The deceiver has created an intricate plan for the followers of Christ in the end times, and sadly, most Christians are walking blindly right into his snare.
He has deceived 1.2 Billion Catholics into believing in salvation by works through the Papal Church, which is not true salvation.
He has deceived 1 Billion Muslims into believing in salvation through their coming Messiah.
He has caused Jews to forbid reading the New Testament, to blind them to the truth about the true Messiah.
He has caused many to reject Christ, because of what supposed ‘christians’ do in the name of Christ.
He has caused many to reject our Creator through the theories of evolution.
He has caused many people to believe that all paths lead to God.
But do you know who he wants to deceive the most?
Those who call themselves Christians. If he can cause them to stumble and choose their life, rather than die for Christ, he has prevailed.
And in our Lord’s amazing plan, He allows the deceiver to persecute the saints, because it will reveal who truly loves Him.
The deceiver has many followers and a hierarchy of leaders, who work relentlessly to further his goals to deceive the world.
He has empowered them to create many deceptions about the end-times, so that Christians are unable to discern who the enemy is, so that they cannot fight against it.
The enemy’s deceptions can be exposed with the light of truth, but he keeps Christians in the dark about prophecy fulfillment, rendering them powerless to identify antichrist.
The studies on this website will expose the many deceptions about end-times prophecy.
He has caused Christians to believe that the antichrist is one man who will show up in the end-times, instead of realizing that the antichrist beast has been fighting against Christ and His followers for the last 1,500 years.
The studies on this website will reveal who Satan the dragon has empowered to fight against Christ and His followers.
He has caused Christians to believe that they will be raptured so that they won’t have to face tribulation, leaving them spiritually unprepared to be ready and willing to forsake their lives for Christ’ sake.
This causes them to be unprepared for the New World Order, where food and water will become scarce, unless you accept their plan for you.
Christians will spend their days trying to survive, instead of being able to provide for their family and friends, and minister and witness to people in their time of need.
Since most Christians will be caught off-guard, they may choose to bow to the beast to save their life, which would mean denying our Lord and they would be condemned.
He has caused Christians to believe that the antichrist beast will prevail during the last years, until our Lord comes to destroy him.
The rod of iron, the Word of God, is the weapon that can expose and destroy the enemy, but most Christians don’t seriously study the Word of God, so they are powerless to fight.
The studies on this website will help you know the truth, so that you can expose the deceptions of the enemy.
He has caused Christians to hate Muslims, and is manipulating them into supporting our military in killing them. The deceiver is leading ‘christian‘ America down the path to
WW III, which will pit Muslim countries against Israel and perhaps the U.S.
Friend, our Lord allowed His disciples to die violent deaths. He allowed many millions of His followers to be killed by the Roman Empire and by the Roman Catholic Church. So if a Muslim kills a Christian, He allowed that to happen. If Muslim countries attack Israel or the U.S., then He would have allowed it. Our Sovereign Lord is in complete control.
Our Lord told us to love our enemies and pray for them, not hate them and not go make war with them.
The deceiver has caused Christians to shun the idea of dying for Him, but our Lord has a very different perspective:
“Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Revelation 2:10
“Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.” Revelation 20:6
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” Revelation 12:11
Friend, are you ready to learn the truth about the fulfillment of the seals, trumpets and bowls in Revelation?
If so, click here to view the first study: Revelation Symbols Defined
Father, I pray that you wake the church up from her slumber, and that you anoint each visitor with eye salve to help them see the truth. I pray this in Yahusha (Jesus) name, for your honor and your glory. Amen!
David Nikao Wilcoxson
![Father Adolfo Nicolas, Jesuit superior general, welcomes Pope Francis as he arrives to celebrate Mass at the Church of the Gesu in Rome Jan. 3. The pope celebrated Mass with 300 of his Jesuit confreres in thanksgiving for the recent canonization of Jesuit St. Peter Faber.](
Thank you for your comment Don! Contact me anytime with questions and/or insight about the studies. The explanations are so very different than that false, futuristic explanations which were created by the enemy. Keep learning and growing in The Way! David
I have come in the Power of the 7Fold Spirit of God. The day of the illuminatis watchman has come. The day God visits them. Now is the time of their confusion! Because they are driven by greed for money and lust for power! They have twisted and corrupted the laws of that they are no longer binding!! Therefore the curse of lawlessness is now consuming the earth and ignorant men must now bear their Guilt. You have been advised in the Power of the 7Fold Spirit of God. For I never received it of man ! Neither was I taught it !! But by the Revelation of Jesus Christ !!! My DOB is 581962 and can be found in Revelations Ch 1 and Geneses Ch 49 in the Order they Appear !!!
So we are going to have the wrath of God poured out on us during the tribulation????
Jaclyn, the wrath of Elohim is poured out on the antichrist Pope and people who revere (mark on forehead) and obey (mark on right hand, actions) the Pope.
Hello David
I was really blown away from all this information and still learning. I have a question to ask , as I been trying to find about Yahuah’s second coming.
thank you
Tiffany Clark
Hello Tiffany 🙂 I’m blessed to know that the information is helping you. What is your question? David
Shalom my brother David. Glad to hear your crying in the wilderness. Have been following you to hear Yahuah,s Truth. We have reasoned on the creator,s calendar and feasts. Love Torah. Recovering chemo. Complete remission. Watchman here. Thank you for sharing Yahuah. Peter , Rebekah, Peter Elijah, Ariella
Shalom Peter, Rebekah, Peter Elijah and Ariella! Praise Yahuah for your recovery and healing. Have you looked into cannabis oil for recovery and complete healing? I’m convinced that the marijuana/hemp plant is one of the Father’s gifts to people for health and healing, and the evil ones have covered over the fact, so that they can make money on sick people. Keep learning and growing in The Way! David