Contact David Nikao Wilcoxson

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174 thoughts on “Contact David Nikao Wilcoxson”

  1. Hi David,

    I have purchased and read your three books and have study partners purchase as well. I have spent the past 14 months reading “Revelation Timeline Decoded” and have purchased additional books and read articles and researched so much of what you have written. All of this has greatly blessed me and opened my eyes to what is really taking place – thank you! After all is said and done I have two primary questions. The first is about the 1000 years mentioned in Revelation 20. I cannot see when this would take place and it’s confusing because it says that at the end of the 1000 years the devil will be released to deceive the nations, Gog and Magog to gather them for battle. Can you please tell me what your interpretations are for this section of Revelation or if I somehow missed it when reading Revelation Timeline? And the 2nd question is on the One World Government – I have always heard of this, but now reading Revelation a hundred times I cannot see where it says that the world would be gathered into One. Can you please show me where you see this in Scripture (if not in Revelation)? Thanks again. We will continue supporting your ministry and praying that this work reaches and touches millions. God bless you!

    • Hi Tonja, I appreciate your zeal in studying the historicist explanations and for sharing them with others. I’m still praying for answers on Revelation 20, so I don’t have much more to offer at this time beyond what I wrote in the book. I don’t think that the 1,000 years is literal as none of the other times in Revelation were literal. I suspect that it will be a much shorter timeframe.

      After the antichrist beast and false prophet are captured, it seems that Gog (Lord Rothschild) and Magog (the Khazar Jews) will be the primary enemy of Messiah and His saints; and they will make a last attempt to wipe the saints out.

      The seventh vial of Revelation seems to point to the world being controlled via three city-state corporations; Vatican City, the City of London and the District of Columbia. The black pope appears to control the leaders of every country, as Syria has now been overthrown, so we’re effectively in the one world government. But I think that a worldwide economic collapse will finalize their control system.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

      • Friend….WHATs the Lord’s WILL for Your Life….

        my Hope for you is to Make It….

        the Majority of Churchanity Doesn’t meet the Conditions/Requirements to Participate in the Pre-Trib Event….

        JOHN 14:15 — If you Love Me; Keep My Commandments [ Keeping the 4th Commandment & His Prophetic Feast Days…ARE NOT Optional ]

        —->>> PrePare the Way of the Lord…..

        the Following Event Will take place in THIS Generation ——

        ALL man made pagan sunday denominations Are authored by the devil —-

        My HOPE for you ALL is to Become Saved….

        there’s thousands of Un-Saved pastors..&…millions of Un-Saved believers….

        JESUS Never started a new denomination called….churchanity…&…there’s No Such Thing as a sunday sermon in the Bible….

        Salvation — is a Conditional & Relational word….

        Salvation…and/or…” Saved “…is NOT a 1 Time Occurrence…it’s a Present Tense Real Time State of Being…NOT…a Once Upon a Time Confession….

        there’s NO SUCH THING as a sinners prayer…or….sunday church in the Bible….

        —-> Be Advised….the Pre-Trib Rapture ISN’T for the Generic LukeWarm man made pagan sunday churches….

        the Rapture is for His True Bride….Only…

        John 3:29 — He who has the bride is the bridegroom

        the BrideGroom Never started a new denomination called….churchanity….

        AnyOne Who Isn’t Doing His Will for their Life….will be Left behind — Matt 7:21

        • Mark, the concept of a pre-trib rapture is based on a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, but that is a deception to fool the end times saints. The 70th week of Daniel 9 prophecy foretold when Messiah would appear to carry out His ministry, and when (in the middle of the 70th week) He would confirm the everlasting covenant (that was mentioned in Daniel 9:4) with His blood as the Passover Lamb, to atone for our sins. It’s not about the end times or the antichrist.

          The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded video series and book prove out the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel after the 69th week, and it disproves the pre-trib rapture theory.

          I pray that you will study to show yourself approved as you’re following a false script that was created by the enemy to deceive the end-times saints.

  2. Hi David,

    Thanks a heap for all your efforts in sharing your biblical knowledge of end times – it’s helped me put a lot of the pieces of the puzzle together. You’ve mentioned many times throughout your videos that you’ve used old bible study references from priests/pastures/saints prior to the 19th century. Do you have list of those references? Can you suggest a whole Bible Study for someone like me that wants to compare his own notes to some of the true scholars of God’s word?

    Currently, I’ve found the following:
    – Charles J. Ellicott (editor): Ellicott’s Commentary on the Whole Bible
    – John Gill: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
    – The 1599 Geneva Bible: Tolle Lege Press, White Hall Press (2010)

    I would much appreciate if you could share your references, comment on the above bible studies & suggest any others of old that haven’t been corrupted since Gog & Magog have controlled the entire media corps over the past century.

    On another note, you mention how many “Catholics are being deceived” however, didn’t every man-made religion stem from Rome? Haven’t they all been infiltrated to subvert the true word of God in one way or another? I was brought up Orthodox & even though for the majority of my life I thought Orthodoxy to be “the true way / the original church of Christ” for many years now I’ve simply been reading the Word myself & trying to understand it as best as I can.

    Hence why I’m asking for you to help me in finding study bibles / commentaries on the whole bible that haven’t been corrupted by Rome. It would be awesome also, if you had time of course, to extend your study beyond revelation & create commentaries of your own on the Word of God from start to finish. Nevertheless, I know this is a massive task – hence why again, finding some solid references help.

    Your commentary & help in the matters above are much appreciated. God bless.


    • Hi Vlad, thank you for your comment. I list the people that I’ve learned from on this page:

      I’ve not read the commentaries from Charles J. Ellicott. I’ll look him up.

      False religions have been around long before the Roman Empire, but the harlot church has been instrumental in helping to create Islam (see this study series ), Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other false ‘Christian’ religions.

      My calling is to explain Bible prophecy, not to given an explanation of the whole Bible. On the page I listed above, you can reference the commentaries from the great theologians like Adam Clarke, Albert Barnes and Matthew Poole.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

      • Morning David,

        Thanks for your reply & the info – would be interested in your comments on Charles Ellicott.

        Agreed false religions have been around many centuries prior to Rome, however I was more referring to the “One Apostolic & Holy Catholic Church” that seemed to be the stem to the many other religious branches of “Christianity” – including Orthodoxy. As stated, you mention many & have done videos on many other man-made religions, but you rarely mention Orthodoxy as a false Church. Do you believe this to be true or is there a reason why you don’t group Orthodoxy in the same basket as Catholicism / Mormonism etc.,? Would love your opinion on the matter, if you have one.

        Cheers & God Bless,


          • Hi David,

            I’m not sure what type of biblical scholar Charles was, I’m simply on the hunt for some bible commentaries that haven’t been corrupted, so that I have some references to compare my notes to – trying to see if I’m on the right track with my studies is all.

            Thanks for the link. Look forward to the video.

            God Bless & thank you for your time.



  3. Hi David, I love the studies you’ve provided and worked so hard to compile. This is new for me, despite being in the church for many years. I totally resonate with the info. Since discovering your website I was also led to, which believes that we are in satan’s little season following the 1000 year reign which has already occurred. It may sound far fetched but I believe we must have an open mind and debate/investigate before coming to conclusions. I also see many overlaps with your breakdown. My question is have you come across this and what are your thoughts? Once again thank you very much for your incredibly comprehensive and deeply researched efforts.

    • Hi Diana, thank you for your comment! Yeah, the enemy has pushed many deceptions regarding prophecy fulfillment.

      Yes, I’ve come across the teaching that we’re in Satan’s Little Season and made this video about the topic:

      Does UConspiracy teach that most of Revelation was fulfilled in the first century? And that Nero was the antichrist?

      Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

      • Thanks David. I have yet to study all the teachings, but I heard on one video that Nero MAY have been the antichrist (not definitive). It is very hard to find truth, as the perspectives are many. Do you believe that those who earnestly seek the Lord and His truth will find it, despite their upbringing/teaching, despite the enormous veil of deception? Most of our history has been suppressed, twisted, lied about and controlled. Being deceived implies that someone else has deceived us… Satan. or are we fully responsible for finding truth? It is truly stacked against us humans…..lies about earth’s origins, cosmology, Revelation, a range of religions, evolution, the rapture etc. I feel very sad about this as the enemy has wielded such power to deceive and I feel that many are earnest and through no fault of their own are deceived. Yes we are responsible to follow God and seek Him, but when we are lied to through such extreme, elaborate, cleverly synchronized and collaborated arguments, it seems almost impossible for many (short of a miracle) to know truth.

        • Diana, most people who teach that we are in Satan’s little season following the 1000 year reign are preterists who believe that most of Revelation was fulfilled in the first century and that Nero was the antichrist.

          I prove that preterism is a false narrative in the Preterism Decoded video series:

          And I prove that historicism gives a valid narrative in the Revelation Timeline Decoded video series and book.

          I show that we’re in the ‘time of testing’ spoken about in Revelation 3, not in Satan’s little season, in this video:

          Indeed, the enemy has created many deceptions to mislead the end-times saints, but the Spirit is moving to help those who earnest seek truth, so keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah.

  4. Hi David,
    In looking into the word LAODICEA I see that it means basically power of the people, remember when trump said during his first term that he’s taking power from them and giving it to you…the people? Well here we are in his second term and he is calling this a golden age, Jesus mentions gold in said letter. Power to the people in other words can be another way to describe anarchy perhaps? And if so has the hour of testing amplified tremendously in these last few years. Just like Paul and apostles turned the world upside down through the gospel so has Futurism and to a lesser extent Preterism

  5. David,
    I have all three of your books on prophecy fulfillment, and I just want to say thanks for freeing me from the futurist deception. I am really wanting to know the truth about the Zionist state of Isreal and how it is NOT the fulfillment of prophecy but a dispensationalist deception. Could you please suggest some references for the truth regarding this subject?

    Roger Williams

    • Hello Roger. I appreciate your zeal in studying the historicist explanations! What a relief to be freed from the false, futuristic explanations!

      This study covers the topic of the Zionist state of Israel:

      It’s odd that most historicists don’t see how the Zionist state of Israel fulfills Bible prophecy.

      I think it’s because many historicists are Seventh Day Adventists who don’t believe that the vial judgments have started yet.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!


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