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Hello David,
In regard to your recent posted videos on the Vaccinations. I tried posting there but my comments disappeared twice now.
Anyways there is book being written documenting the Vaticans role in vaccines since the dark ages by author Steven Drake.
His argument is that the Vatican is running a medical inquisition under medical pretense.
Thought you might be interested in this history.
Drakes website:
Thanks David
Hello Andrew, thanks for sharing. It’s an interesting premise that the CV VX was part of the continued Inquisition as we know that the leaders in Rome are still making war with Christians. We see that taking place in Syria right now, as no doubt the Muslim leaders are controlled by Rome.
Stephen’s association with Eric Jon Phelps is suspect as I think that Phelps is a crypto-Jesuit who gives some information but ultimately deceives people. Maybe it’s the Jesuits way of proclaiming the truth so that they have no guilt?
Blessings, David
Hello David,
I’m starting to believe Eric is a Jesuit as well. Maybe Eric is hosting him just to try and influence his work.
Its interesting when listening to those interviews where Steven reads from his book Eric will inject his futurism like he is reading from a script. That and Erics constant interruptions of the author is nauseating.
Regardless Stevens work sounds genuine with some great historical information on the Vatican Vaxs throughout the centuries.
I recommend adding it to your reading list when it’s finally released.
Thanks David
Hello Andrew, yea, I’ve listened to enough of Eric’s explanations to see how he teaches a lot of truth but misleads people about prophecy fulfillment. And as you noted, he seems to guide the discussion by interrupting. Thanks for the book recommendation. David