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For we must rely on scripture and the historical fulfillment of prophecy, not on
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In His love,

David Nikao Wilcoxson

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299 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. A blessed day again David,

    Allow me to ask the following regarding Revelation 18 and 19.

    1). Rev. 18 describes the judgment of the Great Harlot, ie the apostate church.
    This means it is about the final destruction of the Roman Church, so including the Rev. 13 Sea Beast and Rev. 13 Earth Beast.

    2). Then in Rev. 19, Verse 1 it says: “And AFTER these things…”. Meaning what is explained in Chapter 19 are events that follow those in Rev. 18.
    However, verses 19 and 20 of Rev. 19 tell us, that the beast and false prophet will be destroyed, together with the all those who collaborated with them.

    Now, comparing 18 and 19, can it be that those 2 chapters do have an overlay?
    That what is in 18, is also part of 19? Else it is a bit confusing to me!

    Appreciate your comments!


    • Hello Johannis 🙂 The judgment of the great harlot is against the Roman Catholic Church, not the antichrist Pope or Jesuit General.

      The Jesuit General is just using the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church to gather the world under his control. But the Jesuits are a vengeful bunch, and they were kicked out of many Catholic countries; so I believe that once they push the world into their One World Government; then they will cause the nations of Europe (the 10 kings) to desolate the harlot church.

      But the antichrist Pope and false prophet Jesuit General will be reigning in power in Jerusalem, their capital of the One World Government. And they will be captured by Messiah when He returns, and the leaders and armies which they control, which have aligned to war with Messiah, will be destroyed.

      I hope that makes sense.

      • David,

        Yes that surely makes sense.

        In fact, Chapter 18 describes then how the Jesuits simply destroy one of their “tools” which they no longer need.
        And in Chapter 19 they are the ones being eliminated by the returning Messiah. That is a plausible explanation for sure.

        Now, in prophesy do we find any clues as to who or what will oppose the New World Order? After all, it will still be a physical battle, even though with the overwhelming support of Messiah for the opponents of the NWO. Was just interested to know whether there are any hints like that.

        Blessings and thnx again for your response.

        • Johannis, Scripture doesn’t really say who/want opposes the NWO, but our role is the same as the Two Witnesses; to testify against the antichrist Pope and false prophet Jesuit General, as the enemy of Messiah and His saints.

          WW III seems to be on the horizon, with Syria and Israel warring against each other. A worldwide economic collapse would stop people from being able to buy and sell. The antichrist Pope may offer a one-world financial solution. When people revere and obey him as a savior of sorts, they will have the mark of the beast on them. Sadly, most Christians believe that the Pope is just another Christian, so they may thank God for his solution.

          We oppose the NWO by not revering (mark on forehead) and obeying (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist Pope of Rome.

          Blessings to you,

  2. Collect His people
    The below references talks about how Elohim will gather his people. How is this to be understood in regard to the “The Zionist State Of Israel In Revelation” study and the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, and the study “The Bride Of Messiah Is Heavenly Jerusalem”?

    Jeremiah 16:14-15
    Jeremiah 30:3
    Jeremiah 31:8-10
    Isaiah 11:11-12
    Isaiah 41:18-20
    Isaiah 43:5-6
    Isaiah 27:6
    Ezekiel 36:6-7
    Ezekiel 36:16-24
    Ezekiel 37:11-14
    Ezekiel 37:21-22
    Amos 9:14-15

    What I understand the State of Israel is flourishing and wars have been won, so one can think that Elohim is part in it and still “Everyone who believes in Messiah by faith, are the Chosen People of Elohim”

    I´m confused and want to understand. Can you clarify?

    Do you think Brexit is part of the Revelation Fulfillment in some way – The city of London?

    Blessings and thanks for this eye opening information!

    • Stefan, I believe that those verses pointed to the return of some from the House of Israel into Galilee, and from the House of Judah into Jerusalem; before our promised Messiah appeared. Messiah proclaimed that He came for the House of Israel. He spent most of His time in Galilee, where some of the House of Israel had regathered.

      As for the state of Israel, I do not believe that it was established by Elohim or that the wars were won by His hand. Have the Jews repented and accepted their promised Messiah? No! So why would they be given the land back?

      They study the Babylonian Talmud and Egyptian Kaballah, which are evil, and contrary to Scripture. Why would Elohim support them in their wars?

      The Jesuit General, the leader of the Roman earth beast, caused the Rothschild family to fund and establish the Zionist state of Israel; to control the Middle East, to mislead people about prophecy fulfillment, and to use Jerusalem as their capital in their One World Government.

      The 6th bowl pointed to the drying up of the Ottoman Empire, which led to the rise of the ‘kings of the east’. That may refer to the kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Iraq; which were created in the early 20th century.

      Or it may refer to the Khazar Jews who control Zionist Israel, who are from Khazaria in Eastern Europe. They were of Turkish-Mongol blood lines, and many of them converted to Judaism. Then they were forced out of Eastern Europe, and they fled to Western Europe. And then many of them migrated to Zionist Israel.

      Most people called Jews are not the descendants of Abraham, but rather are Jews by religion. They have no right to the land. Look at the many Torah Jews who oppose the Zionist state of Israel, proclaiming that it is illegitimate. Here’s a page with witnesses from many Jews.

      I’m not sure how Brexit would fulfill Revelation. The city-state corporation of The City Of London is what the Jesuit’s use to control the world’s financial and trade organizations.

      I do believe that the Western European nations which were once part of the Roman Empire, will judge the harlot Roman Catholic Church to fulfill her desolation, as described in Revelation 18.

      Contact me anytime with questions or insight about the studies.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way!

  3. Hi David,

    Do you believe that the plan of the “Letters of the Elders of Zion” will in fact succeed? is it part of God’s ultimate plan?

    I ask because Donald Trump, Marines and many patriots seem to be carrying out a silent overthrow of the globalists, as they’re called. I believe there’s much information forthcoming that will throw the world into a tailspin, devastating millions.

    This could be true and I want to have hope on an earthly level, for my family and America. However, the Bible says otherwise.


    Thank you so much for your website,


  4. A few years ago my attention was at the Galatians 4:4 “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son” and I was focused on “fullness of the time had come” as I understood that knowing this word would explain much of why the Son came at that specific period of time. I thought that “understanding the past history would explain much of coming events”.
    Other words that talks about that specific time:
    Ephesians 1:10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth–in Him.
    1 Timothy 2 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time
    1 Peter 1:20 He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you
    The Holy Spirit has in different ways made me interested in apocalyptic questions and I have studied and read about UN and other organizations as FED, BIS, World Bank, IMF etc etc (interesting information from Joan Veon). Other observations include, The Pope Francis speech at UN 2015 and the Agenda 2030 presentation, the GAIA philosophy involved in the UN body, UN Sustainable Development, New Age, Freemasons, the move of Protestant Churches/Christians to RCC. Interesting links:
    Lately I have had an interest in reading about European Union EU and its Roman history and understand how important the history is and that it affects us today in real policy etc.
    All this, as I perceive as peripheral/outer processes in world events, interact with the core, the driver of it all, the Popes and RCC, to establish their NWO.
    But I have never really found any explanation or answer to the “fullness of the time had come issue” until I found your websites and studies such as “the-regathering-deception” and “70-weeks-of-daniel-covenant-deception”, which I think explains much of its essence.
    It feels like the Holy Spirit has led me to your website to give me an answer on the Galatians 4:4. As I was included in the futuristic deception group of believers I have also had my eyes opened to this grand deception the enemy has initiated. Previously I understood that there is a struggle between the Kingdom of God and Satan, and that it goes back to the fall of man and Adam and Eve and salvation through works and not only by faith, but your studies have really deepened my understanding of what is going on!
    There is a lot of work in reading, learning, thinking, “digest”, mature etc. but I think the Holy Spirit is there to lead us, as he says in John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”
    I have been thinking if this information from your websites could be translated to my mother tongue, Swedish, at least parts of it – since it is extensive, to reach a wider audience here. Today I run a website containing free Swedish bible education from different evangelists and bible teachers which can be downloaded as mp3 files – about 250 hits a day. The site is running on my own Synology NAS where also WordPress is available. My first idea was to translate given parts and keep the links to your original sites for information not translated, and to be able to ask questions if someone want to. What do you think, is this a good idea or?

    Blessings to you

    • Hi Stefan. Yeah, verses about ‘the fullness of time’ have caused much confusion. Once you see how Daniel 9, Daniel 12 and the Olivet Discourse, all connect; it helps clear up the confusion.

      You’re welcome to use the text in the studies, to translate them into Swedish.

      Let me know how that goes. May the Father bless your efforts!


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