name of the Most High, Yahuah. I also hold true, the testimonies and sound teachings’ of Yahusha Messiah.
also; Lord and God are Titles, They are not names. Using these NOUNS in place of the Creators Name, breaks the 1st and 3rd Commandments.
Our Alahim’s (Most High) Name is Yahuah (I was, I am, I will be).
Did you Know? that the word LORD in Hebrew, means Baal, a Pagan god.
So, yes the Names’ Matter. In place of Lord use Yahuah and in place of God use Alahim (Most High).
Shalom Brother Dave….,Much Love, Peace and Joy.
Thank you for your comment William. If you notice, I used the King James Bible version, which has Jesus’ name in it. But I don’t tend to use Jesus name in my comments, rather I use Messiah.
Why do I do this? Because I want people who use the Greek name Jesus and the Hebrew name Yahusha to be able to learn prophecy fulfillment. If I used The Scriptures or another Bible version that has the Hebrew name, it only gives people an excuse to click away and then they don’t learn the glorious truth about prophecy fulfillment.
On the study list is a link to my Come Out Of Babylon! study series. I trust the Ruach to lead people to truth.
I personally use Messiah’s Hebrew name Yahusha.
That said, the Greek Iesous is based on the same Hebrew words that Yahusha is based on. Here’s a study that proves it out. http://comeoutofher.org/they-removed-the-names-of-the-father-and-the-son/
As for name Jesus supposedly pointing to Zeus, I believe that is a poor understanding of the Greek language, and the enemy has caused people to believe it in order to cause confusion and division.
When you understand the fulfillment of Revelation; such as the Two Witnesses, the Little Book of Revelation 10, the Protestant Reformation of Revelation 11 & 14, etc., you see that these saints fulfilled Messiah’s prophecy and they used the Greek transliteration of His name, Iesous/Jesus.
When you understand that the seven churches of Revelation point to seven church eras, which span from when Revelation was written until Messiah returns; then you understand that Messiah had nothing bad to say about the Church of Philadelphia which existed from 1798 – the 19th century. Preachers spread around the world preaching the Gospel and Bible Societies spread the Little Book of Revelation around the world; and what name did they use? Jesus.
So brother, I would be very careful in condemning the Greek transliteration of Messiah’s name; for it has been used to achieve great things in the kingdom.
Don’t let the enemy use deceptions to create confusion and division.
I wrote article about this very thing called People Are Coming Out Of Babylon, Only To Fall Into Another False Belief System. http://comeoutofher.org/people-are-coming-out-of-babylon-only-to-fall-into-another-false-belief-system/
Shalom Brother William. Much Love, Peace and Joy to you!
I am sharing my testimony on video called “Christ testimony of the churches around the world”.
I am the witness in seeing two identical images of Jesus Christ in the heavenly realm spoken of in Torah Chabad Daniel 8:11; Ezekiel 8:3,5; Ezekiel 28:12 “You are the one who engraves images”; KJV Matthew 24:15.
The Messiah
For almost two thousand years there has been two different teachings of the Messiah from two different bibles.
We have the Holy Bible of the Gentiles which started teaching the Messiah comes from the seed of David by non-human conception.
Then we have the Torah Chabad of the Jewish people which have been teaching for over two thousand years the Messiah comes from the seed of David by human conception.
The hidden truth is chosen disciples did teach Jesus from the scriptures of the prophets in the Torah (Chabad) of the Jewish people over two thousand years ago known as the “Mystery of G-d”.
The same Torah scriptures of the prophets chosen disciples taught about Jesus Christ over two thousand years ago are found on chabad.org!
Here is link to study Torah on chabad.org.
Soon Revelation 11 and 12 shall be fulfilled in the great city.
The churches come against the two prophets who present their testimony to them. One of these prophets is the woman of Revelation 12. Soon the true testimony of Jesus Christ shall be proclaim from the Torah Chabad scriptures of the prophets. Churches become tormented because they will not accept the Torah Chabad which declares KingMessiah Jesus came from the seed of David (human conception)
Ungodly men who knew G-d changed the true testimony of Jesus into another Messiah word of prophecy to stop true teaching of the Torah Chabad!
After fulfillment of Revelation 11 comes outpouring of G-d’s spirit upon all flesh. This is the great move of the true Spirit of G-d to protect the people from the plagues coming to the churches that deny Jesus Christ came in the flesh known as the virgin birth prophecy.
Look up in Torah Chabad for the true written prophecy. there is no virgin birth prophecy.
ungodly men who knew G-d changed testimony of Mary’s conception into a fable.
Once G-d pours out His spirit upon all flesh immediately follows end of days known as “great tribulations” which days are shorten otherwise no flesh would be saved.
The Nations come against Israel where all the Jews have returned after Revelation 12 is fulfilled.
No rapture until all of revelation is fulfilled
G-d’s vengeance against those who reject Jesus Christ is KingMessiah who fulfilled the Torah Chabad scriptures of the prophets.
Churches are working with wrong spirit through the image they believe is Jesus.
Study Torah Chabad with Holy Bible it clearly shows the exact words in the scriptures of the prophets did not get transferred into the Holy Bible of the Gentiles almost two thousand years ago.
This would explain why certain prophecies in the Torah Chabad have not yet been fulfilled because the gentile churches around the world have been teaching and believing the wrong words of prophecy about the KingMessiah JESUS CHRIST!!!!
do you have an email address that you use for discussion?
I’ve been reading through your site and didn’t see your opinion on the trinity and wanted to ask.
Hi Dawn, here’s a link to a study that I wrote about the trinity. http://comeoutofher.org/the-holy-trinity-deception/
Please let me know what you think.